RTX Des Bijoux | MCPE Texture Packs

RTX Des Bijoux is a 32x Bedrock Edition resource pack with PBR (RTX) support. This pack gives you a fresh look for all Minecraft blocks and a whole new experience of Minecraft with Ray Tracing!

Creator: CubeIR

NOTE: All screenshots were taken in old version where texture pack normal maps weren’t revamped, everything look better now!

Some Screenshot of RTX Des Bijoux

  • Get early and direct access to all future pack updates in: Discord server
  • Any feedback is appreciated! Comment or contact via Discord


  • Add all items/changes made in last 3 Des Bijoux Updates (Including a new panorama by LickePandos)
  • Fixed chests item would appear as Vanilla Minecraft chest in inventory
  • Changes to Water (Not blurry anymore, replaced with 16x vanilla water until I’m able to use original Des Bijoux water, meaning that this will change again in near future)
  • Improvement to several blocks like Slime, Honeyblock, Crafting table and more
  • Fixed normal Glass (appeared black)
  • Removed mipmap (subject to change, removed due to the issue where further textures won’t render properly & become blurred. This will change again if Mipmap gets fixed)
  • No more grass top rotations (Subject to change)
  • Better ice
  • Optimized Files (Reduced size)
  • Added more screenshots and new thumbnail
  • This update is also a parity update between RTX version & non RTX version of Des Bijoux
  • This update includes 1.3.0 – 1.3.1 – 1.3.2 of Des Bijoux texture pack
  • Good news: Next update will be another revamp for Normal maps!


If you want your Minecraft look more beautiful, you can download shaders or texture pack below. Enjoy it:

master maps for minecraft

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