XL Food Mod PE | Minecraft PE Addons

XL Food Mod PE is an add-on that will add more types of crops and 150+ types of food to your Minecraft world.

Creator: Pupy200mine

The original mod work is licensed under a GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3) and say:

The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program – to make sure it remains free soft ware for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its author. You can apply it to your program, too.

XL Food Mod PE

Grass and Vanilla Flowers

The new Grass will drop one seed item per block and has equal chances of dropping any seed from the mod. Also, a config file of the mod has the option to disable the world generation of Grass, Vanilla Flowers, and Rock Salt.

With Vanilla Flowers, you can make Vanilla Extract which can then be turned into Vanilla Cream:

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Rock Salt:

Rock Salt can be found spawning underground

Rice, Pepper, Corn, Cucumber, Lettuce, Onion, Tomato & Strawberry plants:

Rice can be used to make Rice Bread:

XL food mod pe

Pepper can be used to make Hot sauce:

XL food mod pe

Raw Corn can be turned into Corn which is used to make Corn Bread:

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Tomato can be used to make Tomato sauce:

XL food mod pe

Dough, Cooked Dough:

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe

Potato Bread:

XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe

Cheese Puff

XL food mod pe

Cheesy Bread

XL food mod pe

Chips, Salty Chips, Spicy Chips:

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Onion Rings:

XL food mod pe

Fried Egg:

XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe

Crescent Roll:

XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe

Sugar Donut

XL food mod pe

Chocolate Donut:

XL food mod pe

Vanilla Donut

XL food mod pe

Traditional Food:

XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe

Macaroni and Cheese

XL food mod pe
Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)



XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe

Get XL Food Mod PE here:

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XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe

Beef Jerky

XL food mod pe

Ground Beef

XL food mod pe

Raw Chicken Wing

XL food mod pe

Cooked Chicken Wing

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Spicy Chicken Wing

XL food mod pe

Bucket of Fried Chicken

XL food mod pe

Fast Food:

Top Bun, Bottom Bun

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Hamburger, Chickenburger, Cheeseburger

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XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Hot Dog

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XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe

Slice of Pizza:

XL food mod pe


Chicken Sandwich

XL food mod pe

BLT Sandwich

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Breakfast Sandwich

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Grilled Cheese Sandwich

XL food mod pe

Ice Cream Sandwich

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XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe



XL food mod pe

Garden Salad

XL food mod pe

Chicken Salad

XL food mod pe

Caesar Salad

XL food mod pe

Onion Salad

XL food mod pe

Taco Salad

XL food mod pe

Some addons Minecraft PE about Furniture you can check in Mcpeaddons.com

Soups and Stews

Cucumber Soup

XL food mod pe

Tomato Soup

XL food mod pe

Vegetable Soup

XL food mod pe

Chicken soup

XL food mod pe

Beef Stew

XL food mod pe

Pumpkin Stew

XL food mod pe

Ice cream, cookies, etc:

Caramel Apple

XL food mod pe

Marshmallow, Roasted Marshmallow

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Chocolate Syrup

XL food mod pe

Chocolate cookie

XL food mod pe

Vanilla Cookie

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XL food mod pe

Bourbon Biscuit

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XL food mod pe

Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry Ice Cream Ball

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Ice Cream Cone

XL food mod pe

Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry Ice Cream

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe


Paper Cup

XL food mod pe

Vanilla Cupcake

XL food mod pe

Chocolate Cupcake

XL food mod pe

Oreo Cupcake

XL food mod pe

Strawberry Cupcake

XL food mod pe

Pies and cakes

Pie Shell

XL food mod pe

Apple Pie, Golden Apple Pie

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Cheese Pie, Chicken Pot Pie

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Chocolate Pie, Bacon Pie

XL food mod pe
XL food mod pe

Fish Pie

XL food mod pe

Strawberry Pie

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XL food mod pe


Empty Can

XL food mod pe

Speedy Energy Drink

Gives you Speed and Haste III for 25 seconds

XL food mod pe

Healthy Energy Drink

Gives you Regeneration for 30 seconds

XL food mod pe

Stealthy Energy Drink

Gives you Night Vision, Speed, and Invisibility for 2 minutes

XL food mod pe

Strong Energy Drink

Gives you Strength II and Fire Resistance II for 2 minutes

XL food mod pe

Deadly Energy Drink

Gives you Poison for 1 minute

XL food mod pe

Super Energy Drink

Give you Night Vision III, Jump Boost, Water Breathing II, Speed, Invisibility III, Strength III, Regeneration II, and Haste for 3 minutes

XL food mod pe

Glass Mug

XL food mod pe


Give you Nausea II for 5 seconds

XL food mod pe

Coffee Cup

XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


XL food mod pe


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Some addons Minecraft PE about Furniture you can check in Mcpeaddons.com

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