Minecraft Hollow Earth Addon (+20 mobs) | MCPE Addons

Minecraft Hollow Earth Addon adds 20 mobs include: monsters, dinosaurs, exotic animals,… some of them, you can tame and ride.

Creator: Doctor Joker

How does Minecraft Hollow Earth Addon work?

This addon adds new mobs and new items which you will be able to craft and create, all mobs will spawn in natural, which will increase the risk of your death since they will want to kill you.

Performance Glitches?

If the performance in Minecraft is difficult, remove in world options “mob generation” and put this command in that chat bar “/kill @ e” that way it will make the game more fluid.


Spinosaurus circle:

  • Health: 1200
  • Attack: 40

Spinosaurus stronger circle

  • Health: 1800
  • Attack: 80

Spinosaurus nightmare circle

  • Health: 5800
  • Attack: 170

Spinosaurus tamed

  • Health: 7000
  • Attack: 450
  • Tamed with rottenflesh

Minecraft Gun Mod


  • Health: 520
  • Attack: 26
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 6000
    • Attack: 500
  • Spawn: Taiga, jungle, swamp, mesa, desert
  • Attack: all mobs (except baby rex and rex adult)

If you find a baby rex, you can tame it with raw meat, take care of it to be your companion. You also can ride it and its sound are spectacular.

All the Rex will have complete behaviors and animations, for example:

Put a saddle on it when mounting it, it will have more perfect textures and models. You can tell him to follow you with a bone.

Phantom Monsters

  • Health: 340
  • Attack: 12
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 4000
    • Attack: 300
  • Spawn: Taiga, jungle, swamp, mesa, desert
  • Attack: all mob (except mounstros phantom, player)
  • Tameable: can tame a baby with raw meat
  • Put a saddle on it if you want


Have 4 variants:

  • Tamer Rex
  • Tamer Monstrous phantom
  • Tamer Prehistoric Ravager
  • Tamer raptor
  • Summons the pet latter of 50 seconds
  • Tamed with mutton cooked
  • Can breed and get a mini tamer

Raptor Egg, Rex Egg, Spinosaurus Egg

  • Place the egg, then a baby will be born
  • Can tame the egg by using powdergun, then tamed baby will born


  • Health: 550
  • Attack: 40
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 450
    • Attack: 340
  • Tame baby with: bone, rotten flesh, raw meat
  • It will jump and bite target

Grim Vulture

  • Health: 230
  • Attack: 18,5
  • Tamed
    • Health: 2300
    • Attack: 260
  • Tame with rotten flesh
  • Attack mobs: Prehistoric phantom, monstrous phantom, player
  • Act like a phantom but it’s bigger and attack faster


  • Wild
    • Health: 700
    • Attack damage: 60
    • Like swimming, kill things, can’t go to the landscape
  • Tamed
    • Health: 8000
    • Attack damage: 400
    • Using saddle, you can get a living hootweels
    • Tame a baby with rotten flesh

Prehistoric phantom

  • Wild
    • Health: 280
    • Attack: 30
  • Tamed
    • Health: 2200
    • Attack: 480

Monstrous phantom

  • Wild:
    • Health: 380
    • Attack: 16
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 3000
    • Attack: 250

Prehistoric Enderman

  • Wild
    • Health: 680
    • Attack: 65
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 5000
    • Attack: 300
  • Tameable with bone
  • Attack: Rex, raptor monster


  • Same behavior with mounstros phantom
  • Wild:
    • Health: 240
    • Attack damage: 30
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 2000
    • Attack: 200



  • Wild
    • Health: 560
    • Attack: 49
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 5000
    • Attack: 300
  • Tameable with rotten flesh
  • Can use for go in water. Lookup for swing up, look down for swing down


  • Wild
    • Health: 650
    • Damage: 55
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 5500
    • Damage: 350
  • Tameable with rotten flesh
  • Can use for go in water. Lookup for swing up, look down for swing down

Prehistoruc ravager

  • Bring from the hollow earth, giant and strong
  • Always want to attack you
  • Can tame like other mobs
  • Wild:
    • Health: 550
    • Damage: 45
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 5500
    • Damage: 450
  • Spawn: Taiga, jungle, swamp, mesa, desert
  • Attack: All mob (except Ravager prehistoric ravager, pillagers)


  • Fast and Swift
  • Wild:
    • Health: 650
    • Damage: 50
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 6500
    • Damage: 600
  • Spawn: taiga
  • Can tame a baby with raw meat
  • Summon: in a time leave an egg, you can hatch it, and tame a baby
  • Attack: all mobs (except Rex baby and adult)
  • Other variant:
    • Wild:
      • Health: 1300
      • Attack: 100
    • Tamed:
      • Health: 5000
      • Attack: 360

Prehistoric strider

  • Like a normal strider, but if you attack him, he will attack you
  • Die in water and lava
  • Spawn: Taiga
  • Wild:
    • Health: 230
    • Attack: 15 wither effect
  • Tamed
    • Health: 2500
    • Damage: 150, wither effect
  • Tame baby with bone, rotten flesh, raw meat

Prehistoric Creeper

  • Wild
    • Health: 650
    • Damage: 25
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 5000
    • Damage: 400
  • Other variant
    • Health: 2000
    • Damage: 180
  • Spawn: Taiga
  • Tame with: bone, rotten flesh, raw meat
  • Attack: all mobs except creepers

Ravager (vanilla)

  • Added new behaviors
  • Can tame and ride it
  • Wild
    • Health: 200
    • Damage: 12
  • Tamed;
    • Health: 1500
    • Damage: 250
  • Spawn: taiga, jungle, swamp, desert
  • Attack: player, zombie, villager, iron golem, snow golem

Phantom (vanilla)

  • Can tame and ride


  • Add more 10 new mobs
  • Improvement behavior, game stability


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