The Moopkin | v2.0 Update – New Armor + RIDEABLE! |

Imagine! The Moopkin, If you were tired of Minecraft’s current pets? Is it too monotonous? Is it possible to be too relaxed? When you order them to stop following you, they quit? I present to you! A pleasant, naturally spawning cow who will accompany you on your journeys.

Cre: ItsDarkwolf6 (Twitter)

The Moopkin Update v2.0

The Moopkin Update v2.0 Trailer:

Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

The Moopkin

The Moopkin is a cow that spawns everywhere other animals do. They are extremely friendly to players and will remain with you indefinitely if given the opportunity! (I’ll get to that later.)


When you feed them bone meal, they will grow a little bigger and you will be able to ride them!

Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

When milked, they will give you an item called:

  • Pumpkin Milk.

You may tame them by using pumpkin pie or pumpkins on them!

When they’ve been tamed, they’ll follow you around and keep you company while you’re doing activities. They will never ever They ARE, however, leashable!

  • Moopkin Hide
  • Moopkin Meat

Moopkin Meat, Raw and Cooked

It’s a really wonderful food item when it’s prepared. You got a prize for not eating raw meat, you animal. (Well, except for the animal part.) Raw meat should not be consumed. That’s revolting

Some other addons Minecraft PE you can check in MCPE Addons:

Moopkin Hide Armor

You can make Moopkin Hide Armor once you’ve acquired enough Moopkin Hide. It’s not quite as good as regular leather armor, but it looks a lot better.

Developer Notes & Updates

  • Instead of penning code, I’ll go back to bridge. From now on, my Addons will be of greater quality. They’re fantastic. But, oh, did I need to take a step forward.
  • If you’ve been following along, you’ll notice that instead of releasing new Addons, I’ve been upgrading them. I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be releasing a new addition in late December. So keep your eyes peeled!
  • Thank you for taking the time to look over my addition. Have a wonderful day / night / whatever it is you’re doing.


  • Update v2.0 Release.
  • Fixed the link for the release trailer.
  • New Release Trailer
  • Brand new model to lovingly stare at.
  • Retextured every item. Now everything looks less retextured.
  • Added a riding ability along with new armor.
  • new information about the addon.
mcpeaddons download

Download The Moopki (Mcpack) or here (Drive)

Download The Moopki (Zip)

Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

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