Creeper Steve
Creeper Steve Should Work for 1.19.20 update as works for any version I will be updating this addon so expect update soon. I want make more updates in the future but its gone take me well but i will promise to update this more and more stuff to the game as he kills Herobrine, but it will take me time and I will be working on him it will take well for update. I will update the addon for sure.
I will let you know when i can update the addon. this gone be fun. when there are more updates for the Creeper Steve Addon. This Update i want work on so you guys can expect more updates out of me. When i can update it. But in time i will do that but once i add update so you guys can enjoy the update. i try to make as much updates as i can. Once i do that it will work. and you will enjoy this addon i promise once you check this addon out you can tell your friends about it. That should be fun because then you will be able to hang out with them When use my Creeper Steve Addon.
Some Minecraft Addons PE you can check in
This will be fun addon. then you dont have to worry anymore. Because your friends can also be there to fighting Creeper Steve. This will be fun i promise. ill do my best. Then you dont have to worry anymore but the updates because. I want you to be able to play on your world. if not I will see what i can do I promise to fix this when I can once I do that. This will be fun. I did enjoy my addon to. It brings so much memories. once you use my addon. Everything will be ok. I hope i can update this addon because ik it will take long time but hey i will try my best then you will be able to see this addon everywhere. Everything will be fine. once i add more to this addon. but not sure. What i can do. but soon i will be able to do anything and work on him give more powers. Witch will be cool and then he will never lose and he will beat all them. But right now I cant do that when I have things to do but ill try my best ik i said this already but I will keep founding way to do that.
And Also Adds Zombie Pigman From 0.8.1 MCPE And there is Undead Zombie Pigman.
Undead Skeleton witch is bit stronger.
Also Creeper Steve Witch is Stonger then Herobrine.
i hope everyone enjoys my addon.
Just quick question ummm can put this on my account seens made this addon.