Copper & Magic V1 Addon

Copper & Magic V1 is an addon that makes copper useful in Minecraft, allowing you to manufacture copper mobs, new objects, and new crafts. This first version is just a taste of what the addon will provide in future versions.

Cre: Kalev Player 99 (Youtube)

Copper & Magic V1

This first version of the copper and magic addon introduces two new copper creatures, five new crafting techniques, and five new goods to the game.

You can make a new copper golem and copper wolf that will protect you until death by granting copper uses.

Copper & Magic V1

New items added:

  • Copper plate
  • Copper cables
  • Life Gem
  • Copper Soldier
  • Copper Wolf

New mobs:

-Copper Soldier

  • Tameable: You need copper ingot
  • Health: 150
  • Attack: 20
  • Targets: Hostile mobs, targets the player attacks, and mobs the player attacks.
  • Sittable: Yes

-Copper Wolf

  • Tameable: You need copper ingot
  • Health: 100
  • Attack: 15
  • Targets: Hostile mobs, targets the player attacks, and mobs the player attacks.
  • Sittable: Yes
Copper & Magic V1
Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)


Copper plate

Copper & Magic V1

Copper cables

Copper & Magic V1

Life Gem

Copper & Magic V1

Copper Soldier

Copper & Magic V1

Copper Wolf

Copper & Magic V1

Some orthes addons Minecraft PE are similar copper you can check in 


The description of the addons was updated and an explanation of how to install the addon was added.

Copper & Magic V1

Download Copper & Magic V1 (RP)

Download Copper & Magic V1 (BP)

Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

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