Better Foliage Addon/Texture Pack for Minecraft PE

Inspired by different Minecraft Java Foliage mods, the Better Foliage addon/texture pack will make the in-game foliage denser and less repetitive by changing textures, models, adding variants to all the in-game foliage.

Creator: Fused Bolt

You can use this as a texture pack alone or use it with the Behavior Pack for a bunch of more features such as Natural falling leaves, new plants, and other things.

Texture Pack


You can select between Round Leaves or Bushy Leaves from the GEAR icon.

Round Leaves

Bushy Leaves

They have some visuals bugs like they don’t have biome colors

Bushier Leaves (Not a part of this pack)

These leaves don’t pack of this part of this pack, because they have a lot of visual bugs, and adding a lot of sub packs with different blocks.json’s break the pack, so only 2 best-for-use models were added.


In flower pots: 

A new design for the saplings makes them resemble scaled-down copies of the mature trees.


  • Each flower has 4-6 variants and with the new model
  • There will be 2-4 singular flowers on each block or denser big flower on single block
  • The model of flowers has a bug that it turns invisible in flower pot, so you can turn off the model from GEAR icon


They have a new 3d model and are more detailed. 

Grasses and Ferns

They have up to 9 variants

Lilu pads:

They will have a flower on top with 6 different variations and the lilypads have 8 different variations and they can also be without flowers.

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Sugar Canes

  • Have 3D model


The top part of the kelp will have flowers and may also be without flowers. 


The top part of the seagrass now resembles cattails which have different variants and they will also pop out of water if on a block close to the surface. 

Cacti and deadbush

Cacti have variations with flowers and dead bush has a mini cacti variant.


Vines have different variants.


  • Have 3 variants each

Nether Foliage:

Nether sprouts have a denser model and the other nether plants have different variants.

Behavior Pack:

Falling Leaves:

  • Leaf particles will fall from any type of leaves within 10 block radius.
  • They also interact with blocks i.e they will stay on the block they have fallen on for a while before disappearing and there will be extra particles when used with shader.


There is also an extremely rare chance that a Green Apple will turn into a Golden Apple 

  • Can be found under oak trees in forest
  • Have 5 stages of growth (you can use bone meal to speed up)
  • Stem
  • Flower stem
  • Small greaa apple
  • big tree apple
  • red/golden apple
  • It’s also extremely rare chance from Green Apple to Golden Apple
  • Each grow apple when broken or sheared will be replace by a stem which will eventually grow into a new apple
  • Red apples drop apples
  • Golden apples drop golden apples
  • Big green apples drops a new item (Green Apple) which restore hunger bar

Other stages don’t drop anything and only grown apples are replaces by a stem. Furthermore, you can use shears to get the Placeable apples which can only be plced under oak leaves


  • Can be found alongside river and in swamps
  • can use shears to get Placeable Cattails


  • Can be found in forests
  • Use shears to get the Placeable Shrub

Nether roots:

  • Can be found in the Nether
  • Spawn under Netherrack, nether caves and fortresses
  • Get placeable nether roots bt using shears
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Download Better Foliage addon/Texture:

Important Info

Huge Credits to Baalveer for helping me out with the behavior pack. Check out his content!: 

•Enable Experimental Features for the complete functioning of the Addon!

•You can get all the addon blocks by using this command: /function better_foliage and you can get the Placeable blocks in survival by using shears(mobile users tap once, console/pc users use the shears normally)

•All of the textures, all of the variations and all the models are done by ME. None of the textures or coding is taken from anyone else. The behavior of some blocks was inspired from “Bum Crops!” -addon so credits to its respective creators!

•This pack can be used as a texture pack alone or use with behavior pack for new features and plants. If you only want the Addon Features then use the behavior with the resource pack only.

•You can choose either Round Leaves, Bushy leaves or the Vanilla leaves from the GEAR icon after applying. 

•The screenshots were taken with Windows 10 Ray Tracing.

Terms of use!:

•If you want to use it in a video, then share the MCPEDL PAGE LINK, NOT the direct link or any custom link.

• You are not allowed to use any of the textures or to modify this pack, except for personal use.

If you dont follow, I WILL find you and sue you.

Please report any bugs,give suggestions or contact me on my Youtube or Discord: Fused Bolt#9525.


Update 2.5:

  • Added bushy saplings.
  • Added bushy potted saplings.
  • Added 3d mushrooms.
  • Added 3d potted mushrooms.
  • Added round mangrove leaves.
  • Added bushy mangrove leaves.

More Texture packs on to make your Minecraft World look better:

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