With Back to Basics V2 addon, more manual materials will be available for crafting instead of everything being placed automatically. It is also designed with skyblock in mind. Without its own option, making a string out of soil is a little too strong when there is a lot of dirt available. Everywhere are blocks! There are none! Advanced Machinery!
Cre: Fallen Toast (Twitter)
Back to Basics V2
Back to Basics V1.1 Update: Significant Bug Fixes! Despite the fact that the Download link was altered some time ago.
V1.5 Update for compatibility with 1.17!
V2 Update for compatibility with 1.19.
Starting off, Sieves!
Start with an Empty Sieve Frame

Pick a Mesh

Put it in

Sieve Sand, Dirt, or Gravel!
Each Mesh Level and Material Sieved have different output

and Biome Specific stuff, like seeds and others.
Ignore any errors as it is intended, and will only popup if you don’t have the extra add-ons.
Some addons Minecraft PE you can check in Mcpeaddons.com:
New in V1.5
Flint and higher in the sieve will release Copper Chunks.

When Sieving Sand Iron & above it’ll drop Geodes!
When Sieving Sand Iron & above it’ll drop Geodes!

Nether Specific Sieve
Make a Crimson Sieve

Only accepts gold and above
Only Crushed Netherrack is Accepted

You can get the following depending on the tier of sieve

Sieve Recipes inside the Crafting Book

Make Water, requires 4 leaves

Also makes Dirt, requires 4 Saplings
Lava Barrel (Fixed V1.1)

Makes Lava out of 2 cobblestone

You need Both
All initial dye recipes from flowers have been changed!

Also Supports Bumble_Flowers!

Put them in the mortar and crush em up

Gives you hunger for 2 seconds because manual labor is hard


Bread and Cookies Changed too!

Make Flour and Cocoa Powder

Put the Dough in the Furnace for Bread

Make Cookie Dough and put it in the Furnace
Manual Crusher (Fixed V1.1)

Pull it Back, Put Cobblestone, Gravel, or Netherrack to crush a block manually (Takes slightly less amount of Hunger as a Mortar and Pestle)

Drying Rack (Fixed V1.1)
This block from Natural Structures works the same, (without the leaf recipe though)

Accepts either Rotten Flesh into Leather or Kelp into Dried
If you have Natural Structures, put it on top for Leaf functions!



Optional Skyblock Recipes (Automatically off)
- Adds makeshift Sieve so you can get string early off using dirt (Very Overpowered in a normal world
Optional Toast’s Engineering (Automatically off) V1.5
- Adds the ability to get Tin and Silver Chunks through the Sieve, Iron & Better only

Tin and Silver Recipes!

V2 Change
Crushed Deepslate is a new sievable block!

Updated Loot Pools

Smaller things
- Drying Rack textures is now consistent
- You can see sieves!
Mesh Recipes



Gold (String Mesh, For Crimson Sieve Only!)

Diamond (Iron Sieve)

Netherite Sieve (Doesn’t matter where the scraps go)

Addons Supported
- Bumbles_Flowers
- Bumbles_Crops
- More Foods
- Advanced Machinery V3
- Natural Structures
- Any addons that has “Grape”, “Rhubarb”, or “Strawberries” for the mortar
- Toast’s Engineering
Please inform me if you’ve made any videos would love to watch em 🙂
Thanks for all the feedback, helps me fix bugs!

Turn these 2 On! (1.16)

Turn these 3 on! (1.17)
- Added sievable deepslate and nylium
- Fixed many textures broken by some 1.18 update
- Update sieve loot tables to support 1.19

Download Back to Basics V2 (Linkvertise) (BP) or (Link Backup)
Download Back to Basics V2 (Linkvertise) (RP) or (Link Backup)
Old Version: