Terracotta Expansion | Minecraft PE Addons

Introducing a wonderful addon that will bring an awesome addon to Minecraft, Terracotta Expansion. An expansion type of add-on that focuses on biomes, mobs, and environment addition. While trying to maintain the balance between every aspect of the game. Gather up your resource and travel to new biomes, feed new animals, and play with them.

Creator: ilosemypotato (Twitter)

Terracotta Expansion Biomes

Maple Forest:

Lucky Block for Minecraft PE

From falling leaves to maple trees, this is new maple forest. A place where you can get fresh maple sap, you can turn them into a maple syrup too!


  • Spawn: Maple forest biomes, taiga biomes
  • Run away if player or hyena nearby.
  • Breed: apple, sweet berried.
  • Have a chance to turn into a zombie deer, there’s no way to cure them
  • Drop: leather (0-2) and beef (1-3)

Zombie Deer

  • Spawn: maple forest, taiga biomes
  • Neutral mobs will attack you if you attack them first
  • There’s no way to cure them for now.

Maple Sap and Maple Syrup

Lucky Block for Minecraft PE

First of all, you’ll need maple sap. Maple sap came from maple logs, you need to cut them with an axe first. It has a chance to turn into a stripped maple log and if you lucky, it will turn into a stripped maple log with sap. Right click the striped maple log with sap with a glass bottle to get the maple sap. Put maple sap with some fuel in the furnace, wait for a while and it will turn into a maple syrup.

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Maple Pancake

This recipe for maple pancake, they are not place-able yet. It can restore up to 5 hunger points, pretty neat right.

Cherry Blossom

A gorgeous biome that you can explore. You also can encounter some Shifu, mean Red panda in cherry blossom biome!

Red Panda

Red panda will spawn on cherry blossom biome. You can feed/tame them with cherry blossom leaves, cherry, and hanging cherry blossom leaves.

Improved Swamp

A Swamp-ier swamp, add some cool things that you can see on swamp biome


  • Spawn: Swamp biome
  • Eat: insect, bugs
  • Passive mob, don’t attack you at all
  • Breed it by using termites (item)
  • Attack: attack spider, silverfish, termites, cave spider, and bee
  • Drop: Frog’s leg (0-2)
  • Frog’s leg can cook
  • Eating raw frog’s leg will have a chance to give you hunger and poison.


  • Spawn: swamp biome
  • Hostile mob
  • Crocodile likes to swim around
  • Attack: player, cow, sheep, chicken, pig, and frog (baby crocodile)
  • Drop: crocodile scales.
  • Breeding: frog’s lef

Crocodile Scales Leggings

Instead of giving you water breathing, it will make you more slowness and strength. The durability is above leather leggings and below chainmail leggings.


  • Cattail acts like crop, can be harvest.
  • Cattail will drop cattail seeds.
    • Craft into string in the crafting table
    • Plant them on the grass, dirt, or farmland

Wolffia (a type of duckweed)

  • You can obtain them by breaking it with shears
  • Eating wolffia will give you a poison or hunger

Improved Mesa


  • Neutral mob
  • Attack: deer, zombie deer, and sheep.
  • Spawn: mesa, savanna( at small chance)
  • Hyena also have a trust system like fox.
  • Breed: beef, mutton, rotten flesh


  • Neutral mob
  • Attack: undead mobs, phantom
  • Spawn: mesa, desert biome
  • Drop: Bones (0-2), rotten flesh (0-2), and feather (0-3)

Elephant and termite, also termite mount. These are things that you will see on savanna


  • Neutral mobs
  • Love to eat vegetables, fruits, and termite nest.
  • Run away from bees
  • You can saddle them and give it a chest to store your stuff
  • Drop: leather (0-6)
  • Feed them with fruits and vegetables


  • Passive mobs, don’t attack you
  • Runaway from villager, illager, iron golem, and player
  • Eat some type of woods, drop sawdust after eating
  • Drop: termite item (0-1)
  • Eating raw termite will make you hunger at a small chance.
  • Feed: sawdust


  • Spawn: y62->y10
  • Feed: leaves, termite
  • Run away from the red panda.
  • They can eat (break) your crops
  • Drop: rabbit meat (0-1), rabbit hide at the small chance (0-1)


  • Added Cherry Blossom Forest
  • Added Red Panda
  • Added Agouti
  • Added Cherry blossom planks, slab, log, wood, stripped variant, petals pile, and hanging cherry blossom leaves.
  • Fixed Maple log will not chance to default rotation when being strip by axe, meaning that stripped maple log will stay at the same rotation
  • Adjust spawn rules for terracotta expansion mobs to appear commonly and balances
  • Fixed maple forest watercolor and added fog for maple forest
Terracotta expansion


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If you like Terracotta Expansion, you may like other addons, refer more below and enjoy a better Minecraft world:

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