Swords and More Swords

A total of 37 magic swords with unique abilities are added by Swords and More Swords, including the wither sword, which withers anything in its path, the sponge sword, which absorbs nearby water, the ice sword, which freezes adversaries, and many more.

Cre: Effect99MC (Youtube, Twitter)

Swords and More Swords

• To ensure that the Add-On works properly, turn on the options “Holiday Creator Features” and “Creation of Custom Biomes.”
• Restart Minecraft and reactivate the packs if the add-on isn’t functioning properly.

Blaze Sword

A pack of 36 swords with special powers.
-Durability: 2300
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)

-Special skills:

By right-clicking or pressing the screen, your body will levitate for a few seconds and then launch several small fireballs in the direction you are looking.
The fire won’t hurt you.
Sometimes you will throw fireballs when hitting entities.
Small fireballs will not be able to approach you within a radius of 7.

Blaze rods will surround you around your body.
Your body will turn somewhat orange.
-How to create or get it:
A snow golem must kill a blaze this will release it with 0.5%

Coal Sword

-Durability: 121
-Damage: 4
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (With coal, sticks and the same sword.)
-Special skills: None (It only serves as fuel for the furnace.)
-How to create or get it:
  Two blocks of coal and a stick.

Some Minecraft addons PE about sword you can check in Mcpeaddons.com:

Shulker sword

-Durability: 2609
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:
Throw shulker projectiles with a 10% chance when attacking entities.
Right-clicking or pressing the screen will levitate entities within a radius of 6. (Sword durability: -8)
You will be immune to the effect of levitation.
When you duck you will get a shulker shell, which will protect you from enemy attacks but if they destroy the shell with you inside you will die too.
-How to create or get it:
When killing shulkers with a 4.5% chance

Spider Sword

-Durability: 628
-Damage: 5
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (With cobwebs, spider eyes and the same sword.)
-Special skills: 
  The spider mount will be able to climb walls.
  You will throw cobwebs when attacking entities with a 5% chance.
  Holding the sword in your hand you will get a spider mount.
  Right-clicking or pressing the screen will fire cobweb projectiles for a few seconds. (Sword durability: -8)
-How to create or get it:
  In the chests of the abandoned mineshaft

Jungle Sword

-Durability: 128
-Damage: 4
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills: 
  Your health will be reduced to 4 hearts, but an absorption potion effect will be added.
  Vines will be placed in nearby blocks. (Blocks: logs, grass, dirt, sand, cobblestone, stone, obsidian, endstone, gravel, ice, planks, leaves, netherrack, and nether bricks.)
-How to create or get it:
  Fishing in the jungle biome or jungle temple.

Cactus Sword

-Durability: 125
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills: 
  You will receive damage when having the sword in hand, but you will also damage very close entities.
-How to create or get it:
  A stick and two cacti

Slime Sword

-Durability: 675
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (With slime and with the same sword.)
-Special skills:

You can receive a baby slime mount if you hold the sword in your hand. The slime will defend you from all nearby creatures if you get off the mount. (The slime is immortal, deals one point of harm, and teleports back to its owner if it wanders too far.) An entity will sustain damage if you jump while riding a slime mount and land on it. (Using the slime mount to jump can be challenging.)
-How to get it or make it:
killing the slime king, which has a 4% chance of appearing at night in the swamp biome.

Emerald Sword

-Durability: 2300
-Damage: 7
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)

-Special skills: 

For being inside a village, you’ll receive a village hero potion effect, which provides residents with a 64-radius resistance effect.

How to get it or make it: Stronghold, Woodland Mansion, and Pillager Outpost chests contain this item.

Spectral Sword

-Durability: 3256
-Damage: 9
-Explodable: false
-Should Despawn Item: false
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: true (By ender crystal, nether star and by the same sword.)
-Special skills:
It will make the main block of each dimension transparent only in that dimension. (Overworld: stone, Nether: netherrack, End: endstone.)
Fire an explosive projectile. (Sword durability: -15)

Lapis Sword

-Durability: 528
-Damage: 5
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (With lapis lazuli and the same sword.)

-Special skills: 

Between 2.5 and 6 seconds at random, you will receive 5 experience points.
-How to get it or make it:

Stronghold and Pillager Outpost chests found.

Sea Sword

-Durability: 1356
-Damage: 7
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By heart of the sea and the same sword.)
-Special skills:

You can swim as fast as dolphins.
 You will become a mermaid.
  You can breathe underwater but you cannot breathe air.
  You will jump like a fish when you are out of the water.
-How to create or get it:
  In treasure chests.

Grass Sword

-Durability: 250
-Damage: 8
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)

-Special skills: 

A peculiar grass entity will attack every adjacent creature within an 8-foot radius, burying it partially or fully, depending on its size. Grass will grow out of the dirt blocks.

How to get it or make it: You will need to kill a grass witch, which is likely to drop the sword with a 20% chance and only appear at night. This witch will be endowed with the same powers that the grass sword does for you.

Ice Sword

-Durability: 500
-Damage: 8.5
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (For ice and the same sword.)

-Special skills: 

After around 8 seconds, the ice that is created when using this sword will vanish. The water will all freeze to ice beneath your feet. You will occasionally lob snowballs at the targets of your attacks. Entities within an 8-foot radius will have their surfaces covered in blocks of ice if you right-click or push the screen. (Sword toughness: -6)

If the player is on fire the sword will turn into water.
-How to create or get it:
In the chests of: Igloos and Villages in the snow.

Obsidian Sword

-Durability: 3000
-Damage: 8
-Explodable: false
-Enchantable: true 
-Repairable: true (By obsidian and the same sword.)
-Special skills: 
  You will be immune to explosions and you will have knockback resistance.

Attacking could result in the sword’s durability points losing one point with a likelihood of 55%, two points with a probability of 30%, and three points with a probability of 15%.

How to get it or make it: The fire sword must be thrown into the water.

Glowstone Sword

-Durability: 128
-Damage: 4
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By glowstone, glowstone dust and the same sword.)
-Special skills: 
  This sword emits a lot of light and can be placed in the left hand.
-How to create or get it:
  Two glowstone blocks and a blaze rod

Time Sword

-Durability: 13770
-Damage: 13
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: false
-Special skills:

Time will pass more quickly, you and all other things will be able to move much more quickly, and plants will grow much more quickly.


When under attack, the sword’s durability points have a 90 percent chance of losing 1 point, 6 percent chance of losing 16, 3 percent chance of losing 32 points, and 1 percent chance of losing 64 points.
This sword emits light.

-How to create or get it:

The source building in the desert must be thrown clock swords into the water in order to receive the sword with a probability of 2.5 percent. This source will act as a source of wishes.

Creeper Sword

-Durability: 1500
-Damage: 6
-Explodable: false
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (For gunpowder and the same sword.)

-Special skills:

When attacking, it will fire tiny Creepers that have a 20% chance of detonating in a moment or two with a little explosion. The player will expand like a Creeper if they right-click or press the screen, after which they will explode and die. (Sword toughness is -1)

-How to create or get it:

A Creeper carrying a lighter must be destroyed in order for it to drop the sword with a 5% chance.

Fire Sword

-Durability: 2000
-Damage: 6 (It will burn the enemies you attack.)
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By fire blocks(rare) and the same sword)

-Special skills:

You’ll be protected from flames. With a 15% chance, you will attack with living flames that will assault the creatures and kill them within a short period of time. The “rain of fire” ability can be activated by right-clicking or pushing the screen. This will cause a flurry of fireballs to fall from the sky and set everything on fire. (Sword toughness: -20) You will cause nearby entities to burn. Snow and ice will melt.


If you get in the water, it vanishes. The sword gives forth light. The burning sword becomes an obsidian sword when thrown into the water. The flaming sword will change into a crystal sword after a brief period of time if it is thrown into the rain.

-How to create or get it:

You must extinguish living flames, which are found in the Nether and some of them will attack you. In order to properly extinguish this entity without the fire sword vanishing into the fire, you must lay blocks such as slabs, pressure plates, or other types of blocks. To stop the thing from starting a fire, I don’t finish this. The creature has a 4.9 percent probability of dropping the sword. The duration of this entity’s disappearance will fluctuate between 25 and 60 seconds.

Magma Sword

-Durability: 1316
-Damage: 7.2
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By magma blocks and the same sword.)

-Special skills: 

You won’t be harmed by magma blocks. You can only be injured by fire if you are standing on it. Your feet’s lava will solidify into magma blocks.

How to get it or make it: in vast undersea ruins’ treasures.

Wither Sword

-Durability: 3856
-Damage: 10
-Explodable: false
-Should Despawn Item: false
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)

-Special skills: 

It will occasionally attack and drop wither skulls with a 10% probability. It won’t experience the withering impact. Tree leaves will turn brown, flowers will wilt into withered roses, and grass will decompose into soil. The screen will launch a hazardous wither skull when you right click or press it. (Sword toughness: -3)
The description of this sword is that it shines. The life bar on your screen that says “Wither Sword” will appear when you have the sword, but this is all for show. Although you will experience the effects of wither, you won’t be harmed.
It can be created or obtained by killing a wither with a “Nether star sword,” which has a 13% chance of dropping it.

TNT Sword

-Durability: 64
-Damage: 4
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By tnt and the same sword.)
-Special skills: 

You will launch tiny explosions when you attack. A extremely potent tnt will appear when you right-click or press the screen and it will go off in 8 seconds. (Sword toughness: -18)

  When thrown into the fire it will explode violently.
-How to create or get it:
  In the chests of the desert temple.

Lightning sword

-Durability: 2012
-Damage: 8
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:

The thing will throw thunder when it attacks. You can cast 41 rays around you by pressing the screen or right-clicking. (Sword toughness: -9)

You will be immune to lightning damage but not fire.
This sword emits light.
-How to create or get it:

It’s your job to kill a creature known as Centella, also known as “spherical lightning” or “ball lightning” in English. It will only show up occasionally when lightning strikes during a storm and has a 20 percent chance of doing so. It has 200 life points, or 100 hearts, so killing it won’t be simple, but you have to do it quickly because it only survives for a brief period of time between lightning strikes. (This thing is a reference to an odd atmospheric phenomenon that occurs in real life.)

Ender Sword

-Durability: 1256
-Damage: 9
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By ender pearl, ender eye or the same sword.)
-Special skills:

When a projectile is fired at you, you won’t be hurt and will teleport at random anywhere in a 16-foot radius. You have a 50% chance of randomly teleporting within a 16-foot radius when they attack you. You will sustain damage from the water, and you’ll teleport at random. You can teleport at random within a range of 16 to 32 blocks by right-clicking or pushing the screen. (Sword toughness: -5)

“minecraft:cooldown”: { “category”: “ender_sword”, “duration”: 2 = seconds }
-How to create or get it:
By killing the red-eyed enderman with a 2.5% chance, this enderman only appears in the overworld (normal world) with a low probability.

Sponge Sword

-Durability: 128
-Damage: 5
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (By sponge and the same sword.)
-Special skills: 
  It will absorb water in a radius of 2 blocks, after several seconds absorbing water the sword will transform into a “wet sponge sword”.
-How to create or get it:
  On killing the elder guardian with a 6.5% chance.
  When putting the wet sponge sword in the oven.

Skeleton bone Sword

-Durability: 820
-Damage: 5
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Everything that is made of: bone.)
-Special skills: 

You will hurl arrows with a 20% chance when you assault. Within a 2 block radius, crops will grow significantly more quickly. A 8 radius will cause enemy arrows to slow down.

How to get it or make it: killing skeletons with a 0.7 percent chance at night in the desert biome.

Quartz Diamond Sword

-Durability: 1
-Damage: 600
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: false
-Special skills: None

You will suffer significant harm over a short period of time both when you have the blade in your hands and when you release it. When you attack an enemy with the sword, you will die as well because of how much damage it does. Everything has a cost, so how do you make it or get it? Using two blocks made of quartz diamond and a stick made of the same material. (You should search for little quantities of quartz diamond ores below the height of 15; they are hard to come by.))

Clock Sword

-Durability: 4800
-Damage: 7
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (= Creation materials.)
-Special skills: 
  Right-clicking or pressing the screen will advance one hour (1000 ticks) into the game. (The game will go 10 times faster for 5 seconds)
-How to create or get it:

     “G”: “item”: “minecraft:gold_block”
     “C”: “item”: “minecraft:clock”   
     “I”: “item”: “minecraft:gold_ingot”
     “#”:  “item”: “nothing”

Bedrock Sword

-Durability: (Infinite)
-Damage: 18
-Explodable: false
-Should Despawn Item: false
-Enchantable: false
-Special skills: none
-Description: It works as an extremely powerful pickaxe.

-How to create or get it:

Two blocks made of bedrock and a stick made of the same material are used to construct it. (Bedrock can only be acquired using the Ultra Instinct sword projectile or by hurling the Nether Star Sword into flames, which will set off a thunderous explosion that breaks the bedrock.)

Wither Skeleton Sword

-Durability: 128
-Damage: 4
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Coal, sticks and the same sword)
-Special skills: 
  Will give wither effect to the entities you attack
-How to create or get it:
  When killing wither skeletons with a 2.5% chance

Glass Sword

-Durability: 1
-Damage: 33
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: false 
-Special skills: none
-How to create or get it:
  You must throw the fire sword into the rain and wait a few seconds.

Silver Sword

-Durability: 1800
-Damage: 6
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:
Causes more damage than normal to “alpha wolves”
-How to create or get it:
You must find the silver ore in the depths of the overworld (normal world) below height 15 and place it in the oven to obtain the silver ingot and be able to create the sword.

• Wolf Sword
-Durability: 2800
-Damage: 5 (+15 points during the night of the full moon. (They will not be visible in the sword damage))
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: true (Only with the same sword.)
-Special skills:

-On nights with full moons, the player does a total of 20 damage (15 points of damage per attack plus 5 points from the sword attack). The player will move more quickly. You won’t be attacked by the monsters because you’ll be one of them.

-On the full moon’s nocturnal night: Your eyes will appear slightly red. You’ll experience adverse potion effects if you put down the blade before the full moon night is over. (They’ll vanish at daybreak.) You will experience vertigo if you are holding the sword at dusk on the night before the full moon.
-How to get it or make it: With the silver sword, you must kill an alpha wolf during the full moon, and there is a 10% chance that it will drop the sword. (Alpha wolves can be seen in the taiga biome on the night of a full moon; they can be identified by a faraway howl.)

Nether Star Sword

-Durability: 3256
-Damage: 7
-Explodable: false
-Should Despawn Item: false
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (With a nether star and the same sword.)
-Special skills:
The stars of the nether will fall from the sky when you are attacking an entity, these stars will deal 6 damage per hit.
When using it to kill the Wither you may get the Wither sword.
When thrown into the fire it explodes violently, this explosion is capable of breaking bedrock.
This sword is slightly unstable and can explode with a 0.01% chance when attacking entities.
-How to create or get it:
Crafting her with a diamond sword and a nether star.

Ghost Sword

-Durability: 3333
-Damage: -666 (Being a negative number you cannot harm any entity)
-Explodable: false
-Should Despawn Item: false
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: false
-Special skills:

The player’s legs will vanish and they will become a ghost if they are holding the sword. Nothing, including fire, lava, explosives, and other hazards, can damage the player. The player can teleport in whatever direction they are looking by right-clicking or pressing the screen. (Sword toughness: -6) The player can teleport to whatever cave they are looking at by getting very close to the walls, which also gives them the ability to see surrounding caves. The player may levitate—basically, fly—by squatting. You can move more quickly than usual. Because you are now one of the monsters, they won’t attack you.

The player’s vision will appear to be relatively white. No entity can be attacked by the player.

How to get it: At night, ghosts will appear; these beings are not dangerous; they won’t try to attack you, and you won’t be able to attack them either. However, if you touch one of these ghosts in an attempt to harm them, the sword will drop with a probability of 0.3 percent, making it possible that it will take you some time to acquire it.

Additionally, there is a 1% chance that the entity will teleport at random in order to get away from you. This thing is also light-sensitive, so if it approaches the light too closely, it will vanish. Only stones or blocks of grass exhibit this entity.

Ultra Instinct Sword

-Durability: 9999
-Damage: 16
-Explodable: false
-Should Despawn Item: false
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: false
-Special skills:

You are impervious to melee attacks, projectiles, fire, and explosions. (Melee attacks and projectiles are automatically avoided by you.) The bedrock won’t be a problem because right-clicking or pushing the screen will launch a potent projectile that can demolish everything in its path. (This power refuels once every 61 seconds) (Sword toughness: -48) (There may be significant latency for a few seconds due to the Ultra Instinct projectile.)

-How to get it or make it: This source will act as a source of wishes and will grant you the sword with a 0.8 percent likelihood when throwing quartz diamonds or a 2.5 percent chance when tossing quartz diamond blocks (new material) into the water of the source structure that is in the desert. (Quartz diamond ores are rare and spawn in modest amounts below the height of 15)

Wet Sponge Sword

-Durability: 64
-Damage: 3
-Enchantable: false
-Repairable: true (Sponges and more sponges.)
-Special skills: none
-How to create or get it:
  When wetting the sponge sword.

Bee Stinger (Bee Sword)

-Durability: 1080
-Damage: 5
-Enchantable: true
-Repairable: true (bee sword, honeycomb, honey block)
-Special skills:
When attacking the enemies you will release from time to time small aggressive bees that will defend you.
Flowers will appear from time to time, when you walk through grass.
-How to create or get it:
When a bee stings you, it will drop its stinger with a 2% percent chance.

• New materials, ores and more:
  -Quartz diamond ore { Spawns below height 16 (Rare) (will deal damage when sting if you’re too close) }
  -Quartz diamond
  -Quartz stick { Durability: 20, Damage: 24, (Causes you damage when you attack entities) (It is crafted like a common stick) }
  -Silver ore { Spawns below height 35 (common) (Place in the oven to get silver ingot) }
  -Silver ingot
  -Bedrock stick { Durability: Unbreakable, Damage: 6 (It is crafted like a common stick) }

Use the command “/function give” to get all the swords.
Swords can be found in the Creative Inventory under the Swords tab.

• This Add-On uses the file “Player.json”, if another Add-On that uses this same file is installed, the abilities of all swords will not work.

• More swords and special skill upgrades coming soon.

• Add-On 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 Update video

A handbook with all of the descriptions of the swords, artifacts, and other things is now available. 

(You must tap the button with the yellow sword icon in the inventory or on the crafting table to access the guide menu.)

# Report a mistake to @Effectoo on Twitter. 

Please send me any recommendations for additions to the addon via my Twitter.

– Added a guide with all the descriptions of the swords, items and others. (To enter the guide menu you must touch the button with the yellow sword icon in the inventory or on the crafting table.)
– Many changes since the last time the Addon was updated.
– New Sword (Bee Sword)
– Fixed various bugs with some swords.
– Bug fixes
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