Have you been trying to figure out how to become a mob like a zombie or a creeper? With this add-on, you can now become a mob. The morphing bracelet added by this addon allows you to transform into mobs like cows or pigs.
Cre: CookieDookie (Youtube, Twitter)
How To Morph
You require a tool known as the Morphing Bracelet in order to morph into any other mob. Four soul soils and one soul must be placed in a glass in the manner shown in the image below in order to create this item.

You must have the bracelet in your inventory, kill a mob, use your morphing bracelet, and choose the mob you just killed to morph into in order to be able to morph into the mob you desire.
Some Minecraft Addons PE you can check in Mcpeaddons.com:
- Dracomalum (Formerly known as Dm2Refurbished)
- FlowMo | Cinematic Camera
- Beautiful Foxes Addon | Update v6 (1.19 Support!)
Souls in a Glass
You must smelt soul sand in a furnace in order to earn this item. You can use this item as a weapon against other players in addition to using it to make the bracelet. When you toss this thing at other things, it will make them blind for ten seconds.
Morphing Bracelet Video
Mobs Information (More mobs coming soon!)
- Have 7 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- Have 5 different color variants
- Swims faster than a normal player
- Drowned, Guardian and Elder Guardian attacks you
- Will drown in the air in 5 minutes
- Have baby variant
- You can mine faster underwater
Baby Variant
- Smaller than the adult variant and have a smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- cuter.
- Have 3 hearts
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- You can fly just like in Creative Mode (You need to turn the Education Edition on)
- Have 5 hearts
- Can go through half block space like slabs
- Ability to fly in survival
- Can sting and poison the mob they hit
- Collects pollen by sneaking inside a flower for 20 seconds and can pollinate crops by going over them
- Can store pollen by interacting a bee hive or bee nest to increase its honey level
- Dies randomly when not having the stinger anymore
Baby Variant
- Smaller compared to an adult variant
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 10 hearts like players
- You can fly just like in Creative Mode (You need to turn the Education Edition on)
- You get a special item that can shoot fireballs!
- Can get hurt in water and rain
- Have more damage when you get shot by snowballs
- Doesn’t burn in lava or fire
- Falls slow and doesn’t have fall damage
- Monsters don’t attack you but Iron Golems and Snow Golems do
- Have 5 hearts
- Have many breed variants
- Can scare creepers and phantoms away
- Immune to fall damage
- Have tamed variant
- You can sit by sneaking
- Have baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Tamed Variant
- They have collars on their neck just like the tamed mobs
- Other players can dye your collar
Breed Variants
- Have 11 types of breeds of cats that you can morph
- Each breed have a baby and tamed variants
Cave Spider
Cave Spider
- Have 6 hearts
- Smaller compared to a normal spider
- Have an attack damage of 1 heart
- Can inflict poison to the mobs it hit
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Can climb walls (Broken on Mobile)
- Their eyes glow in the dark
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Immune to poison
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have 2 hearts
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- You don’t have fall damage and you float when falling
- Ocelots and Foxes attack you
- Have a baby variant
- Can lay eggs by sneaking. Has a 5-10 minutes duration
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Don’t lay eggs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 1.5 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- You can swim faster than a normal player
- Cannot breathe air
- You can mine faster underwater
- Axolotls kill you
- Have 5 hearts
- Can go through slabs (Just like how you sneak in Java)
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- Have a baby variant
- You can get milked by other players
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- You are not milkable
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 10 hearts
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Have a charged variant
- Ability to explode when you sneak. You can cancel exploding when you stop sneaking.
- Transforms into charged creeper when got struck by lightning
- You are scared of cats
Charged Variant
- Much larger explosion (The same explosion of the charged creeper)
- Have a blue aura surrounding the body
- Have 5 hearts
- You can mine faster underwater
- Have 1.5 hearts of attack damage
- Swims faster underwater
- You can fit through 1 block spaces
- Can breathe underwater for 4 minutes and breathes air for 2 minutes like how dolphins jump out of water to get air and jump down for water
Baby Variant
- Smaller compared to an adult variant
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Villagers flee from you
- Ability to swim fast
- Burns in daylight just like the zombies
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don’t attack you
- You can mine faster underwater
- Have a baby variant
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
- Swims faster than the adult Drowned
- You don’t receive a trident
- Have 20 hearts (Twice as the hearts of the Player)
- 3 blocks tall
- Can get hurt in water and rain
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have attack damage of 3.5 hearts
- You can teleport to the place where you look using the Teleport item
- Their eyes glow in the dark
- Have 10 hearts like the vanilla foxes
- Have attack damage of 1 heart
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Have an arctic variant
- You don’t get damaged by sweet berry bushes
- Ability to pounce by sneaking then jumping to a mob
- Have a baby variant
- You don’t have fall damage when your pouncing
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Arctic Variant
- Your skin is white just like the arctic foxes in the game
- Has 5 hearts
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Ability to fly in survival
- Doesn’t burn in lava or fire
- Can shoot fireballs
- Has a size of four blocks
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
Glow Squid
Glow Squid
- Has 5 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- Has a baby variant
- It glows like how enderman eyes glow
- You can mine faster underwater
- Cannot breathe air
- Axolotls kill you
- Have 5 hearts
- Can go through slabs (Just like how you sneak in Java)
- Have a screaming variant
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- Can jump high by sneaking then wait for the jump boost to show
- Have a baby variant
- You can get milked by other players
- Reduced fall damage by 10%
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- You are not milkable
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Screaming Variant
- Plays a milk sound of screaming goat when milked
- Have 20 hearts
- You will be converted to a Zoglin when you are in the overworld
- Have attack damage of 1.5 to 4 hearts
- Other monsters don’t attack you like ghast
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a knockback resistance of 50%
- Have a baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have attack damage of half a heart
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Villagers flee from you
- Husks don’t burn under the daylight unlike normal zombies
- Taller than any other two block-sized mobs like players and zombies
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- It zombifies the villagers you kill in Hard or Normal Difficulty
- Gives hunger effect to the mobs you hit
- Transforms into a Zombie when you drowned in water
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
Iron Golem
Iron Golem
- Have 50 hearts
- They walk really slow
- Three blocks tall so you can’t enter normal doors
- Have attack damage of 3.75 to 10.75 hearts
- Shows different degrees of cracking depending on their health
- Has a higher knockback attack than any other mobs
- You don’t have knockback when you get hit
- Monsters hit you just like players
- Shows a poppy on its hands when holding one
- Don’t drown underwater
- Can be repaired by other players using an iron ingot
- Llama
- Have 12 hearts
- Can scare wolves
- Have 4 different skin variants
- Players can ride you
- You can spit at mobs using the special item you receive
- Have baby variant
- Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Players can’t ride you
- Have 5 hearts
- Transforms to brown variant or vice versa when struck by lightning
- Can go through slabs (Just like how you sneak in Java)
- You are like a cow but with different color and mushrooms on the body
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- Have a baby variant
- You can get milked by other players with a bowl to get mushroom stew
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Doesn’t have mushroom on its body
- You are not milkable
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Brown Variant
- Have brown mushroom on its body instead of red mushrooms
- Have a brown skin like the brown mushroom
- Have 5 hearts
- Can scare creepers and phantoms away
- Immune to fall damage
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts
- Can go through one block holes
- You can sit by sneaking
- Have baby variant
- Runs faster than a normal player
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Has 3 hearts
- Ability to fly in survival
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- Has 5 different variants
- Can ride on players’ shoulders
- Poisonous to cookies
- You don’t have fall damage and you float when falling
- Players can feed you cookies and die
- Has 10 hearts like players
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Ability to fly in survival
- Burns in daylight just like the phantoms
- Has an attack damage of 3 hearts
- Afraid of cats and ocelots
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Can fit on one block holes
- Have 5 hearts
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Have a saddled variant
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- Have a baby variant
- Players can saddle you
- Transforms into zombified piglin when got struck by lightning
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Cannot be saddled by the Players
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Saddled Variant
- You have a saddle on your back
- Players can ride you but they cannot control you
- Have 8 hearts
- Wither Skeletons attack you
- You will get converted to a Zombified Piglin when you are in the overworld
- Have attack damage of 2.5 hearts
- Other monsters don’t attack you like zombies
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- You will get a golden sword
- Scared to zombified piglins
Baby Variant
- Can go through one block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
Piglin Brute
Piglin Brute
- Have 25 hearts
- Wither Skeletons attack you
- You will get converted to a Zombified Piglin when you are in the overworld
- Have attack damage of 3.5 hearts and 6.5 hearts with a golden axe
- A stronger variant of Piglins
- Other monsters don’t attack you like zombies
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- You will receive a golden axe
- Has 12 hearts
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Has infinite arrows
- Receives crossbow like the real pillagers
- Has an attack damage of 1.5 hearts
- Has a gray skin compared to villagers
Polar Bear
Polar Bear
- Has 15 hearts
- Can go through one and a half block holes
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Immune to freezing damage on powder snow
- Has an attack damage of 3 hearts
- Has a baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through one block holes
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Has 1.5 hearts
- Wild wolves, foxes and cats attack you
- Has a baby variant
- Can run faster
- Fits in one block holes
- Has 7 different breed variants
Baby Variant
- Smaller compared to an adult variant
- Has an smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Breed Variant
- There are 6 variants that you can get normally
- The toast variant can be obtained by naming a rabbit Toast
- Have 1.5 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- You can swim faster than a normal player
- They have 3 size variants which are normal, small, and big salmon
- Cannot breathe air
- You can mine faster underwater
- Axolotls kill you
- Have 4 hearts (Fewer hearts than Cows)
- Can go through slabs (Just like how you sneak in Java)
- Have a sheared variant
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- Players can shear you and get wool
- Have a baby variant
- Sneak to eat grass blocks and restore two food points
- Have colored variants
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Cannot be sheared
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Sheared Variant
- You are naked
- You can regrow your wool by eating grass
Colored Variants
- Have 16 different colors of sheeps
- You can get dyed by someone to change colors
- The wool you drop when you get sheared have different color
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Burns in daylight just like the zombies
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Transforms to Stray when you froze inside a powder snow
- You will receive a bow
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Iron Golems, Snow Golems, and Wolves attack you
- Have infinite arrows just like the skeletons
- Doesn’t drown in water
- Transforms to Wither Skeleton when dying from wither effect
- You can ride spiders that spawned as a spider jockey
- Has 3 variants of different sizes
- Can damage players that touch them
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Splits to smaller slimes when you die
- You don’t get damaged by slimes touching you
Large Variant
- Has 8 hearts
- Has an attack damage of 2 hearts
- Two blocks size
Medium Variant
- Has 2 hearts
- Has an attack damage of 1 heart
- One block size
Small Variant
- Only has half a heart
- You can’t damage other mobs
- Half a block size
- You will die instead of splitting to smaller slimes
Snow Golem
Snow Golem
- Have 2 hearts
- Melts in hot biomes like desert and acacia
- You will receive a special snowball that shoots infinite snowballs
- Monsters attack you
- Have a sheared variant
- You can be sheared by players and you will drop a pumpkin
- Have a snow trail
- Can get hurt in water and rain
- Immune to freezing on powder snow
Sheared Variant
- You don’t have a pumpkin in your head
- Have 8 hearts
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Can climb walls
- Their eyes glow in the dark
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Immune to poison
- Have 5 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- Have a baby variant
- You can mine faster underwater
- Cannot breathe air
- Axolotls kill you
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Burns in daylight just like the skeletons
- You have a bow
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Iron Golems, Snow Golems, and Wolves attack you
- Have infinite slowness arrows just like the strays
- Doesn’t drown in water
- Immune to freezing on powder snow
- Has 10 hearts
- Has a saddled variant
- Can walk on lava
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Slower and Has a purple color when not on lava
- Has a baby variant
- Doesn’t burn in lava or fire
- Players can saddle you
Baby Variant
- Cannot be saddled by the Players
- Has a smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Saddled Variant
- You have a saddle on your back
- Players can ride you but they cannot control you
- Has 15 hearts
- You can mine faster underwater
- Moves slower when on land but moves faster when underwater
- You can fit through 1 block spaces
- Can both breathe air and water!
Baby Variant
- Smaller compared to an adult variant
- Undead mobs and wild animals attack you
- Has an smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Drops scute when growing into an adult
- Has 7 hearts
- Ability to fly in survival
- It can’t phase through walls like what vexes can do because of the game’s limitation
- Monsters don’t attack you but Iron Golems and Snow Golems do
- Has an iron sword like the real vexes
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Has an attack damage of 1.5 hearts without any weapon
- Doesn’t burn in lava or fire
- Have 10 hearts
- Have biomes variant so you can disguise on villages that are in different biomes
- Zombies, Drowned, and Husk attacks you
- Have a baby variant
- Doesn’t have job variants yet
- You will be converted to a zombie villager when you are killed by a zombie or husk
- Have 12 hearts
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Receives iron axe like the real vindicators
- Have attack damage of 2.5 hearts and 6.5 hearts with an iron axe
- Shows arms when holding weapons
- Have a gray skin compared to villagers
- Has 23 hearts
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Has a paler skin compared to a villager and wearing a purple robe
- Receives a drinking potion for defense and a splash potion for attacking. Sneak and use while holding one of the potion to switch to another potion
- Iron Golem and Snow Golem attack you
- Have 300 hearts
- Cannot be damaged by undead mobs like zombies
- Ability to fly in survival
- Immune to wither effect
- Receives two items that can shoot wither skull projectile
- Have blue aura on its body when its half health or below
- 3 blocks tall
- Doesn’t burn in lava or fire
Wither Skeleton
Wither Skeleton
- Half block taller than the player
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Have attack damage of 2 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- You will receive a stone sword
- Doesn’t burn in lava or fire
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Iron Golems, Snow Golems, and Wolves attack you
- Doesn’t drown in water
- Gives wither effect to the mobs you hit
- Immune to the wither effect
- Have 4 hearts
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Have a tamed variant
- Has an attack damage of 2 hearts
- Monsters don’t attack you unlike when you are a player
- Have attack damage of two hearts
- Have a baby variant
- Players can dye you to change the color of your collar
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Tamed Variant
- Have collars on their neck just like the tamed mobs
- Their eyes have an extra white pixel above their pupil
- The tail rises and lowers depending on its health
- Other players can dye your collar
- Have 20 hearts
- Have attack damage of 1.5 to 4 hearts
- Other monsters don’t attack you like ghast
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a knockback resistance of 50%
- Doesn’t burn in lava or fire
- Have a baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have attack damage of half a heart
- Have smaller hitbox
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Villagers flee from you
- Burns in daylight just like the zombies
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- It zombifies the villagers you kill in Hard or Normal Difficulty
- Transforms to Drowned when you drowned in water
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
Zombified Piglin
Zombified Piglin
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Piglins flee from you
- Have attack damage of 2.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Doesn’t burn in lava or fire
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- Doesn’t drown in water
- You will receive a golden sword when you transform as a zombified piglin
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
- You don’t receive a golden sword
Zombie Villager
Zombie Villager
- Have 10 hearts
- Villagers flee from you
- Burns in daylight just like the zombies
- Have biomes variant
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don’t attack you
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- You can be cured with a weakness and golden apple by other players or by eating a golden apple yourself
- It zombifies the villagers you kill in Hard or Normal Difficulty
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
Biomes Variant
- Have 7 different types of biome variant
YouTube: CookieDookie
Twitter: @CookieDookie145
Discord: CookieDookie#9949
My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ynBzd4eJaA
This addon is still in the alpha phase, which means it is not yet complete. More mobs coming soon, Enjoy!
Note: This addon is not compatible with any other addons that modify the player entity.
Hotfix 0.1.1!
This hotfix fixes two main issues of the addon on newer versions of Minecraft, the crash when morphing to a different mob and the morph menu not opening when using the bracelet.
Changes and Fixes
- Fixed a crash when morphing to different mobs
- Fixed an issue where the morph menu won’t open when using the bracelet
- Removed the “mojang-gametest” module because it was never used by the addon
- This addon is now updated to 1.19.30!
- Removed the ram attack animation of goats when sneaking
- Hoglin and zoglin now match the collision box of the actual mobs
And don’t worry, the next update is halfway done! I just released this hotfix to make the addon playable and updated even if the new update is not here yet. I can say that the next update optimizes a lot of stuff and a big thing coming to the addon that is very revolutionary O_O
- You need to turn on all of the experimental toggles for the addon to work.
- You need to turn on the EDUCATION EDITION toggle to be able to fly as a mob that has the ability to fly.
- This addon does not currently work on Realms. Mojang is aware of this issue and it will be fixed in the future.

it aint working