Disciples of the Void, Volume I: Lorekeeper Update, Part III. Finale

Disciples of the Void, Volume I: Lorekeeper Update, Part III do you try???? The original four returned, the reborn disciples were let free, and Erian is also at large. Can things really go worse? Definitely, they will. Unintentionally, the void merchant obtained a manifest that was never intended to be in the overworld! What is it made of? power? treasure? No, since the disciples’ rebirth, a being has been confined beneath the world. You buy it after you break it. Or, in this instance, you seal him back and set it free.

Cre: ItsDarkwolf6 (Youtube, Twitter)

Disciples of the Void, Volume

Please consider subscribing if you liked the trailer or my stuff in general. Come along with me on my quest to join the Minecraft Marketplace!

On my YouTube channel, I’ll begin distributing Disciples of the Void addons in advance on a first come, first served basis.

Minimum Experimental Toggles

I’d turn them ALL on to be safe but you do you.

>>>> Some Minecraft addons PE are similar to Disciples of the Void, Volume I: Lorekeeper Update, Part III addon you can check in Mcpeaddons.com:


I purposefully left the same identification in the update. I’m leaving it because I think you should do it that way. therefore, you can now install the update on the Lorekeeper-compatible world. Install Part I, maintain your progress, and then go on to the new material. Here is a brief guide on how to replace items.

Ignore the prompts; they’re trying to mislead you. Deactivate the Lorekeeper Pt. I addon before installing Pt. II. 

If you perform it right, nothing will occur.

v2.3: Lorekeeper Update, Pt. III: Finale Content

Please consider subscribing if you liked the trailer or my stuff in general. 

Come along with me on my quest to join the Minecraft Marketplace!

If you like my work, feel free to follow along as I start releasing my addons early on my YouTube channel on a first come, first serve basis.


You have already completed EVERYTHING Disciples of the Void addon has to offer, according to this update.

The last installment of the volume I Lorekeeper Update is now available. 

This update will conclude the addon’s lore and provide some indications for further content. 

The “Zenith” of the addon, improvements, new blocks, and quality of life are the main topics of this version.

If you don’t install this block fixer with these conditions, the blocks will break and degrade into dirt.

You may import it into Minecraft because I included it in the.mcaddon file.

Here is a direct link to the block fixer so you may download it on your own (just in case I’m stupid and it doesn’t come with.)

Disciples sculptures are included with this release. You receive the appropriate statue after you kill The Puppet or the original disciples. They serve only as ornamentation and do nothing.


Volume I of The Zenith of Disciples of The Void “Yin,” the positive aspect of “Yin and Yang.” This sword’s primary function is to clean up the area around you.

At a crafting station with four chaos crystals, you can create this weapon using every single sword you’ve acquired along the journey.


The user obtains regeneration and resistance when this sword strikes an enemy, who receives wither and weakening.

USE ABILITY: Escaton Judgement

When used, all enemy’s around you are obiterated. This attack shreds armor. Use responsibly.

“Yang” will be added with Lorekeeper Update: Pt, II of Disciples of The Void: Volume II.


There is also one new sword. It can be found it erius’s section, as he got a revamp this update.

Change Notes:

Everything else in the changelog is listed here. I don’t blame you if you skip it but everything is here.


End of The Lorekeeper Update, Volume I

v2.2: Lorekeeper Update, Pt. II Content

Part two of the lorekeeper update is shown here.

The following section of the add-on is predicated on your victory over the first two groups of disciples.

The Final Manifest.

Displeased with your chaotic armor? burning it The result of melting it in a furnace is a substance known as “Chaos Crystal Fragment.” You will receive four fragments after smelting the full set. A chaos crystal can be created by combining four parts. When you possess the chaos crystal, you can exchange it for the last manifest from the void merchant.

The Puppet

The “Final Boss” of Disciples of the Void addon is the puppet. He is the strongest mob in this addon since he uses a variety of attack patterns. He assaults you with melee weapons, fires kunai at you, calls forth evocantion fangs and an alternate form of Alatar, and uses a potent spin attack.

Health: 2000

Attack Damage: 

  • 35 Damage (Melee Mode)
  • 25 Damage (Ranged Mode)
  • 25 Damage Per Tick (Spin Attack)

Godslayer Alatar

He has a chance to summon “Godslayer Alatar,” the most potent alatar, while in summon mode. He’s not a major threat yet, so don’t be alarmed. But that does not imply that he is risk-free. He will provide The Puppet resistance L (50) upon summoning till he perishes. To harm the puppet once more, you MUST kill him.

“Player…” “…Don’t” “…Trust” “…The creator.”

When killed, he will play his death animation. クリエイター will take him back and you are rewarded for your efforts.

ヒル // Hill

+17 Attack Damage

You acquire the Hill sword when you kill the puppet. This blade has three functions.

A disciple who receives a blow from this sword is rendered permanently disabled. In Volume II, the disciples can also be harmed by this sword’s abilities. (The sword from Volume II is also applicable here!)
Lightning erupts all around you if you stoop before using the sword.
You receive a MASSIVE regeneration bonus whenever ANY monster is struck by this weapon.


My previous Minecraft skin inspired the puppet design. Likewise, if you’re an older player, the skin for Enderman wearing a suit from a previous iteration of Minecraft.
The puppet’s vocalizations are made by Zant from Twilight Princess of the Legend of Zelda. Used Video
Both Zant’s Fight from Twilight Princess and The Artist’s fight from Sifu served as inspiration for the rapid, unpredictable combat style.
His spin move is modeled after Zant’s spin move in Twilight Princess.
This is the only mob I’ve ever encountered with many attack types. wishing for more vivacious mobs in the future.
The Puppet currently uses more animation controllers in his mob data than any other one of my other mobs as of this release.

v2.1: Lorekeeper Update, Pt. I Content

The Lorekeeper Update is divided into two parts. After you vanquish the first four disciples, you can access the information in this update. Each one will leave behind a special item that can be traded with the new npc.

The Original Disciples of The Void:

Deathblade The “Invincible”

Deathblade is the group’s brute force. A skeleton of hatred, resentment, and anger. Attacks with either one and has a chance to start a “anger mode” in which he goes into invincibility and launches an area attack for a while.

– Attack: 30

– 1200 Health (600 hearts)

The original group’s black magic user group is represented by Alatar. He doesn’t fear players like other evokers do and engages them head-on. He behaves like a typical evoker, but his attacks are more sophisticated, disorganized, and unreasonable. Each particle may identify each attack:

  • Dark Green: Summons Alatines to attack you.
  • Dark Red: Fireball
  • Cyan: Summons a circle of strays to shoot arrows at you.
  • Green: Wither Skeleton
  • Pink: Dragon Fireball
  • Light light blue: Vexs
  • White: Sets off a huge explosion for massive damage. RUN WHEN YOU SEE THIS.
  • 1600 Health (600 Hearts)
Disciples of the Void

The forerunner of brawneus, a rotting suit of flesh and bone, is brawlatar. But he’s considerably better organized and adept at maintaining his shape.

Like Osseous, he has a chance to call in reinforcements when assaulted. It is advised to eliminate the backup as soon as you can to prevent them from accumulating throughout the conflict.


  • 600 (300 Hearts, Phase One)
  • 600 (300 Hearts, Phase Two)
  • Attack:
  • 20 (Phase One)
  • 30 (Phase Two)

Eribus The “Immortal End King”

Limbosis’s precursor was Eribus. His creator banished him for his misguided attempt to topple the end.

Dude is fairly basic, like the first update. He is an enhanced Enderman.

Cold Ones

As you might have seen, the shopkeeper offers a product called “Cold ones” that, in essence, megabuffs the player to give you greater defense against the original disciples.

Battle Coin II

You get “Battle Coin II” when you kill the initial disciples. With the merchant, you can exchange these cash for new armor and the completed manifest.

Chaos Armor

You can purchase the chaotic armor from the vendor if you have accumulated enough battle coins. An armor that is constructed properly from the beginning and carries over pure chaos energy!

This armor set provides REALLY high defense and is extremely durable. It is advised to employ it against anything more advanced than the first group of disciples.

The Fallen Manifest

With the second of level of battle coins, you can also buy The Fallen Manifest.

Fallen Erian

To gauge his strength, brings back the “Original” Erian. Despite being bruised, he still has new tricks up his sleeve.

Phase I:

Health: 400 Hearts

Attack: 30 Hearts

in his first form, he acts just like he is in Volume II. Normally attacking you like any other mob.

Phase II

Health: 800 Health

Attack: 50 Hearts

In his second form, he will climb out of the ground to attack the player in a new form. He will walk up to you and strike you.


“A wrath packed with still more madness and confusion”

Erius casts this blade to the ground. It is essentially an exact replica of “Rage” from Volume II, but with double the stats.

When used, a “slam” assault that deals twice as much damage and takes twice as long as the original will rot away your enemies.

The full change log is in the next section. I don’t blame you for skipping if you aren’t trying to read a long list for the change log.

Most descriptions of items and enemies have been updated. just in case you want to read what is offered straight off

while disregarding what they formerly did.


  • Most items have been resprited.
  • All weapons no longer share the same cooldown
  • Weapons playsound functions now work.
  • The Brawler now gives Darkness instead of blindness.
  • The Brawler now gives Speed III Instead of Speed V
  • Revamped the projectiles shot by Majar
  • Chaos Armor has been drastically buffed.


  • Osseous is now invincible when calling for backup.
  • Osseous is now slightly faster.
  • Osseous chance of calling for backup has been increased to 10% per hit Instead of 3.33%. However, health has been reduced by 100.


  • Limbosis now teleports more often when enraged.
  • Limbosis now enrages for half the time, but the chance of enraging is doubled.
  • Limbosis no longer directly attacks the player. He now attacks when looked at or attacked.


  • Movement speed has bee reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 so that I can teach myself that sprint multipliers exist in the aviod mobs component.
  • Spell cooldowns has been heavily reduced. Alatar will now use EVERY POSSIBLE SPELL he has more often.
  • Boom bats explosion has been increased but fuse time is higher.


  • Saying his health has been massively decreased would be an understatement. health has been cut in half
  • Pre-Enrage backup call chance has been almost doubled. (less idk how to word it)
  • He no longer drops apples.
  • Second phase has been removed.


  • No longer drops apples.


No longer drops apples


  • Revamped his second phase animation sound.
  • Updated Erius’s Animations.
  • Erius now has his own sword

This is the end of Lorekeeper, Pt. I

Update v2.0 Content:


Starting Off.

You need to set up a little bit before you can get to the monsters. You must eliminate “Voided Zombies” to get access to the Disciples. Anywhere in the overworld, at light levels 0 to 15, you can find them.

They resemble typical zombies but are more grey in appearance and slightly healthier. At everything they assault, they also vigorously shake their heads.

Health – 60 / (30 Hearts)
Damage – 6 / (3 Hearts)
Drops – Rotten Flesh & Void Fragments

The “Void Crystal I,” which may be used to build the manifests to spawn in the bosses, can be made once you have killed enough Voided zombies to collect Nine fragments.

Below is a list of each mob’s crafting recipes.

The Disciples of The Void: Reborn

Brawneus, The Rotten Brute

The brutish zombie pigman known as Brawneus was regarded as a superb combatant in the nether. He was made to become a zombified piglin when the Nether Update appeared. His heart’s depravity desired to endure. His other half has been figuratively Pee-Paw-Willied, and the other half is now a piglin beast.

Health – 800 (400 Hearts)
Attack – 8 (4 Hearts)

The group’s brute is Brawneus. He attacks very powerfully and has the highest health. A player’s injury has a 0.025% chance of making him angry. Then, as he charges you, he will roar, increasing his damage and turning himself untouchable for 10 seconds.

He is summoned by the Manifest of Brawl

He drops the “Brawler,” a large, hefty, spiked club made of wood that can deal out some tremendous blows. When employed, you go into “Blind Rage,” giving up sight in exchange for strength and speed.

Limbosis, The End Usurper.

An Enderman gone rogue is limbosis. He made the decision to flee towards the end cities and take equipment once the Ender dragons were defeated. Supposedly only teleports when he no longer needs an advantage over his opponent and feels defeated.

Health – 400 (200 Hearts)
Attack – 6 (3 Hearts)

Limbosis is essentially an enhanced Enderman. He prefers to physically assault the player as opposed to teleporting. Does he ever teleport? Well…

He has a 777% chance of becoming agitated when hit by a player, at which point he spawns copies of himself to attack you and teleports around the area swiftly. Shortly afterwards, he becomes quiet.

The Manifest of The End is the source of limbo.

He scatters “The Endbreaker,” a unique hefty diamond greatsword endowed with endermen strength. When activated, the player teleports just like an ordinary Enderman.

Alatar, The Corrupted Evoker

Alatar, a wizard reputed to possess actual creational abilities. With all three command blocks in his arsenal as well as a structural block, he can make fools out of anyone who crosses him. With the might of gods at his disposal, why does he care only about expanding his magical skills?

Health – 600 (300 Hearts)
Alastair is like a normal evoker, except he has a bigger spell list. Which are listed below along with what color they are when he casts them:

  • Spawns two rows of Evocation Fangs (Light Purple)
  • Spawns two more RINGS of Evocation Fangs (Light Purple)
  • Can summon Bats that explode after a short amount of time. (Maroon)
  • Spawns a circle of fireballs around the player. (Orange)
  • Summons vindicators around him and the player (Dark Green)

He is summoned by the “Manifest of Magic”.

He drops a magical katana named “Majar,” which is impregnated with the darkest of evils. It launches arbitrary missiles.

Osseous, The Bone Demon

Osseous, also known as: “bone demon” is a mutated wither skeleton with outgrown bones coming out of his body. He is also covered in a layer of dried blood from head to toe.

Health – 500 (250 Hearts)
Damage – 8 (4 Hearts)

Osseous is a mutant version of the wither skeleton. He attacks the player and deals wither damage like a typical wither skeleton would. He has a 6% chance of roaring and requesting assistance from three Wither Skeletons when harmed by a player. By walking into it, he may also crack stone, dirt, and grass.

He is summoned by the “Manifest of Death”

On dying, he leaves behind the “Osseon,” a chainsaw infused with wrath that is frequently used like a regular weapon. When employed, the player receives the wither affliction in return for a significant damage boost.

Addon Update v2.3:
Most items have been resprited.
All weapons no longer share the same cooldown
Weapons playsound functions now work.
The Brawler now gives Darkness instead of blindness.
The Brawler now gives Speed III Instead of Speed V
Revamped the projectiles shot by Majar
Chaos Armor has been drastically buffed.
Osseous is now invincible when calling for backup.
Osseous is now slightly faster.
Osseous chance of calling for backup has been increased to 10% per hit Instead of 3.33%. However, health has been reduced by 100.
Limbosis now teleports more often when enraged.
Limbosis now enrages for half the time, but the chance of enraging is doubled.
Limbosis no longer directly attacks the player. He now attacks when looked at or attacked.
Movement speed has bee reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 so that I can teach myself that sprint multipliers exist in the aviod mobs component.
Spell cooldowns has been heavily reduced. Alatar will now use EVERY POSSIBLE SPELL he has more often.
Boom bats explosion has been increased but fuse time is higher.
Saying his health has been massively decreased would be an understatement. health has been cut in half
Pre-Enrage backup call chance has been almost doubled. (less idk how to word it)
He no longer drops apples.
Second phase has been removed.
No longer drops apples.
No longer drops apples
Revamped his second phase animation sound.
Updated Erius’s Animations.
Erius now has his own sword


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