Plushies Add-on for Minecraft Pe

80 plushies are added to this Plushies Add-on!! All of the plushies are added entities and this is a cool addon that can be used as decorations in the game. Almost all passive and hostile mob.

Cre: CodanRaigenXXI, Twitter, Youtube

Plushies Add-on

All of the Plushies are added entities and loads of different varieties

New Villager plushie Add-on

There are 105 individual variants, to get your desired variant:
– Hold an item and interact with them

This works for the New zombie villagers but you need to give them a biome

  • Desert – sand
  • Jungle – jungle log
  • Plains – grass
  • Savanna – acacia log
  • Snow – snow
  • Swamp – slime ball
  • Taiga – spruce log 

To give them an occupation, use these items:

  • Armorer – iron chest plate
  • Butcher – raw porkchop
  • Cartographer – empty map
  • Cleric – glass bottle
  • Farmer – wooden hoe
  • Fisherman – fishing rod
  • Fletcher – bow
  • Leatherworker – leather tunic
  • Librarian – book
  • Nitwit – dead bush
  • Shepherd – white wool
  • Stonemason – stone
  • toolsmith – iron axe
  • weaponsmith – iron sword

(Due to lack of textures, it is not available for the new zombie villagers)

There has another upgrade for the old villagers. To customize them, use these items:

  • White variant – white wool
  • Brown variant – brown wool
  • Purple variant – purple wool
  • Butcher variant – bonemeal
  • Smith variant – Ink sac

When you want to reset and return your items, let use a shear to start all over again


The entities in the new update are allowed the player to be posable, for example, the armor stand, sneak before interacting with them

master maps for minecraft

Drops – Plushies Add-on

  • The loot tables have been updated
  • You can obtain your plushy back after killing it.
  • All Plushies can drop what they’re supposed to drop.

Bee plushie

  • It can be interacted to change from calm to angry and vice versa

Snow golem plushie

  • Can obtain the pumpkin from its head by interacting with it
  • Can equip the snow golem plushy with the pumpkin (allow it to wear it again)

New additions – Plushies Add-on


New additions:
– Piglin
– Hoglin
– Zoglin
– Zombified piglin
– Strider
– Strider (suffocated)

Note from CodanRaigenXXI

  • Plushies Add-on is updated to the latest beta.
  • If you want to review or make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description
  • Don’t use your own link, use the proper link on MCPEDL
  • You may copy/paste this for your content as well if you wish


Plushies Add-on

Download Addon
or here (gg drive)

👉 If you like our Plushies! Add-on, you can also check our More Bosses created Mokalax; Marine Addon created by Andrew99, raedteam99, AbduSallouh

master maps for minecraft

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