Masked World Decade addon enables you to transform into the hero: Masked Rider! You can transform into different special and powerful riders in this addon, you can also use special skills and weapons to fight the monsters! Come in and take a look.
Creator: 鸥吃鱼 (Youtube)
Masked World Decade
How to get started?

How to transform into the rider?
To transform into the rider, first thing you need is a DecaDriver. Right click/ long press the DecaDriver to put it on.

To transform into the rider, you also need a KamenRide card. In this version we can get 9 cards.

After we getting the DecaDriver and the KamenRide card, we can transform into the rider now!
First, start your DecaDriver. Sneak to start it.
Second, put the card into the driver. Long press/ right click the card to put it into the driver (the driver must be started)
After putting the card into the driver, the driver will stand by and show some mysterious words.
Now you need to let the driver read the card. Sneak and punch the ground to read the card.
Now your transformation is done. If you don’t want to wear the armor anymore, just unwear the DecaDriver.
So when you need to transform into a rider, you need to sneak, long press the card, sneak again while punching the ground. This way works for almost KamenRide cards.
But there are 2 riders who are special, they are Diend and dark decade.
Here’s the way you transform into Diend.
First, put Diend’s KamenRide cards in your left hand.

Then, sneak and punch the ground with DienDriver to put the card into the driver.

Finally, long press/ right click the DienDriver to transform.

Here’s the way you transform into Dark Decade.
First, you need a Dark DecaDriver.

Then you can transform into Dark Decade in the same way you transform into Decade.

How can I use speical skills?
Special skills require AttackRide card, literally, these cards are used for attacking.
It’s easy to use, just like the KamenRide cards.
First, start the driver by sneaking. (You must transform into a rider first)
Second, Right click/ long press the card to put it into the driver.
Third, punch the ground while sneaking to let the driver read the card.
(If the card is read properly, the name of the ability you are using will be shown on your screen)

Congratulations! You used an AttackRide card successfully.
So when you need to use special abilities, you need to sneak, long press the card, sneak again while punching the ground. This way works for all AttackRide cards.
*You need to collect AttackRide cards first, when you get one AttackRide card, Right click/ long press it to collect. If you didn’t collect the card before transform into the rider, there will be no AttackRide cards in your inventory, and you can’t use the AttackRide card either. So collect it before you transform.
Diend don’t use AttackRide cards in this way. Diend has his own way to use AttackRide cards.
First, put the AttackRide cards in your left hand.

Second, sneak and punch the ground with DienDriver.

Then, punch the ground, the card will be put into the driver.

Finally, right click/ long press with the driver, now you have used your AttackRide card successfully. It needs some practice to grasp this way.

What’s FormRide cards?
FormRide cards are used for transforming into other forms, so only riders who can change forms can use this kind of cards, for example, Kuuga and Agito. To transform into different forms, knowing how to use FormRide cards is necessary. I will give an example of Kuuga.
First, you need to transform into Kuuga. If you have collected 4 FormRide cards (yes, just like AttackRide cards, you also need to collect FormRide cards before using them), there will be 4 cards in your inventory.

There are 3 FormRide cards and 1 Final AttackRide card.
To use the FormRide card, sneak to start the driver first.

Then right click/ long press the card to put it into the driver.

Finally, Sneak and punch the ground to let the driver read the card. If the card is read properly, the name of the form you are changing will be shown on your screen.

*If you want to change into other forms, you must be in Base Form first (Base Form is the first form you transformed into). For example, when you are in Dragon Form and you’d like to change into Titan Form, you must change into Mighty Form first, then you can change into Titan Form.
Can you show me all special abilities?
Masked Rider Decade

Decade will make an AOE attack. CD: 22s

Decade will aim the nearest target and shoot it. CD: 28s
3. Invisible

Decade will become invisible for 8 seconds. CD: 36s
4. Illusion

Decade will summon 4 minions. CD: 65s

If you use this item to attack your target, all minions will attack the target.

And all minions will follow you if you are holding this item in your hand.
5. Final AttackRide

Decade will float high above and kick the target. CD: 40s.
Masked Rider Diend
1. Speed Up

You will get a lot of buffs that let you jump higher and run faster. CD: 15s.
2. Invisible

Diend will become invisible for 8 seconds. CD: 36s
3. Illusion

Diend will summon 4 minions. CD: 65s
Just like Decade, there are also 2 items for Diend to controll his minions.
4. Barrier
Diend will summon a barrier to block all attacks and hostile mobs. CD: 56s.

5. Final AttackRide

Diend will aim the target and shoot it. CD: 45s
Also, DienDriver can be used as a gun. Right click/ long press to shoot.
Masked Rider Kuuga – Mighty Form
1. Rider Punch

Sneak and punch the ground to open it. Sneak and jump to close it. After open the ability Rider Punch, every 3s your punch will be buffed.
And after 3 buffed punch, your next punch will be changed to a more powerful combo. CD: 3s.
2. Final AttackRide

Kuuga will float high above and kick the target. CD: 35s.
Masked Rider Kuuga – Dragon Form
1. Dragon Stick

When you are holding something long, like a stick in Dragon Form, you can punch the ground with it to turn it into your weapon: Dragon Stick.

Everytime you hit a mob, your energy point will rise 10.

And after it rises to 150, your next attack will be buffed and turn into a 3 hits combo. CD: 10s

2. Final AttackRide

Kuuga rushes to the nearest target and hit the target with the stick. CD: 35s.
Masked Rider Kuuga – Pegasus Form
1. Pegasus Crossbow

When you are holding a crossbow in Pegasus Form, you can punch the ground with it to turn it into your weapon: Pegasus Crossbow.

Right click/ long press the Pegasus Crossbow to shoot.
*Every time you shoot, you need to reload it. Punch the ground with the crossbow to reload.
2. Sudden Dodge

When you are holding the crossbow, you can jump to dodge attacks. CD: 7s.
3. Final AttackRide

1. Improved Decade and Diend’s Transform’s special effect.
2. Improved Kuuga’s all forms’s texture.
3. The Riders’ eyes can glow at night now
4. You can drink milk to clear the night vision in the rider mode.
5. The items in the table are cheaper now.
6. Now the rider kick won’t give you the floating effect, instead, it will give you jump boost effect. You will have to jump yourself and find chances to kick.
7. We added 3 new songs in the MP3.
8. Added 5 new Riders.
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