Lumen RTX Beta 3 (MinecraftRTX TexturePack)

Lumen RTX is a beta version of an altered vanilla resource pack. It strives to improve vanilla textures in a variety of ways, and when combined with pbr, the distinctive fog creates an incredible experience. This pack and (Kelly’sRTX) have their own discord server! Kelly The Dragon’s RTX Discord Server ( is where you can keep up with LumenRTX’s progress.

Cre: Alegzzis 

Lumen RTX 

I developed a pbr with Lumen RTX that is simple and balanced in convexity, yet diverse in roughness and material differences. Vanilla Textury was tweaked to improve the visual and gameplay experience. A crucial feature is that I followed Kelly’s RTX; if you’re looking for a Vanilla Experience RTX texturepack, you should check out Kelly’s work!

Presentation by LumenRT

(Some of the screenshots have modified the light angle and increased the amount of fog, but not all of them, and they are otherwise identical)

Lumen RTX Shader
Lumen RTX Shader
Lumen RTX Shader
Lumen RTX Shader
Lumen RTX Shader
Lumen RTX Shader
Lumen RTX Shader
Lumen RTX Shader

LumenRTX has several add-ons that change the game visually and give the texturepack customizable

Vanilla Grass add-on

Clear water add-on

Bright Light Sources

Glowing Ores

LumenRTX also fixes a lot of bugs

Lumen RTX

Some Texture Minecraft PE you can check in


LumenRTX is Beta and many blocks may not contain PBR yet, if you find any bug in currently added blocks or have any suggestions join kelly’sRTX server and advise me on the appropriate channel

While creating, I was inspired by two Add-on / TexturePack: 

  • Hirx’s “3D Items – v4 ” 
  • Fused Bolt “Better Foliage Addon 2.0”
Lumen RTX Beta 3.0 Changelog:

-redone heightmaps
-added pbr to some new blocks
-improved fog
-improved sky color
-improved nether fog 
-improved nether blocks

Thank you so much for letting me implement something similar


  • Requirements: 
  • Ray Tracing capable graphics card (Nvidia RTX 20/30+ or AMD RX 6000+) 
  • Minecraft Bedrock Windows 10/11 (1.16.200+)
  • To make sure this pack will work perfectly, please consider Minecraft Patched Download

Download Lumen RTX 2.0 (MinecraftRTX TexturePack) or HERE (Backup Link)



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