Block Disguise Add-on for Minecraft

Disguise or morph as a block in Minecraft? Have you ever thought about that? If your camouflage skin weren’t good enough, this Block Disguise Add-on is for you! Now you will hide easily in-game by holding block disguises and standing in 3 seconds, you will completely be hidden as a block.

Cre: Freddricc – Dragon, Youtube

How to obtain Block Disguise

In the creative menu, you can search “morph” and then you will see all block disguises

Or craft them by this recipe: place the block you want to morph as the middle, currently have 45 blocks for you choose. Then put the leather armor around it, the order of the leather armor doesn’t matter

List of blocks that you can morph

Crafting TableMelon BlockOak LogCobblestoneCopper Block
FurnaceHay BlockStripped Oak LogMossy CobblestoneCopper Ore
ChestPumpkin BlockOak PlanksStonebrickIron Ore
BookshelfCarved PumpkinOak LeavesSmoothstoneGold Ore
BellCakeBirch LogQuartz BlockDiamond Ore
BeaconTNTBirch PlanksBrick BlockLapis Ore
AnvilCactusBirch LeavesDiamond BlockRedstone Ore
Flower PotEnder ChestSpruce LogIron BlockCoal Ore
Glass BlockSpruce PlanksNetherite BlockEmerald Ore
Dark Oak Planks

How to use

Equip the block morph like a piece of armor by holding it in your inventory. You will see yourself look exactly like a block, hidden in a block, and stand still for about 3 seconds

How to remove Block Disguise

Remove the morph on your head then the “X” on your boots

Some blocks like the chest and furnace will rotate depending on which direction you face

Thank you guys for downloading this addon, if you want to use it on your hide and seek maps, don’t forget to credit me, thank you!

skin maker for minecraft


– Added 30 new blocks to this add-on
– Bug fixes.


Block Disguise,Block Disguise addon

Download Block Disguise
Dowload ZIP

👉 If you like this addon, you can also check our Expansive Biomes Addon, REALSOURCE RTX Texture Pack

skin maker for minecraft

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