Umäk Furniture: Living Room Addon | Minecraft Furniture Mod

Here’s a cute little addon that has less to do with cars and more to do with the interior customizing sector. or, to put it another way, Umäk Furniture! You can use the additional furniture pieces in this update to improve your living room experience.

Creator: ashminggu

Umäk Furniture


This addon was initially created as a private addon for a city project I had been working on. But after some time, I decided to share this with the Minecraft community since I believed it might be useful to others in improving their homes, living spaces, and other things. Please keep in mind that some of the furniture may not be appropriate for your needs because it was utilized for personal usage only. If you leave a comment below with any requests for your living room, I’ll do my best to incorporate them in the upcoming update.

Addon Info

This addon adds 12 furniture pieces;


Can be seated up to 3 people at one time,

Umäk Furniture: Living Room Addon

Chair (Model 1)

A simple chair that took me literally 2 minutes to model. Can be seated by 1 person at a time.

Umäk Furniture: Living Room Addon

Chair (Model 2)

Like the Model 1, but more stylish I guess?

Chair (Model 2)

Like the Model 1, but more stylish I guess?

Chair (Model 3)

Suitable for a more indoor, carpeted room. Watch TV, sleep, eat and other stuff with this comfy model!

Suitable for a more indoor, carpeted room. Watch TV, sleep, eat and other stuff with this comfy model!

Coffee Table

Your traditional coffee table. Put it infront of your sofa!

Umäk Furniture

Cabinet Coffee Table

A more modern coffee table. Also comes with an inventory slot (as the name suggests).

Umäk Furniture

Table 101

Its just a  t a b l e.

Umäk Furniture

Table with books

The table, but better! Has an inventory slot and a small bookshelf.

Umäk Furniture

Table with laptop

Similar to the book table, except with a laptop instead of a bookshelf! Definitely not a Datasaur supported project! If you’re aware, you’re aware (:

Umäk Furniture

Table with TV

I am aware that this TV has a more dated and vintage design. But in my opinion, it has a cozier feel than the average modern flat screen. But I’ll incorporate that as a different model in the future.

Umäk Furniture

Round table

Like the Table 101, but round!

Umäk Furniture


Probably my least favorite model. But its there for a reason?

Umäk Furniture
Umäk Furniture

Some Minecraft Furniture Mod you can check in MCPE Addons:

How to obtain

Just use the spawn eggs from the Creative Inventory. Using /summon commands is possible (example: “/summon uflr:sofa”) but its not really suitable, arrangement-wise.


Instagram account: @ashminggudev

Email account[email protected]

Discord account: ashminggu#7435

master maps for minecraft

Special note for TGplayz

I’ve been using your Hyper Car Racing Map for screenshots in my previous addons. And I am aware of you’re latest comment in my Supra addon. Therefore, I would like to formally request permission to use your map. Maybe we could get in touch somehow? My contacts are as above (:

Thanks in advance!

Note for everyone who has been following me from my car addons..

My next car addon will be posted by the 1st of June (UTC+8) time zone! This addon (as mentioned above) is a side project!


1. Download both the Resource and Behavior Packs (Links are below).

2. You will be sent to the redirection page. Just wait 5 seconds and skip. (Note: You’ll might be ask to allow some notifications, just deny all of them).

3. Wait for another 45 – 60 seconds at the “Please press ‘Allow’ to continue” page.

4. Download the Resource / Behavior Packs.

5. Once downloaded, click on the files and it will automatically open up Minecraft to start importing the files!

Umäk Furniture

Umäk Furniture (R) or Link backup

Umäk Furniture (B) or Link backup

If you want to download more Furniture for Minecraft you can check app “Furniture decor for Minecraft

Umäk Furniture
master maps for minecraft

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