Trick or Treat Addon will add your Minecraft world robot costume, ghost costume, Pumpkin costume and 7 other items. Are you trying????
On Halloween, neighbors are approached for candy; obviously, this is still dangerous in real life, but why not do it digitally with your buddies in Minecraft? Isn’t that a fantastic idea?
Cre: TwitchTube Creators (Youtube, Twitter)
Trick or Treat Addon
Wow, we’ve arrived at the most delightful time of year to terrify our pals, listen to terrible music, watch creepy movies that make our skin crawl, and, of course, ask for candy.

This accessory is still small, but we plan to make it large, very large, so that everyone can enjoy it in these difficult times.
For the time being, add some costumes and a few goodies to trade.
Robot Costume
With a cute costume on, you can stroll around with complete peace of mind. However, take care not to harm your gear.

Ghost costume
Make your way around the room and terrify everyone. A fantastic outfit for a fantastic player (you);)

Pumpkin costume
Is there anything cuter than a gamer disguised as a plump and adorable pumpkin? Try it out and let me know what you think 🙂

Now it’s time for the rich and delectable desserts to come.
For the time being, add eight more goods.
- 4 different colored sweets (very tasty by the way)
- 1 candies
- 1 vibrant color scheme
- 1 deliciously large chocolate

Yes, they can be eaten; however, if you consume too many, the sugar will harm you.
To utilize this plugin, turn on the following parameters in your world.

Any point of view is welcome. We’ll do our best to keep you up to date as quickly as possible.

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#PixelArtMinecraft #HalloweenPixel2022