Magic Madness Add-on V1.2(Necro Update & Bug Fix)

Shoots Fireball, summon allies, creates a green shield that can protect, and many more. Magic Madness Add-on adds a different type of staff, each holds a different element. Obtain all the staff, master all the spells, and become the most powerful Wizard in your world.

Creator: SoundlessR (Youtube)

Magic Madness Add-on

All staff recipes are now removed from the crafting table

Now it uses a custom crafting table called:

Magic Crafting Table


  • 1 Crafting Table
  • 4 Obsidian
  • 4 Magic Crystal

How to obtain the magic crystal?

You’ll need to find a stonemason villager and trade your emeralds for the crystal. Each crystal costs 20-30 emeralds, so make sure you bring enough.

How to Craft

Note: All these staff recipes use the magic crafting table. So make sure you read the instruction above.

1. Normal Staff

2. Pyro Staff

3. Hydro Staff

4. Eco Staff

5. Geo Staff

6. Cryo Staff

7. Electro Staff

8. Necro Staff (NEW)

Spell selecting a system:

Once you’re done crafting your staff. It won’t work just yet.

You’ll need to choose how fast when you’re choosing the spell. Craft this item first in the Magic crafting table

When you have crafted 20-30 of these, the next thing is to trade from a librarian. Exchange your flowers for a delay book. The lower the number in the book, the faster you choose the spell.

After purchasing the book, hold it, then right-click. You should see a text like this

The last thing is to test it. The staff should work like the picture below:

Mana System

No more spamming spells. All spells consume mana. To get mana, brew an awkward potion with a crystalized cornflower in a brewing stand (or you can just wait cuz mana is generated naturally)

There’s a bigger version of the mana potion and it’s called the big mana potion. Brew a mana potion with a red mushroom in a brewing stand.

To use the Mana potion: just drink

Mana potion restores 2.5 mana points while the big one does doubles (5 mana points)

There’s another option to restore mana if you’re too lazy to get the materials. By exchanging your flowers and emeralds you can get a Mana book from an Lv 5 Librarian.

The mana book uses to speed up your mana regeneration. Hold click/Tap the screen to use the book

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How to use the staff

It functions just like a bow. Long press the release what spell do you want to cast. Timing is important


A. Basic Spells:
  1. Snowball: Shoots a snowball
  2. Slime: Shoots a slimeball that deals 2 damages per hit
  3. Fireball: Send out a Ghast fireball
B. Fire Spells
  1. Flame: Shoots a flaming fireball
  2. Flare: Shoots a rideable rocket that sent you in the designated direction
  3. Fire Resistance: Gives the caster fire resistance effect for 8 minutes
  4. Fire Breathe: Breath of fire
  5. Scorch: Creates a 5×5 field of fire
  6. Heatwave: Clear blocks with a radius of 4
  7. Eruption: Shootout magma blocks from all directions dealing 10 damages when contacting
  8. Inferno Rage: Gives the caster absorption effect for 10 seconds
  9. Blaze Guardian: Summon a pet blaze that will help you in battle
  10. Meteor: Calls a meteor from the sky that falls down and crashes your enemies
C. Water Spells
  1. Splash: Shoots a bubble that repels nearby mobs
  2. Bubble: Shoots a bigger bubble that traps close by entities
  3. Turtle: Summon a rideable turtle
  4. Waterspouts: Creates a temporary rotating column of water. Any entities that are in it will be given a levitation effect
  5. Rain of Tridents: Creates a blue circle that summons tridents from the sky
  6. Coral Build: Creates a 4×4 coral cube
  7. Dolphin Wave: Summon 3 dolphins to a designated direction dealing damage along the way and explode when it hits the ground
  8. Ocean’s Gift: Remove all debuffs from the caster
  9. Drowned: Summon a Drowned that fight for you
  10. Tsunami: Creates a Tsunami that pulls close mobs to a directed place
D. Nature Spells
  1. Poison Arrow: Shoots poisonous arrow
  2. Cactus: Creates a line of cactus
  3. Enchanted Horse: Summon a conjure horse that can walk on air
  4. Vines: Traps nearby mobs (7×7 blocks)
  5. Poison fog: Creates AOE Cloud that poison
  6. Leaves: Tracks random mob and trap them in a leaf cage
  7. Tornado: Creates a tornado that pulls mobs
  8. Nature’s Bless: Creates a green shield that makes the user immune to all damage for 5 seconds
  9. Bee Swam: Summon temporary 10 bees that fight beside you
  10. Venus Flytrap: Summons a Venus flytrap plant that less for a few seconds. It will pull close by mobs. After a few seconds, the Flytrap will close its mouth. All enemies that are in its mouth will receive a huge amount of damage
E. Stone Spells
  1. Rock: Shoots mini cobblestone that stuns enemies
  2. Spikes: Summon spike stone around the caster
  3. Cobble Step: The caster has the ability to create a cobblestone platform when they are not in the ground. Sneak to deactivate the spell
  4. Boulder: Shoots a ball of stone that will grow over time
  5. Stone Wall: Shoots a projectile stone wall. It creates a 3×3 stone wall when impacted. The wall explodes for a few seconds.
  6. Block Manipulation: Summon floating stone, prismarine, netherrack, and endstone block each dealing different damage
  7. Shattered Crystal: Shoots crystal chard that explodes and shatters into pieces
  8. Hard Skin: Gives the caster Resistance 2 effect
  9. Golem: Summon tamed iron golem
  10. Earthquake: Creates an Earthquake. Each vibration deals 20 damages to mobs in the area
F. Cryo Spells
  1. Ice circle: Shoots sharp ice that pierces
  2. Glacier: Creates a custom pattern of ice spikes that are summoned from the ground
  3. Polar Bear: Summons a tamable Bear that can be ridden and can also walk on water
  4. Snowflake: Sends out multiple penetrating snowflake blades at once. After a few seconds, the blade will go back to its original owner of the nearest Ice Wizard
  5. Frost breathe: Same as Fire breathe spell but can slow enemies
  6. Blizzard: Shoots out a snow particle creating a Snowstorm that can slow and damage entities in the area
  7. Frozen cube: Shoots an ice block that can freeze nearby mobs
  8. Winter Reward: Gives the caster a great regeneration effect for a short time
  9. Stray: Summon a stray that fights for you
  10. Iceberg: Sends out a large block of ice cub to a designated direction and shatters on impact
G. Electro Spells
  1. Lightning bolt: Calls out a lightning bolt to strike a specific location
  2. Storm: Surrounds the caster with a lightning bold
  3. Transition: Teleport the caster to what they’re facing at
  4. Magnetism: Pull nearby mobs to the caster’s location
  5. Electrocution: Creates a small stream of lightning that can shock an entity. The shock will continue if the entity is closer to another entity
  6. Shockwave: Creates a shockwave that can knockback mobs
  7. Electro Ball: Shoots a ball of lightning that can paralyze entities temporarily
  8. Thunder Evoker: Summons an allied Evoker that can do lightning magic
  9. Thunder’s Wrath: Gives the caster Speed effect for 45 seconds
  10. Superbolt: Summons a circle that disappears over time. When the circle disappeared, the black cloud above the circle will then summons multiple lightning (super bolt) striking the ground for 5 seconds.
H. Necro Spells
  1. Wither Skull: Shoots a wither skull
  2. Mist: Creates a small fog that repels any entities inside it
  3. Phantom: Summon a rideable phantom
  4. Undead legion: Surround the caster with a dark green circle. After a while, each circle will turn into a random temporary undead entity
  5. Ectoplasm: Shoots a green projectile creating a 3×3 layer of green goo that slows entities caught
  6. Spectral Swords: Conjure 5 floating swords that attack nearby mobs and can follow the caster
  7. Life Dragger: Shoots a dark projectile which creates a tiny wormhole that drags mobs in the area
  8. Spirit: Gives the caster invisibility effect for 5 seconds
  9. Resurrection: Resurrect certain entities by shooting a green particle to the entity’s drop. The list can be resurrected (adding more soon)
    1. Zombie = Rotten flesh
    2. Skeleton = Arrow
    3. Zombie Pigman = golden sword
    4. Wither skeleton = coal
    5. Villager = Golden apple
    6. Wolf = Cone
    7. Vindicator: iron ax
    8. Enderman: Ender pearl
    9. Spider: String
    10. Blaze: Blaze rod
  10. Soul eater: Creates a giant dark hole circle. All mobs in the area will slowly be taking damage. Over time, the circle explodes depending on how much it devours the souls


Bug Fixes

  • The magic crafting table is now working
  • Ultimate spells don’t float when hit a block (Tsunami and Venus)
  • Magic blocks disappeared after a few seconds (stone wall, enchanted horse, coral build, and cobble step)
  • Nature bless now block entity’s attack instead of granting the caster immunity

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