Welcoming the Hard Pillage addon as well! Make Minecraft Raid more difficult and unusual! 😀 This will also be a more difficult raid because the mob will rise with each level of the raid! This addon has a ton of mobs! As a result, I just took screenshots of the raid’s level!
Cre: Garen GamerS 2
Hard Pillage Addon
Pillagers are illagers armed with crossbows that patrol the Overworld, guard their outposts, and participate in raids, sometimes spawning on ravagers in later waves of a raid. They are the weakest and most common of the illagers.
Source: https://minecraft.fandom.com
Stage 1: This level isn’t particularly difficult if you play with the village guard addon or other players, but it does include melee pillager and Hard Pillager! It’s quite difficult!
Stage 2: It’s getting harder! There’s a new piglin and additional mobs! There’s also a new vindicator! This is completely ridiculous!
Stage 3 :Ok, this is a little nuts, but the Ravager was on his way!
…as well as other Hard Pillage groups!
Stage 4: Hard Pillage and Witches now collaborate to assassinate both your villager and yourself! Also, there’s a new evoker mob with a red shirt that can summon vexes and TNT!
New mobs have joined the raid!
Level of Armored Raid!
At 1.3 (26 June 2021), add a new mob.
Heavy Ravagers and Armored Pillagers
Some addons similar to Hard Pillage you maybe like in Mcpeaddons.com:
At 1.4, add a new mob: the illager horseman.
Hey! Evoker, Vindicator, and other mobs have been buffed! More perilous! 🙂
Iceologer has improved! Iceblock spawn options and textures
New Iceologer and Fireologer have been removed from the game.
Texture by me :3
Outlaws Pillager
Outlaws Vindicator (Mask Dissapear)
Meet the Mage Illager!
Meet Illager, the Mountaineer!
We add some many mobs, maybe 5!
Illager Warrior, Reaper Illager, Illager Castor, Geomancer Illager, Miner Illager (Concept).
Please accept our apologies; we had to delete the hard pillage raid due to a dumb subscriber giving the erroneous code….
So, in Part 2 of the 1st ANNIVERSARY OF HARD PILLAGE, let us work on it.
1.11 is now available!
Armoured Evoker, Armored Iceologer, Armoured Iceologer, Armoured Iceologer, Armoured Iceologer, Armou Add: Armored Pillager Iron, re-add: Iceologer Old
Fixed issue about:Incompatible Behavior Pack
Piglin Update out now!
Add Evocation Piglin mob
Hard.1.13 added new mobs :
Cowboy Pillager and Cowboy Vindicator! Next Outlaws Update will add more!
1.14 Evoker Boss Update!
If you can, play and defeat Evoker Boss! 🙂
Hard Pillage 1.15 Hallowagger Update!
Happy Halloween!
Hard Pillage addon 1.15 UPDATE Hallowagger :
Added :
- Dead Kai Illager
- Golemancer Illager
- Golemancer Minion
- Illager Skeletonator Horseman
- Pumpkified Illager
- Skelefied Pillager
Changes :
- No Longer Illager Castor in Hard Pillage
Download Hard Pillage Addon (RP)
Download Hard Pillage Addon (BP)
#PixelArtMinecraft #HalloweenPixel2022