| v2.1.5 | Disciples of the Void Volume II. Adore superiors? such as cool weapons? such as Janky Lore? oh boy! I have a gift for you!
The second volume of Disciples of the Void Volume II is a continuation of the first. The series’ objective is to expand the variety of bosses and things in your universe. Who doesn’t want more activities to enjoy? And who doesn’t adore bosses with lore that is poorly written?
Cre: ItsDarkwolf6 (Youtube, Twitter)
| v2.1.5 | Disciples of the Void Volume II
Please consider subscribing if you liked the trailer or my stuff in general. Come along with me on my quest to join the Minecraft Marketplace!
If you like my work, feel free to follow along as I start releasing my addons early on my YouTube channel on a first come, first serve basis.
Getting Started:
You’ll need to make a substance called “Void Extract II” in order for each boss to spawn and for your trip to begin. It can be produced by boiling a water bottle with a crystal on the end.

You can now choose the boss you want to battle once the extract is prepared. There are four boss fights to begin with, and killing all of them will get you a variety of rewards. Later, though, we’ll discuss it; for the moment, let’s talk about the mobs themselves.
Each boss is contained in a manifest that can be generated by placing it on the ground. Each one can be made in this way.
Prismatica, The Purifier

“when not fought against, is your greatest ally”
A coin of good and evil has gained control of a mutant vex. searches for players to assault while sobbing and giggling to herself while on the overworld.
She will fly at you and assault you during her fist phase. She then loses her color in her second phase and crawls toward you.
- Is ”kinda” like a vex
- Is spawned by the manifest of light.
- Drops “Prismatic Fragment” & “Light”
- Has a second phase where she will full on crawl at you.

- Dropped by Priamatica
- 10 Second Cooldown
- +11 Attack Damage
- When used, Gives you speed and strength for a VERY short time.
Roxantria, The Withered Stray

“A dice of emotions mixed with chains”
She was a redstone engineer’s companion when she was a stray cat by the name of Roxxane. who abandoned her in a lab alone for three years. He was radically changed when he came back. A tall, skeletal-looking defensive robot was with him. Being trained to kill monsters, it excelled at what it did. Fortunately, a mysterious force chose to reincarnate her soul. She is regarded as one of the most powerful disciples.
- Shoots buffed fireballs at you.
- Will frantically teleport around you
- Is spawned by the Manifest of Chaos
- Drops a “Roxantric Fragment” & “Chaos”

- +10 Attack Damage
- 1 Second Cooldown
- Dropped by Roxantria
- When used, shoots Roxantria’s buffed fireball.
The Erian Demon

“A fury charged with fury and misunderstanding”
The Puppetmaster built Erian, a mutant wither skeleton, to imitate The Creator’s aesthetic.
He may not be (even remotely) of my caliber, but he nonetheless possesses traits of a follower.
- Is like a wither skeleton
- Primarily uses melee attacks.
- Is spawned by the “Manifest of Rage”
- Drops a “Erian Fragment” & “Rage”
- Has a chance to ENRAGE on every hit. You will know when he enrages from an animation and noise.

- Dropped by Erian
- 12 Second Cooldown
- +12 Attack Damage
- When used, all enemies around you will be inflicted with the wither effect for a couple seconds.
Frequex, The Equalizer

“A soothing song lost in time”
He was a well-liked DJ in a previous life who exchanged his soul for success. Sadly, when he passed away, it was time for his soul to be used.
- Is literally a zombie, but a bit more powerful
- He will occasonally “Power up” and give himself a buff to help himself in battle
- Is spawned by the “Manifest of Hymn”
- Drops a “Dubtrox Fragment” & “Hymn”

+9 Attack Damage
- Dropped by Frequex
- When an mob is struck, plays a random note and gives you a buff. It can be Strength, Resistance, Speed, or Regeneration.
Disciple Slayer Armor

They all drop a fragment when you defeat a boss.
After assembling all four pieces, you can create a “Manifestation of Power.”
You will receive the Disciple Slayer Armor when you utilize it.
You are prepared to face another monster once all of the monsters have been defeated and the fragments have been gathered.
The Puppetmaster

“a creator and puppeteer to the end”
850 Total Health
The primary antagonist of this DLC is “The Puppetmaster.”
He is in charge of the second group of disciples’ unpredictable behavior.
He goes after any mobs he encounters. He uses the “Despair” sword, which gives him the ability to kill every disciple he comes across in one blow.

- Dropped by The Puppetmaster
- No Cooldown
- +16 Attack Damage
- Instantly kills any disciple hit with this blade.
- Effects of this sword can also be used in Volume I
Update v2.1: Lorekeeper, Chapter I.
Please consider subscribing if you liked the trailer or my stuff in general. Come along with me on my quest to join the Minecraft Marketplace!
If you like my work, feel free to follow along as I start releasing Disciples of The Void Volume II early on my YouTube channel on a first come, first serve basis.
You can check more addons in order to make your Minecraft morre funny are similar to Disciples of the Void Volume II addons:
Getting started:

When ??? When you defeat him, he hands you an object dubbed “fragment A.”
For the new bosses, it can be utilized to create new manifests. And do not fret. The object is not utilised in the crafting process when using one of the new manifests. You don’t have to kill then, right? whenever you want to take on a boss.
Invincibility Patches

New bosses:
Fallen Prismatica

“I needed an extra boss. Three is a nice number.”
- Summoned by the “Lost Manifest: Fallen Manifest”
- 600 Health
- 6 Attack Damage
- Drops “Legacy Fragment C”
Fallen Prismatica is the dark, twisted side of Prismatica. (Duh) She has pretty basic attacks other than teleporting once in a while.
True Dubtrox

- Summoned by the “Lost Manifest: Dubtrox”
- 650 Health
- 6 Attack Damage (Melee Mode)
- Slowness arrow. (Ranged Mode)
- 12 Thorns Damage (Block Mode)
- Drops “Legacy Fragment B”
- Drops the “Beatshredder”
True Dubtrox is the original design of Frequex. A well known DJ serving クリエイター and his group by throwing insane partys.
- True Dubtrox has three attacks. A melee mode, a ranged mode, and a block mode.
- In melee mode, he attacks you like any normal Minecraft mob.
In ranged mode, he shoots slowness arrows at you like strays do.
In block mode, he’ll put his shield in front of him and if you attack him you are damaged with thorns.
True Dubtrox drops The Beatshredder, a sword that holds the power of dubstep.
On use, the sword will play one of two beats.
- One beat, is a chill, synth type. And will grant you Regeneration III for 14 seconds.
- The other beat is more stern and focused. it will give you Strength III for 14 seconds.
- The sword has a cool down of 25 Seconds.
- 16 Attack Damage

True Erian

“Player, it’s test time.”
The true test of this addition is True Erian. The original and most potent Erian, known as True Erian, was revived by CREATOR to defeat PUPPETMASTER.
Do you let him perform his duties? Or do you murder him and wait to see what happens? Your player of choice. But if you manage to kill him, you’ll get something in return.
Phase One

“Do you serve PUPPETMASTER? Why are we fighting?”
- Summoned by the “Lost Manifest: True Erian”
- 400 Health (Phase One)
- 8 Damage (Phase One)
He will charge at you in the first phase, hitting you and, um, attacking you. Yes, the current conflict is typical.
Phase Two
- 700 Health (Phase Two)
- 10 Damage (Phase Two)
- 4 Damage Per Tick (Erian Fire)
- Drops the “Triggerfire”
- Drops “Creator Fragment A”
In phase two, things get interesting.
He makes a speech about how you are as powerful as I anticipated in the introduction. The real battle begins shortly after that.
True Erian will begin to float and pursue you while preparing to attack. literally ATTACKING YOU WITH THE FACE. He will periodically release a particle known as “True Erian Fire” that, if it hits something, will deal four ticks of damage.
He will vanish and summon a loot chest after being killed. A Book, The Triggerfire Sword, and “Legacy Fragment A” are all contained there.

The Triggerfire, a sword that is encased in the raging skeleton’s flames, is dropped by True Erian.
- on use, the sword summons Erian fire all around you. Damaging anythng in your way.
- 16 Attack Damage
End of Chapter I

The last boss was supposed to be included in this update, but I’m exhausted. I prefer to build things up gradually than to rush things. In any case, chapters sound cool.
The topic of Chapter Two will be???
“The Forgotten” will be the subject of Chapter 3.
Final Notes:
The last boss was supposed to be included in this update, but I’m exhausted. I prefer to build things up gradually than to rush things. In any case, chapters sound cool.
The topic of Chapter Two will be???
“The Forgotten” will be the subject of Chapter 3.
- True Dubtrox’s fight features music from Borderlands 3’s Mouthpiece’s Fight Theme.
- The phases one and two True Erian’s Fight themes are “Mantis Lords” and “Sisters of Battle” from Hollow Knight.
- The sound effects Mob, Beat, and Misc are from Soundsnap.
v1.0 Content
Getting Started:
You’ll need to make a substance called “Void Extract II” in order for each boss to spawn and for your trip to begin. It can be produced by boiling a water bottle with a crystal on the end.

The boss you want to battle can now be chosen once you have the extract prepared. If you defeat all four of the bosses, you will receive a variety of goodies. Later on, though, we’ll talk about that, for now, let’s talk about the mobs themselves.
Every boss is contained in a manifest that can be dropped to the ground and created. Each one is craftable in this way.

Prismatica, The Purifier

“when not fought against, is your greatest ally”
A mutated vex overtaken by the coin of light and evil. Travels the overworld crying and laughing to herself seeking players to attack.
- Is exactly like a vex
- Is spawned by the manifest of light.
- Drops “Prismatic Fragment” & “Light”
- Has a second phase where she will full on crawl at you.
Roxantria, The Withered Stray

“A dice of chains and emotions”
She was a redstone engineer’s companion when she was a stray cat by the name of Roxxane. who abandoned her in a lab alone for three years. He was radically changed when he came back. A tall, skeletal-looking defensive robot was with him. Being trained to kill monsters, it excelled at what it did. Fortunately, a mysterious force chose to reincarnate her soul. She is regarded as one of the most powerful disciples.
- She is regarded as one of the most powerful disciples.
- Is precisely a stray Shoots fireballs from enhanced guns at you.
- is born from the Chaos Manifest
- Drops “Chaos” and “Roxantric Fragment”
The Erian Demon

“A anger packed with misunderstanding and fury”
Formerly called as “Deathblade,” this Disciple was renowned for taking victims’ souls and gazing into them. took in the soul of a corrupted vindicator one day. He understood what real chaos, control, and power meant. He evolved into the definition of utter anger.
- Is like a wither skeleton
- Primarily uses melee attacks.
- Is spawned by the “Manifest of Rage”
- Drops a “Erian Fragment” & “Rage”
- Has a chance to ENRAGE on every hit. You will know when he enrages from an animation and noise.
Frequex, The Equalizer
(The one on the right.)
“A soothing song lost in time”
In his former life, he was a beloved DJ who sold his soul away to be successful in life Unfortunately, when he passed it was time for his soul to be put to use.
Is literally a zombie
Is spawned by the “Manifest of Hymn”
Drops a “Dubtrox Fragment” & “Hymn”
Disciple Slayer Armor

They all drop a fragment when you defeat a boss.
After assembling all four pieces, you can create a “Manifestation of Power.”
It will immediately grant you the Disciple Slayer Armor after being utilized.
Secret Manifest

When all fragments are collected, you also have a choice to create a secret item. It works like all the other manifests and you can fight an extra boss. I don’t want to say too much about it but I will tell you what he does.
“a creator and puppeteer to the end”
???: Phase I
- Will run around and attack the player, periodically summoning a combination of vexes, buffed vexes, and fangs.
???: Phase II
Will full on attack you and all mobs in the area at full force. Is faster than you and will inflict wither. Drops the most powerful sword in the addon.
+9 Attack Damage
Dropped by Frequex
When an mob is struck, plays a random note and gives you a buff. It can be Strength, Resistance, Speed, or Regeneration.

- Dropped by Erian
- 12 Second Cooldown
- +12 Attack Damage
- When used, all enemies around you will be inflicted with the wither effect for a couple seconds.
- +10 Attack Damage
- 1 Second Cooldown
- Dropped by Roxantria
- When used, shoots Roxantria’s buffed fireball.


- Dropped by Priamatica
- 10 Second Cooldown
- +11 Attack Damage
- When used, Gives you speed and strength for a VERY short time.
- Dropped by ???
- No Cooldown
- +16 Attack Damage
- Instantly kills any disciple hit with this blade.
- Effects of this sword can also be used in Volume I

- Prismatica and ??? Phase II Sounds we’re inspired and taken from the roblox game ”The Mimic” by Mucdich
- ???’s Phase I Sounds we’re voice acted by my close, dear, talented, goated- friend listed here: Spirin2557
- My Cameraman is linked here.
- The cinematic camera shots from the trailer was from the “cinematic cameras“ addon from majestikbutter, please go check him out he’s helped me countless times on an addon creation discord and he’s a really smart guy.
- If you would like to follow me on Instagram to keep up to date on future projects there will be a link below, in my profile, and below the downloads. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to check this out and have a good one!
9/23/22: Anniversary Revamp NEW ADDON TRAILER WOOOOOOO New Addon art. The Puppetmaster now talks during his intro cutscene The Puppetmaster and True Erian now have titles when they’re done with their monologues Roxantria now teleports around and has knockback resistance Frequex is no longer exactly like a zombie. He now actually has magic Gave every disciples new animations. All disciples have ANIMATION CONTROLLERS NOW THEY’RE SO SMOOTH. Prismatica‘s unused Dark texture is… now used. Changed Fallen Prismatica’s texture and AI. Increased True Erian, Puppetmaster, and Dubtrox’s health. All swords have been resprited. |

Disciples of The Void Volume II: Anniversary Revamp | .mcaddon |
Disciples of The Void Volume II: Anniversary Revamp | .zip |