
Dahlia craft addon | Minecraft Furniture Mod

Dahlia craft addon is created by Jhulyzhaâśż add you more 40 items include cabinet, chair, chairsmall, pictures,..... Creator: Jhulyzhaâśż (youtube)...

Craftycraft Addon | Minecraft furniture Mod

Craftycraft Addon is created by Redred Craft, this addon add you 110 items, include drink & food, shelf, chair,...

Ghoulcraft Garden Pack | Minecraft furniture mod

A Minecraft addon is called Ghoulcraft Graden Pack BE. Awnings, Lattices, Apiaries, Animal Coops, Plants, Lattices, Shutters, Windowboxes, Garden...

MiniaTuria CIT Pack| Minecraft Furniture Mod

MiniaTuria CIT Pack is a Cit pack is created by Hassuko, it's add you more and more items include...
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Rez’s Mobs Expansion Addon | Minecraft Addons PE

Hello guys I'm Rez. I added new mobs and monster Creator: RezAlvaroz94 Rez's Mobs Expansion Download Rez's mobs expansion addon v1...

Kiyomi Craft Addon V2

Hello, After releasing with Kiyomi Craft Addon, Cloudyminx had continuted with Update version is Kiyomi Craft addon V2 (Update)....

Thor Addon | Minecraft Addons PE

With this Thor Addon you can become Thor the god of thunder where you can get Thor's hammer, all...

SIMJUE LIGHTS | Minecraft Furniture Decor Mod

SIMJUE LIGHTS is fairylights addon for Minecraft bedrock is created by JJ. It's add you 24 light items. The best...
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Toolmod V0.0.1 | Minecraft Addons PE

This ToolMod includes tools and armors, the first version doesn't have much items. Creator: BismarkV ToolMod by BismarckV You can see how...

More Stairs Addon | Minecraft Addons PE

This More Stairs Addon addon add more stairs in minecraft pocket edition if you ever wanted to see new...

Shopping Carts Addon v1.1.0 | Minecraft Addons PE

This Shopping Carts Addon adds five different types of shopping carts so that good for mini-games, creative, role-play and...
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