Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Element Benders Addon

Are you a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender? If you are, this addon is ideal for you! This mod includes four element benders: Water 🌊 Earth🌱 Fire πŸ”₯ Air πŸ’¨, as well as new weaponry! I hope you like this mod!
Because all weapons and entities are unique, they do not replace anything in the game.

Cre: AshVXmc (Patreon)

Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Element Benders Addon

Flying bisons!

Flying bisons are animals that may be generated and tamed; you can even ride one to soar and receive no harm from falling! Tame them by continuously mounting them (as if they were horses), and you may give them apples, golden apples, hay bales, wheat, or magical apples to tame and heal them. They have 150 HP and will flee if a crowd or a player attacks them. They may also be outfitted with chests, allowing you to take stuff with you.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
From left to right: Fire, air ,water, earth.

The Element benders now drop bending scrolls of their respective elements.

1. Firebenders

Firebenders are strong monsters that can blast fast-moving fireballs. They have 20 health and may be found in mesa biomes and variations.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
To summon type /summon id:firebender

List of craftable abilities:


It shoots fireballs that creates fire upon contact and causes a tiny explosion.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Recipe for crafting Fireball

πŸ”₯Fire grenade

After throwing the projectile, it will explode and cause fire in the radius of 3 blocks after 3 seconds of countdown. Use this ability to set up traps!

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Recipe for crafting Fire grenade

πŸ”₯Fire blade

Creates a blade of flame for melee attacks. It is stronger than netherite, as durable as diamond, and grants Haste 1 and Fire Resistance.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Recipe for crafting Fire blade

πŸ”₯Combustion bending

The most uncommon, strong, and hazardous kind of Firebending. It emits a white beam that causes a tremendous explosion in a radius of 7 blocks. Combustion bending scrolls, which are dropped by combustion man, are required to build the ability.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Spawns in roofed forests and its variants
Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Crafting recipe

2. Waterbenders

Waterbenders, the polar opposite of firebenders, may throw ice tridents at you! They have 30 health and may be found in ice biomes and variations.

They drop waterbending scrolls.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
To summon type /summon id:waterbender

🌊Water splash

They shoot water balls and deals 10 damage.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Crafting recipe

3. Airbenders

Waterbenders, the polar opposite of firebenders, may throw ice tridents at you! They have 30 health and may be found in ice biomes and variations. They drop airbending which can be crafted into airbending staff.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
To summon type /summon id:airbender

πŸ’¨Air burst

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Recipe for crafting Air burst

It can also be changed into AIR GLIDERS. (Retextured elytra) To obtain just put your air staff in your crafting section to turn them into gliders, and vice versa.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Or type /give @s id:air_glider

4. Earthbenders

They spawn in plains biomes and can cause ground explosions (Fireless) or strike directly. They have 45 health.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon

🌱Earth blast

Creates a fireless explosion. They shoot stone and explode on contact.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Crafting recipe

🌱Earth barrage

Summons 3 earth entities to attach hostile mobs. Cooldown 3 sec.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Crafting recipe

🌱Earth barrier

Summons an earth boulder in front of you to protect from ranged attacks. Cooldown: 3 sec

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Crafting recipe (Uses Coarse dirt)

🌱Earth chi

A passive ability which gives you slowness, but also gives you absorbtion, resistance, and deals 7 damage.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Crafting recipe

🌱Earth mine

When you have this skill, you can demolish nearby blocks while holding them. Can even smash bedrock!

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Crafting recipe


Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
To use, long tap/hold to throw it, and it will play a 30 sec audio clip πŸ˜‰ (One time use only)

New boss: Fire lord

  • Health: 550
  • Attacks: Same as firebenders but stronger and quicker
  • Perks: Levitation and Fire immunity
  • Drops: Nether star
Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Spawn by typing /summon id:fire_lord

New mob: Komodo rhino

Spawns in the underworld and may be tamed with either raw or cooked flesh. When transported to the overworld, it transforms into zoglin.

Avatar: The Last Airbender's Element Benders Addon
Currently has no use, give me some of your ideas!
Known bugs:
  1. The air staff sometimes couldn’t change to a glider.
  2. The cooldown effect is a little bit buggy.

P.S: If you want to make a showcase/review, thanks! Please credit me in the description and put a link to this MCPEDL page!

If there is any bugs, glitches, or feedback, please let me know on my channel or down in the comment section!


Updated the download links , so now you can download the previous version (the one without sky bisons)

Minor change: Added a few sound effects to bending techniques.

Download Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Element Benders Addons

  1. Download the file from below
  2. Remember to turn ON Experimental gameplay, or the mod won’t work!



This Avatar: The Last Airbender‘s Element Benders Addon no longer makes use of Ma-J games addon code. In this version, I wrote the code myself and used vanilla packs, so it may appear similar, but it is not “ripping off” his simply because it came from the same open-source folders provided by Minecraft for free, so everyone should be free to use that (at least, that is my opinion, as his bison is similar to a vanilla donkey), and my addon has different behaviors than his. This is not to criticise the previously stated creator, but only to clarify, and the flight mechanism is not the same as his.

Supported Minecraft versions: 1.15 beta, 1.16

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