The Treasure of Greenhill Kingdom

They believe there’s a valuable treasure concealed someplace in Greenhill Kingdom. Many people have looked for it for years and have yet to find it. Would you like to give it a shot? The medieval village, the frightening Black Tower, the Golden Town mine, and the great Greenhill Castle will all be visited during your journey.

Cre: Dylan Dolmen

The Treasure of Greenhill Kingdom

Seven chests buried throughout the kingdom will provide you with the information you require. The first chest reveals the location of the second, the second reveals the location of the third, and so on until you reach the last chest and discover the wealth. Best of luck!

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master maps for minecraft

Some Maps Minecraft PE You can check in


  • All buildings are improved and new constructions are added.
  • New paths, signs and other aids that facilitate the search.


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Installation Instructions

For mobile devices, game consoles, and Windows 10, this map is available as a.mcworld file. Simply browse to your “Downloads” folder, double-click the “Greenhill Kingdom 1.18 Bedrock.mcworld” file, and it will be imported into your Minecraft game immediately.

The Treasure of Greenhill Kingdom

Download The Treasure of Greenhill Kingdom (Super Creator)

Download The Treasure of Greenhill Kingdom (Drive)

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