Space Craft Addon Minecraft PE

Space Craft Addon bring you new structures, decoration blocks, creatures, crafting blocks, and more. The purpose of this mod is to introduce more space-related items to Minecraft, including functional rockets, steel, new manufacturing tables, and more! Rockets can be used to travel to the moon. There’s also limitless landscape, craters, and new ores on the moon! Have fun with the addition!

Cre: Minicookie1811 (Twitter)

Space Craft Addon

The moon requires a minimum render distance of 16 pieces.
Due to a Minecraft problem, some areas of the Moon do not generate indefinitely.

For the Space Craft Addon Minecraft PE to work, you must enable all experimental gameplay options.

This addon has not been tested on mobile devices and may not function properly.


For the most part, this addon requires Minecraft or higher!

I intend to update this addon, so please report any bugs you notice!


This add-on adds a large number of blocks to the game.

Decoration blocks, ores blocks, crafting table blocks, and various crafts blocks are all available.

Asteroid Rock Block

  • Asteroid rock blocks are mostly used for decoration and the construction of asteroids.
  • Finding the asteroid rock in fallen meteors is one method of obtaining it.

2. Meteors With Gold

Space Craft Addon

3. Normal Meteors

Space Craft Addon

The majority of these blocks may be found in survival mode. Typing /give @p spacecraft:[name of the block you want] is another way to get them.

The Mars Blocks

Mars Dust and Mars Rock Blocks are two types of Mars Blocks. Mars dust is similar to sand, but it comes from Mars. The Mars Rock is similar to stone, yet it is specific to Mars.

The block on top is the dust, and the block below it is the rock.

The Moon Blocks

The Mars Blocks are made up of two parts: dust from Mars and rock from Mars. Mars dust is similar to sand, but it comes from the planet Mars. The Mars Rock is similar to stone, but it is specifically for the planet Mars.

The dust is the top block, and the rock is the bottom block.

Space Craft Addon

The Moon Stone can also be used to create stone tools and Moon Stone Bricks. This is how the Moon Stone Brick appears.

Space Craft Addon

You’ll be able to travel to other moons and planets, such as Mars, using the rocket. One of the most significant items in the addition is the rocket. You can sit in the rocket, and it will launch after 3 seconds of being spawned. Only the launchpad blocks will be used to place the rocket. To exit the rocket, hit the shift key. The rocket will travel to the moon after it reaches a height of 500 blocks. To go to the moon, your render distance must be more than 16 pieces.

He is the image of the rocket!

Launch Pads
The rocket must stand on a platform known as the Launch Pad. The launchpad is where the rocket is put before being launched. The launch pad does not need to be built; there is an item in the spawn egg area that automatically spawns it, or you can manufacture it in survival.

This is how it seems!

Custom Crafting Tables!

Crafting tables made to order! Two new crafting tables are included in space craft addon. These tables can be used to make rocket parts, steel, rockets, and more. The Advanced anvil and the Rocket crafting table are the two new crafting tables.

Table for making rockets
Rocket parts and rockets are made on the Rocket crafting table. Only the Advanced Anvil can construct the Rocket crafting table.

Here’s a glimpse at the Rocket making table!

The Rocket crafting table is made in the following manner. It should be noted that it can only be made in the Advanced Anvil.

Space Craft Addon

Some addons are similar to Space craft addon you can like in

Advanced Anvil

Steel, steel plates, and other items are made with the Advanced Anvil. An ordinary crafting table can be used to make the Advanced Anvil.

This is how the Advanced Anvil appears.

Here is how to craft the Advanced Anvil.

Space Craft Addon

The Hammer is solely for crafting purposes. The Advanced Anvil, which is highly crucial in this mod, is currently the only thing you can make with the hammer.

This is how the hammer crafting recipe appears.

Space Craft Addon

Molten Iron And Molten Steel

The addition begins with the molten iron. Only molten iron is utilized in crafting. It’s made by melting down an iron ingot in a furnace.

This is how the crafting recipe appears.

Space Craft Addon

Molten Iron is used to make molten steel. In addition, molten steel is exclusively used for making. It is capable of producing steel ingots.

This is how Molten Steel is made.

Space Craft Addon

The most significant item in the addition is steel. It is the object that may be used to make a variety of items, including the Rocket crafting table and the rocket.

Ingots of steel
The steel plate is made from a steel ingot. Only the Advanced Anvil can create the Steel ingot. In the Advanced Anvil, you can manufacture a steel ingot out of molten steel.

This is how you create steel.

Space Craft Addon

Steel Plate
The Steel Plate is used to produce the majority of the addon’s items, including the Rocket crafting table, rocket parts, and more. A steel ingot can be used to make the steel plate in the Advanced Anvil.

This is how the steel plate is made.

Space Craft Addon

Block of steel
The Steel Block is a decorative block that is used to protect moon homes. The steel block is more durable and less prone to explosions.

This is how the steel block appears.

Here’s how to use the Rocket Crafting Table to make the steel block.

Space Craft Addon

The Hardened Glass is a decorative brick that is used to safeguard lunar homes. Steel is more durable and resistant to explosions than regular glass. You get it back when you smash the hardened glass.

This is how the hardened glass appears.

Here’s how to use the Rocket Crafting Table to make toughened glass.

Space Craft Addon

Space Craft Addon

Rocket Parts

There are three rocket parts in total for the basic rocket. The rocket top, the engine, and the fuel tank. The Rocket crafting table is required for all of them. Below is a list of rocket parts and instructions on how to make them.

Rocket Engine

The rocket engine is one of the components that go into making a basic rocket. Steel plates, blazing powder, and Redstone are used to make the rocket engine.

The rocket engine can be made in the following manner.

Space Craft Addon

Rocket Top

The rocket’s top is the rocket’s top. It can be made entirely of steel plates. The rocket top is solely for crafting purposes.

The rocket top can be made in the following manner.

Space Craft Addon

Rocket Fuel Tank

The rocket fuel tank is the final component in the construction of a basic rocket. Steel plates can be used to make it. You can install the rocket fuel tank as a block.

The rocket fuel tank can be made in the following manner.

Space Craft Addon

Rocket Crafting

The three rocket bits can be used to make the basic rocket. Only the Rocket crafting table can be used to make the rocket.

This is how you make the rocket.

Space Craft Addon

At the Rocket construction table, you can make a launch pad similar to this.

Space Craft Addon

The Moon

You can use the rocket to travel to the moon. The moon, like the rest of the Minecraft world, has unlimited topography. Except for craters, the moon is now flat, but I plan to add additional landscape to it in the future. To go to the moon, your render distance must be more than 16 pieces. Returning to Earth is only possible by using the /function return to earth command.

Space Craft Addon

Aluminum is a brand-new metal that can only be found on the moon and cannot be produced on Earth. When you mine aluminum ore, it produces raw aluminum, which you may process into an aluminum ingot in a furnace. The aluminum ore and moon iron ore look like this.

This is how the raw aluminum appears.

Space Craft Addon

This is how the aluminum ingot appears.

Advanced Crafting Table

The advanced crafting table is similar to a crafting table, however it will eventually craft the Mars Rocket and Advanced LaunchPad. It can’t make anything right now

The Advanced crafting table can be made in the following manner.

Circuit Boards

The sole circuit board in the game for now is the Basic Circuit Board, which can be used to build the Advanced Crafting Table. In the future, other circuit boards will be available to make Rockets and other items.

Here’s how to make a simple circuit board.

Space Craft Addon

Future updates are going to add:



New Rockets



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  • You can make a Youtube video about this addon but you have to credit me.

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