Soft n’ Simple – 1.18

Hello, everyone! Soft n’ Simple is being released in its current unfinished condition for feedback and comments; it is fully playable but lacks a big number of textures and intended features. It currently has the majority of blocks, a large number of objects, and no creatures (entities).

Cre: MidnitePixel_ (Twitter)

Soft n’ Simple Feature

Some of the cool features in SnS:

Textures that are randomized: For example, grass top (grass blocks) has three variations to add variety.

Texture Animations: To lend vitality to the environment, several blocks have added flipbook textures (such as fire or water). I’ve got glowstone, jack o’ lanterns, furnaces, enchantment tables, emerald and diamond ores, and so on so far.

Some Texture Minecraft PE you can check in

Planned Features:

More Block Animations: I intend to add gently animated textures to many more environmental blocks, such as the glowstone and others I mentioned.

Entity Models of the Future: I may make minor model adjustments to entities that I believe require them, such as the pigs’ ears. I’m also planning to modify the aesthetic of certain base model animations by updating them somewhat. However, I may split the project into two versions, one with and one without.

Animated Item Textures: This feature isn’t presently available in Bedrock, but I believe it will be soon, and I’d gladly take advantage of it.

After I’m satisfied with the blocks, items, and entities, I’ll build a custom GUI to match the rest of the texturing.



  • Why Bedrock? As a full-time Marketplace texture artist, I just have vastly more experience with the engine, but I’m not counting Java out!
  • When will SnS be done? I couldn’t say, but I’d love to indefinitely continue development for at least the foreseeable future.



Install Steps:

  1. Download “Soft-n’-Simple.mcpack”
  2. Find the file in your devices Download folder
  3. Click it to automatically install
  4. Go into the options for any world and find “Resource Packs”
  5. Click into “My Packs” and Add Soft n’ Simple to your “Active” packs

Download Soft n’ Simple – 1.18 (Drive)

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3 years ago

can u pls make a mediafire link please

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