More Simple Structures Addon adds new naturally spawning structures to your Minecraft world for you to seek out or run into! More structures will be added in the next future!
Creator: iKorbon (Youtube, Twitter)
More Simple Structures
The More Simple Structures Add-on adds 30+ new naturally spawning Minecraft buildings and structures to the game. These structures range from small bushes to large Jungle Pyramids!

- Spawn:
- Forest
- Birch Forest
- Dark Oak Forest
- Taiga
- Plains
Desert Pyramid

- Spawn:
- Desert
- Mesa
Desert House

- Spawn: Desert

- Spawn: Dersert
Small Abandoned House

- Spawn
- Taiga
- Forest
- Birch Forest
Large Abandoned House

- Spawn
- Forest
- Birch Forest
- Taiga

- Spawn: Plains
Download More Simple Structures
Magma Vent

- Spawn: Ocean (sometimes surfaced)
House Ruins

- Spawn
- Taiga
- Forest
- Birch
- Plains
- Dark Oak Forest
Mysterious Well

- Spawn
- Birch
- Dark Oak Forest
- Taiga
- Plains
Water Geyser

- Spawn
- Extreme Hills
- mountains

- Spawn: Jungle

- Spawn:
- Savanna
- Plains
Palm Trees

- Spawn
- Beaches
- Shores
Dead Trees

- Spawn
- Desert
- Mesa
Apple Trees

- Spawn
- Dark Oak Forest
- Plains
- Forest

- Spawn
- Plains
- Forest
- Savanna
- Taiga
Dungeon Tower

- Spawn
- Dark Oak Forest
- Desert
- Forest
- Jungle
- Mesa
- Plains
- Savanna
Underground Dungeons

- Spawn: Anywhere underground from levels 10-50
Bigger Cacti

- Spawn: Desert

- Spawn: Plains
Desert Palm Trees

- Spawn: Desert
Download More Simple Structures
Pillager Base

- Spawn
- Birch Forest
- Forest
- Plains
- Savanna
Jungle Pyramid

- Spawn: Jungle
Surface Dungeon

- Spawn
- Dark Oak Forest
- Forest
- Jungle
- Plains
- Savanna
- Taiga
Witch House

- Spawn: Swamp
Cabins in Forest

- Spawn
- Birch Forest
- Forest
- Taiga
Head Statues

- Spawn:
- Jungle
- Ocean
Fallen Trees

- Spawn
- Forest
- Birch Forest
- Taiga

- Spawn: Anywhere in Ocean
Orange Trees

- Spawn
- Forest
- Plains
- Drops orange
Piglin Fortress

- Spawn: Soul sand Valley (spawns grounded or floating)
Desert House Ruins

- Spawn: Desert

- Spawn
- Plains
- Forest
Jungle Tree House

- Spawn: Jungle
Tower Ruins

- Spawn
- Plains
- Taiga
- Forest
Abandoned Castle

- Spawn
- Plains
- Forest
Desert Sphinx

- Spawn: Desert
Underground Desert Dungeons

- Spawn: Desert
Swamp Willow Tree

- Spawn: Swamp

- Spawn
- Forest
- Mountains
- Plains
- Taiga
- Swamp
- Savanna
- Ice Plains
Small Mineshaft

- Spawn: Forest
Endermite Nest

- Spawn: The End
Crashed End Ship

Fishing Hut

More Simple Structures Pictures


Piglin Outpost/Boat

End Ruins

and much more!
More Simple Structures v4.7
– Updated texture and geometry of the Sawmill
– Removed Candle Holder
– Spike traps are now more fatal
– Various underground structures can now generate lower in the world
– Some underground structures are more likely to spawn less exposure to air
– Fruit trees can now be rarely found in plains biomes
– Removed Lush Cave structure
– Updated recipe for Sandstone Spike Trap
– Fixed:
+ A bug that caused nearby chunks to freeze when generating Coconuts
+ Some blocks from appearing incorrectly
+ A bug causing blocks to not work on Realms/servers
– Updated welcome message
– Removed subpacks

Download More Simple Structure
or link below:
Behavior Pack v4.7
Resource Pack 4.7
Old version: Download (gg drive)
If you want to make your world more exciting, you can download a thousand Minecraft buildings here. Or some other add-ons: