Welcome to BATTLEGROUND in Minecraft. SMinecraft Battlegrounds is a PUBG/FORTNITE-inspired plugin for Minecraft. Before hunting down and murdering your foes, search buildings for the best loot. To find out who will be the Battlegrounds champion, work as a team or play solo. To play this Add-on, you’ll need to use experimental gameplay.
Cre: Four Worlds Studios (Youtube)
Minecraft Battlegrounds
Battlegrounds is a PUBG/FORTNITE-style plugin for Minecraft. Before hunting down and murdering your enemy, search Buidlings for the best loot. Look for Loot in Structures that will offer you an advantage.

The Structures

The Shed
Because there is just one entrance in and out, the Shed will provide only rudimentary protection. The Shed is a fantastic location to go if you need to get away from your inventory. There is one chest inside that can hold guns, ammo, and armor.

The Tool Shed
Because there is only one entrance in and out, the Shed will provide minimal protection. While you browse through your inventory, the Shed is a good area to swiftly hide. One chest, which can hold guns, ammo, and armor, is located inside.

The Small Rectangle
The Small Rectangle is a nice spot to hide while you look through your inventory. It has two exits, making it easier to flee a threat. It’s also a fantastic area to gather a team to plan your next move. One chest can be found within, which can be used to store medical supplies.

The Large Rectangle
The Large Rectangle is an excellent place to seek refuge because it has windows on all sides, allowing you to see threats approaching from all directions. This structure is a fantastic place to distribute all of your medical supplies and heal up before returning to the battlefield. Three chests can be used to store guns, ammo, and armor, while one chest can be used to store medical supplies.

The Green Grocery
Because the Green Grocery is a fairly open facility with no protection from other players, remaining here too long would be a mistake. Although it is not a pleasant location to spend time in, it is a good spot to stock up on medical supplies and the only place to obtain Grenades. Inside are two chests that can be used to store medical supplies.

The Diner
The Diner is a one-stop store for an entire team’s gun, ammo, and armor needs. The Diner is a structure that all players will be hoping to find. The Diner may appear to be the perfect place to gather all of your supplies, but keep in mind that if you want to be in there, so does everyone else. This structure is ideal for an ambush. Five chests can be used to store guns, ammo, and armor, while one chest can be used to store medical supplies.
The Container
The Containers are a good area to hide and find quick loot while waiting for another player to step inside hoping to get the loot. The main drawback is that there is only one entrance in and out, making it simple to be ambushed. One chest may be found within, which can hold guns, ammo, armor, and medical supplies.

The Container Stacks
The Container Stacks are a great area for you and your team to stock up on loot, as well as a great place to ambush another team. Three chests can be found inside, each containing guns, ammo, armor, and medical supplies.

-Loot Crates-
Loot Crates are found within the generated Structures
-The Guns-
Guns are found inside Loot Crates, the Rarer the Gun the better it is!
(More Guns will be added in future updates)





-Go Prone-
Instead of Sneaking you will go prone, which basically means you lay on your front hiding from the enemy! Sneak to go prone and jump to stand back up again, if you have a Gun that has a Scope, sneak while prone to use it.

-Body Armor and Helmets-
Inside Loot Crates you will find Body Armor and Helmets

Level 1 Body Armor and Helmet has the same durability and Protection as Iron
Level 2 Body Armor and Helmet has the same durability and Protection as Diamond
Level 3 Body Armor and Helmet has the same durability and Protection as Netherite
-Medical Gear-
Medical Gear can be found inside Loot Crates, use them to heal yourself in battle

Energy Drink
Energy Drinks will give you a three second Regeneration boost and a ten second Speed boost

Throwables can be found inside Loot Crates


Spray Paint
Place one down, step back and shoot it to make it go BOOM!
-Customize Your Guns-
You can use the Spray Paint Cans to change the Colour of your Guns, Just incase the default Black was a bit plain for you!
-Wall Protection-

Wooden Walls can be crafted using most wooden planks, they will give you some quick protection when battling an enemy, they will not have much HP but can with stand a few bullets

-Experiments Required
Minecraft Battlegrounds Update Log V1.4
Wall protection has been added
Craft the Wall protection with most wood planks: Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia and Dark Oak
Once crafted place it down to give you protection from any oncoming fire from other players
The Wall has 50 HP so will not last for long expecially from the more powerfull guns
Walls are not a ever last protection for you base, they will despawn once you get 32 or more blocks away
Guns Colour Recover has been added
By using a Dirty Rag on your Customized Gun you can clean it back to black so you can colour it again
Green Spray Paint has been added
P92 now has a green varient
P1911 now has a green varient
M416 now has a green varient
DBS now has a green varient
VSS now has a green varient
Adjusted the players view point when holding guns
Adjusted the players scope zoom
Fixed an animation bug when going prone
You will need to Download both packs for this add-on to work.
Experimental Mode will need to be active