Disciples of The Void Volume III

Are Boss Fights to your liking? Are you a fan of LORE? You need Disciples of The Void Volume III addon! The Disciples of the Void series comes to an end with this installment. a group of additions that will give your Minecraft world over 15+ Bosses in total. However, everything must come to an end.The DOTV series has reached its conclusion with this episode. The Second Creator has summoned strong entities to try and eliminate you permanently after eliminating the second group of disciples and humiliating The Second Creator.

Creator: ItsDarkwolf6

Disciples of The Void Volume III

Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

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Disciples of The Void Volume III

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This addon does not require any experiments to function.

Boss Music

Disciples of The Void Volume III

This addon contains custom music made for each boss fight. If you would like to disable the tracks during each fight you can craft these special headphones. When used, it will toggle if boss music plays or not. This item does not effect boss music discs.

This addon is split into multiple chapters. Below contains all available entries.


Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

CHAPTER I: The Residuals.

Chapter One introduces the final set of Disciples. Mutated overworld beasts made to be fought against mobs and players. However, these mobs have been made to serve a being trying to be seen as a god. These beings are not meant to serve and will make the process much harder for him to orchestrate his final goal.

In this chapter, you fight this person’s right hand crooks, along with mobs stolen from other timelines.

Triox, Legend Reborn

Disciples of The Void Volume III
Disciples of The Void Volume III

This boss is summoned by the Familiar Headset .

Triox is a beloved DJ from an alternate universe dragged here by a mysterious mythical entity with the ultimate goal of taking the player out. Triox will use his mastery in music and fighting to attempt to defeat you.

  • When attacking, he will put his fists up and fight you like any other normal mob. Along with this, he has two other moves he can do:
  • He will summon speakers around himself to play music. After a short amount of time these speakers will charge up and explode, damaging mobs in the nearby area.
  • Occasionally, Triox will start blocking. When he is blocking any damage delt to him in this state will be put back into the player. However, if hit in this state he has a chance of being thrown out of this state and taking a significant amount of damage.

When at half health, Triox will get angry. Making his attacks more aggressive and do more damage.

Faevia, Token of Balance

Disciples of The Void Volume III
Disciples of The Void Volume III

This boss is summoned by a Crown of Balance

Faevia is a fae type creature obsessed with the idea of purity. She will attack any entity she views as “corrupted”. Faevia will utilize her ultimate control of light and dark in order to end your spread of impurity.

  • Faevia has two attacks. While she has one ability she is still deadly nonetheless. When attacking, Faevia will summon a beam of light. Shortly after summoning this beam, a scythe will shoot from the ground causing medium damage. These attacks are normally chained in large circles that spawn in short waves.
  • At half health, Faevia will lose her purity, rotting into a shell of her former self. In this state, she will be more aggressive and start teleporting.

Legatus, Archdemon of Legacy

Disciples of The Void Volume III
Disciples of The Void Volume III

This boss is summoned by the Shattered Halo

  • Legatus is a wither skeleton that has gone through multiple mutations. Ultimately stopping in his evolutionary cycle at a crimson boned, netherite-like tough skeleton frame, and a heart full of anger. His rage knows no bounds, and unfortunately you have to deal with it.
  • Legatus along with straight up attacking you, will also summon runes to inconvenience the player. The runes do the following:
  • One rune Legatus will cast will rather be fired off in a line of a circle. When spawned it will instantly be set on fire and cause tick damage to any mob nearby.
  • Another rune Legatus can summon makes a shield around him, protecting him from damage for a short time.
  • At half health, he will drop his glowing bones in his melee phase, darken the arena, and teleport around you to catch you off guard.

Roxanne, Archangel of Envy

Disciples of The Void Volume III
Disciples of The Void Volume III

This boss is summoned by a Archangelic Feather

Roxanne is a widowed robotic valkyrie who has reached perfection in her evolutionary cycle. She is the queen of the brand of robots known as “The Cyber Valkyries”, machines dedicated to protecting their owners. However, this version is dead set on destroying the player at the command of her owner.

  • Roxxane attacks like any other mob (Shocker) but also has a set of abilities just like any other disciple.
  • When attacking, Roxxanne has a chance of flying up into the air and slamming onto the player. She can also chain this attack.
  • She uses her wings to perform a spin attack and moves towards you, causing lots of tick damage when touching her.
  • She does a spin attack, but instead of causing tick damage, she fires a barrage of arrows.

When Roxxane goes below 10% health, she flees into the air and causes an ambush. In this state, explosive markers spawn in the immediate area. After a short time she herself will slam into the ground for the final strike, finally defeating her.

Chapter One Weapons

Disciples of The Void Volume III

Each boss drops a weapon associated with their theme and character. Each sword has its own unique ability and perk. Collect them and all to find out what they do!

Chapter One Music Discs

Disciples of The Void Volume III

Each boss drops a special music disc that will also allow you to play their boss theme at will with a jukebox. Now, these ARE custom discs made through scripting so they do act a bit unique.

You can place them in a jukebox like normal and it will play, but in order to stop the music you have to use the disk again on the jukebox.

Some addon Minecraft PE you can check in Mcpe addons:


Chapter One

This addon contains a number of boss tracks made by myself to really sell the personalities of each boss. If you would like to stream some songs, there are links below! (Along with a couple of bonus tracks, Thanks to RickyTheGamer69!)

Disciples of The Void, Chapter One OST

(Deluxe Edition) Disciples of The Void, Chapter One OST


Disclaimer: The official Disciples of The Void, Volume III is created by ItsDarkwolf6. If you think there is any infringement, please leave a feedback right below, I will take reasonable actions immediately. Thank you!


Disciples of The Void III, Update v1.0.2

  • Addon has been updated to Minimum Version 1.20.60
  • Addon no longer requires Experimental Toggles
  • Boss Music Muter stack size reduced from 64 to 1
  • Updated Incorrect crafting graphic for the Noise Cancelling Headphones
  • Two boss tracks have been updated
  • Roxxane now drops loot 100% of the time in her ambush stage
  • Roxxane now has a death message
  • Primordial Dubtrox no longer plays his second phase music to players in creative when transforming
Disciples of The Void Volume III

Download Disciples of The Void, Volume III

Minecraft Addons Maker (MAM)

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