Dead By Dawn Horror Map [Minigame]

This map is a multiplayer game in which one killer is chosen at random and the remaining players are survivors. Try downloading the Dead By Dawn horror map and conquer its objective !!

Cre: RedSlimeTime25, Youtube

The objective of Killer is to eliminate all of the survivors while the survivor’s objective is to repair generators and open the exit gates. Then you need to escape the clutches of the killer

Characters in Dead By Dawn


  • The Herobrine
  • The Bloodhound
  • and more killers


  • Fredrick Jones
  • Isaac Lenin
  • Jordan Francis
  • and more in the future update

Generator repairing and Skill checks

How do the survivors escape in Dead By Dawn?

They must successfully repair five generators and open exit gates.

  • To repair generators: the survivors must complete skill checks
  • To start repairing generator and complete skill checks:
    • The survivors need to drop the green concrete in the second slot of their Hotbar while near a generator
    • Then throw the green concrete out of their inventory when the skill check is active
    • Throwing a red concrete will cause the survivor to fail the skill check.
    • Failing to complete the skill check in a certain amount of time will cause the survivor to fail the skill check
  • It includes 5 skill checks that you need to be completed in order to fix a generator.

Abilities and Tools

These things will help Survivors and the Skiller progress through the round, get more information in-game in the “Characters” section of this Dead By Dawn minigame map

master maps for minecraft

Maps in Dead By Dawn

  • The forest
  • Mayhem Manor
  • There will be added more map in the future update


You just need some modifications that you can make your game. Besides that, you can turn these on and off in the Settings section of the map

– Copyrighted Music
– Rain/Weather
– Abilities (Activates and Deactivates Abilities for the round)
– Easy Generators (Instantly Fix Generators)
– Equal Speed (Everyone Has The Same Speed)
– Natural Regeneration


  • RedSlimeTime25 – Creator/Programmer/Builder/Resource Pack Creator
  • flimmyflammy537 – Builder
  • Toloveapumpkin – Builder
  • CreeperZXGamer – Builder
  • Camo ninja – Builder


Dead By Dawn

Dead By Dawn.mcpack

👉 If you like this redstone map, you can also check our Working Phone MinecraftTatsulok Add-on for Minecraft Pe (1.16.100+)

master maps for minecraft

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