The Create Addon will add more blocks, items, and systems ported from the Java Edition create mod.
Creator: Ramcor14_BR
Create Addon
- Activate Experiments Gameplay
- Version 1.19.10+
- Survival mode is recommended
Hand Crank
- Normal click = rotate right
- Crouch Click = rotate left

- Used to transmit spin to other blocks

- Used to transmit spin to different positions

- It works like an axle, and can also transmit lateral rotation

Mechanical Belt:
- Used to transmit spin and to transport entities

- Used to reverse rotation of “Mechanical Piston” and “Mechanical Belt”. Active when Redstone Block is on top

Mechanical Mixer & Basin

Mechanical Press & Depot

Mechanical Saw & Mechanical Drill
- Mechanical Drill = Breaks types of blocks except for rock and obsidian
- Mechanical Saw = Destroys entire trees

Redstone Link: set the frequency (dye) and use
- Transmitter only receives a signal from Redstone wire
- The receiver only sends a Redstone signal to the Redstone repeater

Water Wheel
- It works when there’s water under it.
- Used to generate turning force

Furnace Generator:
- The most powerful generation of turning force
- Use coal as fuel

Mechanical Piston

- A hopper that drops items from the chest

Pulse Adjustable Repeater:
- A Redstone repeater with more timing options

- 16 colors

If you want your Minecraft world more exciting, mcpeaddons will give you more addon you will like:
I’m hoping 🙏 this will work 🙏
I hope as well