
Not Mowzie’s Mobs Addon

Not Mowzie's Mobs Addon adds a vicious, uncontrollable plant that attacks any person, animal, beast, or object that approaches...

WitchCraft V0.5 | Magic Add-on (New Bosses, Items, Mobs, Spells)

WitchCraft is a magic addon that is currently being developed. Its goal is to enhance the gameplay and content...

The Wendigo Addon | Minecraft Addons PE

The Wendigo Addon allows you to experience the excitement of battling the Wendigo and its powerful abilities. So, what...

Shounen De Fantasy Addon | Minecraft Addon PE

Shounen De Fantasy Addon is an addon add you more and more weapons in Minecraft Game. Creator: Gartick_Vision Shounen De...
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Summer Ride Vehicles Addon | Car Mod for Minecraft 1.21

Start an exhilarating summer adventure with Summer Ride Vehicles addon! This Summer Ride Vehicles addon for Minecraft 1.21,1.20, 1.19...

Human Player Mobs | Minecraft Addon PE

In order to meet the minimum criteria, Human Player Mobs converts the mobs into player models that mimic the...

Digimon Voltage Mobs | Minecraft Addon PE

Digimon Voltage Mobs adds digimon to your mincraft world. There are alot of digimon, some big some small, that...

Green Buster Ultimate Avali BETA 1.0

You Don't Copy Me! Is Copyright! >:( Creator: Aully Green Buster Ultimate Avali Beta 1.0 Hp : Infinity Attack : InfinityGood LUCK green_buster_avali_1.0.mcaddon ...
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FNaF Build & Decor Addon (Bedrock) | Minecraft Addon PE

FNaF Build & Decor addon which you can recreate the restaurant from the famous FNAF game but now in...

System Wyverns V1.8.5 | Minecraft Addon PE

With System Wyverns addon, you can tame a variety of aggressive wyverns that will emerge in your survival world....

Zinkenite Mobs (Bedrock) | Minecraft Addon PE

Zinknite Mobs | Xbox, Win10, MCP, and MBEZinkenite mobs offer some mobs other textures and alter parts of their...

KAIJU MUTANT MOBS | Minecraft Addon PE

Kaiju Mutant Mobs has kaiju that have a Minecraft appearance; some of them are mutant versions of the game's...
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Our Apps for Minecraft PE