The underwater caustic, 2D cloud, water reflection, water bump, and other features of the Bicubic Shader (1.19, 1.18) for Minecraft Bedrock Edition are intended to give the game a lovely appearance.
Cre: Bambosan
Bicubic Shader
Amazing, lightweight shaders that look extremely good! No Lag! With some amazing lighting, the skies and water are lovely.
- This shader is only supported for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition on Android and iOS
- The Renderdragon material is only for MCBE Android version
Some Screenshots reviews shader:

Some other Minecraft Texture Packs you can check:

To make sure this pack will work perfectly, please consider Minecraft Patched Download

📥Download Bicubic Shader
📥RenderDragon Materials
What is render dragon in Minecraft PE?
Render Dragon is the new graphics engine for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition platforms. Render Dragon was developed by the Mojang Studios graphics team to give our game greater performance, stability, and flexibility.
How to install bicubic shader?
The file is in .mcpack extension, so just tap on the downlaod link to automatically install the shader.
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