Axolotl Attire gives your Axolotl some tyle with a fun texture pack for all versions of Minecraft, this pack includes the same colors of Axolotls but with new unique outfits to help give each Axolotl have more personality
Creator: Stealth Tanks (Youtube)
Axolotl Attire Texture Pack
This pack changes the new 5 axolotl variants into clothed versions. The outfits are based on different occupations or styles. These include, formal, mailperson, doctor, general, and casual.
This pack doesn’t alter anything except the axolotl’s textures allowing for other texture packs to be used as long as they are located below this one in the resource pack hierarchy

5 Variants:
- Lucy (Pink) – Formal Suit
- Cyan – Mailpersion
- Blue – Doctor
- Wild (Brown) – General
- Gold (Yellow) – Casual

- Updated the download link

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