Two Temples! Fortunately Sea + Amazing Islands (MCPE Seed)

Have you found a cool sea with two temples side by side with underwater yet? This seed is a lucky sea combine with amazing islands.

Two Temples feature

There is a ruin on the surface of a small island that separates a few biomes: mountain, savanna, forest, deserts, and more…

Do you want to know more about this world? Let watch this

Cre: AOlekNowak

Spawn right on a small island

This is the first temple, it’s right next to where you spawned

Let explore Two Temples

And this is a ruin on the surface small island

One of the most beautiful is Savana. Remember don’t hit llamas

Finally. Let’s discover this sea, it’s a beautiful and great sea!!!

Location coordinates:

First Temple – 358, 69, 112

Second Temple – 639, 88, 91 

Spawn – 263, 70, -12 

Savanna  -18 119 -241 

Seed ID

master maps for minecraft


👉🏻 If you like Two Temples seed, you can also check other seed in Mcpe Addons:

master maps for minecraft

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