True Colors Texture Pack | MCPE Texture Packs

True colors texture pack is a simplistic and great pack, adapt for the fast-paced action of PvP. You even can use it in vanilla survival as well. There’s no texture that you wouldn’t be able to recognize in this pack!! only the beta is not supported for stability reasons

Cre: JonnySoft

True Colors Texture Pack

This texture pack generates for making it was to end inconsistencies with the PvP pack. Most PvP packs claim to be 32×32, but only the items are in 32×32 while the blocks are in 16×16. So I make vanilla Minecraft’s colors shine even brighter with my simplistic designs (improves FPS)

If you have any suggestions, ideas, or if you want to leave your review then please leave it in my discord, I would really appreciate it!!


– Added:
+ Pandas
+ New sandstone alts
– Re-textured the following:
+ Phantom membrane, clock, compass, lodestone compass, brick, nether brick, flower pot, bed items, banner, chorus fruit, and bones
True Colors Texture Pack

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