The Wild Update will be considerably more enjoyable if you use Minecraft 1.19 shaders. This is due to the old Minecraft visuals, which are only truly realistic when using a shader. Mod creators took advantage of the time before the release to make their shader packs compatible with 1.19. As a consequence, all flaws and defects have been eliminated. Nevertheless, the shader needs are somewhat diverse because most scenarios have many variants. Sildurs Vibrant Shaders 1.19, for example, provides intense and light variants. You will be the best judge of how powerful or sluggish your gadget is.

Best Shaders for Minecraft 1.19
1. EVO Shader
EVO Shader created by @TRXDev will bring your MCPE to realistic looking with realistic lighting, it’s had many improvements in graphic, also have directional lighting from sun,semi-3D Cloud without lag and many more.
EVO Shader includes new attributes like fbm darkness, realistic water crimpy, darkness shadow, new realisitc lighting, sun blaze, and beaucoup added. lighting colouring is grounded on SEUS V11 (PC) and some like SEUS RENEWED (PC), in opportunity this shader make a new feeling for mcpe it character. Don’t forget to read description, and enjoy the shader)

2. The Thin White Shader (NEW VERSION ULTRA)
TTW Shader created by @illurito – is a realistic shader with realistic shadows, gentle lighting, and magnificent skies that can operate on most low-end devices. Support for lower phones.
TTW Shader aims to offer Minecraft a new elegant and realistic look while also attempting to optimize it by minimizing texture changes so that it can operate on a wide range of devices.
Shadows that are realistic.

3. Vexze Shader
VExZE Shaders created by @HyraZero – is the result of a collaboration between Hyrazero (Zebra Shader Creator) and KK3310 (Vert Shader Creator). By combining the coloring and lighting of Vert and Zebra to make it look beautiful but still light for Low-End devices.
This shader has 2 editions namely Z Editon and V Editon.
- The first one made according to Hyrazero’s taste
- The V Edition is made according to KK3310’s taste without changing the main base of the combination of Vert and Zebra shaders.
This shader is suitable for use when playing survival or creative, because this shader will add to the beauty of your Minecraft.

RealSource RTX is a new 3D texture pack for Minecraft PE that it change both Rtx texture Pack Bedrock and the Minecraft Java RTX texture pack! It’s available in 128, 512, 1024 px. Textures with light, reflection, and 3D surface structure in combination with RTX create the most realistic RTX package for Bedrock.
With this rtx texture pack bedrock package, you will play all your survival or creative maps with RTX! The goal of the RealSource RTX pack is to get as close as possible to the realistic appearance of textures!
The RealSource pack has unique texture linking and uses an intelligent resolution of the effects of individual textures. The size of the 1024px pack is about 4500MB.

5. SEUS PE Shader Renewed
The most realistic shader pack for Minecraft PE created by Gabriel Paixão as of right now. The reflection of the sun’s and moon’s light on the lake creates a lovely sheen. The sky and the nether have both seen significant improvements, as have the shadows. If you want to play a more realistic version of Minecraft, you should give this a shot because the hype is real. Gabriel Paixo, Twitter Account, Creator Accessed on April 7, 2017 (added version for MCPE 1.1.01)

Best Texture Packs for Minecraft 1.19
6. Bare Bones
Bare Bones is a popular minecraft resource pack that was initially created in 2017 and continues to receive critical acclaim and high reviews from many gamers. The Bare Bones resource packgives minecraft world a much more simple look that is easy on the eyes and is appealing to many people. Many other packs have tried to perform this same feature in the past, but Bare Bones is clearly way ahead of the competition. Ultimately, the main focus of the Bare Bones resource pack is to transform the game into a much more simple style that is still appealing to anyone who plays the game, whether they are brand new to the world of Minecraft or if they have been playing for many years.
The Bare Bones resource pack uses a variety of textures that offer a clean and vibrant appearance throughout the game while still obtaining their simplistic visuals. These visuals provide a sleek appearance that provides a delightful experience for any gamer that plays Minecraft. These simple visuals are a great way to experience the game in a new way and are a favorite feature for a wide variety of gamers. Another important highlight of Bare Bones is that it also features special animated textures for many of its items and blocks to create an even more immersive experience as you explore throughout the world of Minecraft. The standard resolution of the Bare Bones texture is 16×16, which makes it easy for any system to operate this game without experiencing any technical issues or drops in frame-rate.

7. Mizuno 16
Mizuno 16 enhances the world of Minecraft with impressive visuals. This texture pack will become a favorite of many players because of how well the textures in this pack look on screen. The fact that this resource pack is able to keep the graphics looking great without being over the top is a monumental accomplishment that few resource packs are able to achieve. Low-resolution resource packs often fail to make their textures visually pleasing. Because of these lack luster textures, most low-resolution resource packs are unable to take the Minecraft visual world to the next level. You can often find a lot of noise present in these texture designs. Noise found in these textures take away from the overall appeal and appearance of these low-resolution resource packs. The Mizuno’s 16 Craft succeeds where many other low-resolution packs fail.
This particular pack provides beautiful graphics that are engaging by getting rid of many noise related problems that are prevalent in packs of this type. When you load Minecraft after installing the Mizuno 16 Craft resource pack you are greeted with amazing visuals. The simple design of the installed textures are streamlined and beautiful. The resource pack reveals a magnificent color pallet that features art influenced textures. With clean and noiseless textures this pack is able to reduce eye strain while providing an enjoyable gaming experience. This is one of the best features of the resource pack. Beyond changing Minecraft’s typical textures the Mizuno’s 16 Craft makes changes to the standard user interface. The Mizuno 16 Craft uses a 16×16 resolution like the name of the resource pack suggests. Because of this and the resource pack’s low screen resolution many players are able to enjoy this game with no difficulties. This resource pack allows people with low-end computers to enjoy this pack as much as someone with a high-end computer can.

8. Scorpio PE
Scorpio PE is a shader textures pack for Minecraft PE (Android / iOS) where these shaders will make your game much more realistic, beautiful and livelier. This shaders package adds a lot of cool features such as clouds, shadows, water, leaves, sunlight which usually shaders packages that have these features definitely need a powerful device but these shaders can be used on Low-end devices.

9. ESBE 3G
ESBE 3G Shader created by @McbeEringi – this texture pack will make your world more beautiful with fewer device resources. You don’t have to prepare a powerful device (iPhone 5 is still enough to).
- More lightweight depiction
- Luminace based tone map with varying saturation
- Waving water, leaves, crops, flowers, and nether gate
- New water reflection with correct cloud position (chuk border issue resolved)
- Wet effect when raining
- Texture hybrid shader generated moon (auto switched to default render when the texture detected)

10. Bicubic Shader
The underwater caustic, 2D cloud, water reflection, water bump, and other features of the Bicubic Shader (1.19, 1.18) for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition are intended to give the game a lovely appearance. Amazing, lightweight shaders that look extremely good! No Lag! With some amazing lighting, the skies and water are lovely.
- This shader is only supported for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition on Android and iOS
- The Renderdragon material is only for MCBE Android version

We also strongly urge you to get a Minecraft 1.19 texture pack. Texture packs and shaders improve the appearance of the new warden, the deep black biome, and the mangrove swamp. ( The deep dark biome, like the old city, may be found in caverns. As a result, you should select a 1.19 shader that is bright and illuminates at night. This will assist you in keeping a look out for hostile mobs in caverns. You may be attacked by the warden. You can obviously only protect yourself if you can see stuff with a shader loaded.
The mangrove swamp is a wetland biome. Because of all the water, Minecraft shaders for 1.19 can really make an impact in the swamp. When waves are introduced and the light reflects on the lake surface, the dark-colored water looks exceptionally realistic with a shader mod. This is true for the Java Edition as well as the Bedrock Edition. When you apply 1.19 shader packs, the swamp hills benefit as well. They produce realistic shadows, adding to the allure of the new wetland ecosystem.
Download any shaders/texture pack you like and import directly into your game with just one app:

Find more information from each shaders
- EVO Shader V1.3 – A New Future
- The Thin White TTW Shader
- VExZE Shader
- RealSource RTX Texture Pack
- SEUS PE Shader Renewed
- Bare Bones Textures Pack
- Mizuno 16 Craft Texture Pack
- ESBE 3G Shader
- Bicubic Shader