It’s a Simple Addon that helps make your Minecraft more Actionable and Interesting!
(This Beta = 90% bug for free:/)
Simple Addon
New Texture
- Sun

- Moon

- Rain Particle
-Snow Particle

Mushroom New Features
New Mobs

- HP 10
- EXP 8 – 5
- Fungus, a fearful little mushroom in a big world. They can be found in the Mushroom Island Biome

You can Trade them with Fungi Gem!
Other Mobs
Fungchoi (Miniboss)
New Items

– Fang Fungus
– Shroom Head
– Fungi Gem
Aquatic New Features
New Mobs

- HP 12
- EXP 5 – 6.5
- Primal shells that will return to swim in the Sea for you to see!
- Nautilus can be found in normal Ocean Biomes. But there are quite a few chances
Other Mobs
- Ancient Nautilus (Miniboss)
- Angler Fish
New Items

- Ancient Nautilus Shell
- Beff Nautilus
- Raw Angler Fish
- Asca
- Angler Fish Bone
New Blocks
- Nautilus Bricks
- Stair Nautilus Bricks
- Slab Nautilus Bricks
- Chiseled Nautilus Bricks
- Cobblenautilus Bricks
- Stair Cobblenautilus Bricks
- Slab Cobblenautilus Bricks
And Other…
Desert New Features
New Mobs

- Special Thank Ninan9862
- HP 12
- ATK 2 – 3 (Projectle)
- EXP 5 – 6.5
- Are you bored, having to adventure in the same old desert biomes? Hopefully Caced will help fill those in.

- Caced, the little cactus sidekick who protects you from Undead Monsters!
- Other Mobs
- Caced Brute
- Great Cacad (Miniboss)
New Items

- Cactus Thorn
- Caced Thorn
- Caced Cookie
- Desert Gem
- Caced Head
Frozent New Features
New Mob

- HP 34
- ATK 3 (Knockback Roar 4)
- EXP 5 – 6.5
Snowy, a peaceful animal that won’t hurt you. If you don’t attack it first

You can ride on its back! however Snowy is an animal that cannot be tamed. Therefore, there may not be much force when riding
Other Mobs
- Summoner (Miniboss)
- Skeleton Prime
- Icers
New Items

- Summoner Cloak
- Icers Suit
- Snow Gem
The End New Features
New Mobs
- Obsidian Pillar (Boss)
- Tiny Pillar
- New Ores

- Ancient Enderite
- End Amber
- New Items

- Enderite Weapons
- Enderite Armors
Normal New Features
New Mobs

Special Thank Dear148
- HP 8
- ATK 3 (Fatal Poison)
- EXP 5 – 6.5
- The Jungle Biome is becoming more Dangerous! because now there is a new species of Slime
We call it Doku

Crystal Golem
Special Thank Phoomi5954
- HP 42
- ATK 6
- EXP 0
It’s just like an Iron Golem, but just Amethyst instead… Yep ._.
New Weapons

- Golem Wand

- Lightning Wand

- Ender Wand

- Dark Wand

Other Mobs
- Geode Golem
- Skeleton Guard
- Headless Zombie
- Special Thank Neru9896
- The Twins (Miniboss)
- The Head Twin (Miniboss)
- The Body Twin (Miniboss)
From what you’ve read, it mightseem like a lot but seriously, that’s only part of Unnamed Addon, it’s just a Beta Version!
Maybe in the Future some cool stuff will be added in this add-on. An example may be
I will added as a New Structure!
New Structure

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