NewBows Addon V3.8: Fletching Table Function

Bring to the player 22 different bows! Each bow has useful and fun skills for survival!! For the operation of the bows, it is necessary to have arrows in the inventory. NewBows Addon for Minecraft can play with multi-players.

Creator: SystemTv (Youtube, Twitter)

NewBows Addon

Don’t forget to enable Experimental Game before creating the world! It will make the function of newbows addon work better and a better gaming experience when playing. High recommend that you activate the following options to play with this addon.

Fletching Table Function

This is a new function that was added to this version, as you know a custom table in the previous version but now it improved the UI.

The arrow creates above the bow

Some addons Minecraft PE are similar to this addon about Bridge you can check on Mc addon’s site

Recipe NewBows Addon

Long Bow

  • Allow you to shoot 2 arrows at the same time
  • Your damage is required
  • Stronger and more useful than a normal bow

Magnet Bow and Arrow

  • When it works, the arrow will hit the ground, and attract all nearby items in a radius of 12. Useful to attract distant items without moving.

Spider Bow – NewBows Addon

when the arrow hits near an entity or the same entity, it will cover it with cobwebs preventing its escape.

Shulker Bow and Arrow

  • When hitting any entity will grant the effect of levitation
  • This thing in the end will lead to the death of the entity itself that receives the effect or at least in the best of cases, leaving it very weak.

Miner Bow and Arrow

When launching the arrow, it will allow you to break all kinds of blocks (vanilla or some addon.)

Health Bow and Arrow

Recommend you use it with an ally, whether they are pets or other players, in this way they will recover life.

Ice Bow and Arrow

When using a bow, the ice arrow will generate a 3×3 ice cube that will catch the mob that the arrow fell on it.

GlowStone Bow and Arrow

Glowstone in NewBows Addon will generate light, so this bow will illuminate when you have it in your hand. Your arrows when they touch a solid surface will generate light.

ExplosiveEnder Bow and Arrow

  • Explosive Bow and Arrow: when you shoot an arrow it will fall on the ground, and generate a fair strong explosion that can kill your targets.
  • Ender Bow and Arrow: the arrow falls it will make you a tp to that place, it is quite useful.

BlazeWither Bow and Arrow

  • Blaze Bow and Arrow: one of the most annoying mobs in the game, you can feel like thanks to this bow because it hits the ground and your target will generate fire in a radius of 3 blocks burning and killing everything in that place.
  • Wither Bow and Arrow: hitting its target will give it a blind effect whether it is a peaceful mob, hostile, or the player himself.

Stone – Iron Bow and Arrow

  • Stone Bow and Arrow: arrow does 2 times more damage than a vanilla one.
  • Iron Bow and Arrow: arrow does 4 times more damage than a vanilla one.

Redstone – Lapis Bow and Arrow

Redstone and Lapis: arrow does 3 times more damage than a vanilla one

Gold – Diamond Bow and Arrow

  • Gold Bow and Arrow: arrow does 2 times more damage than a vanilla one.
  • Diamond Bow and Arrow: arrow does 5 times more damage than a vanilla one.

Slime Bow and Arrow

  • Upon compact with its target
  • Grant the slow effect at the maximum level for 10s

Mini Bow and Arrow

The entity that received the arrow will transform back into its baby version, some entities are immune to this effect such as the creeper, the spider, etc.

NewBows Addon

Thunder – Knockback Bow and Arrow

  • Thunder bow as is evident will generate a ray in the place where your arrows land, it is very dangerous and fun to use.
  • Knockback: if you are cornered by hostile mobs, this bow when its arrows fall to the ground will generate an area attack that will send all nearby mobs flying.
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Trading NewBows Addon

To obtain these last 4 bows you will need to find a flechero villager who will allow you to obtain these bows.

More Creator:

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  • If you want to make a review, you must put the original link!


NewBows Addon v3:
– Added custom UI for the feathering table
– Gif fix in addon input
– Compatible with current versions of Minecraft

Download Guide

  • Go to the link then click “Free Access With Ads”
  • Click on “Discover interesting Articles from the web” and click on X
  • Wait for the time it says and press X again
  • Then press “continue” and voila, this is the same for all the links in this newbows addon
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NewBows Addon V3.8 Fletching Table Update

or Download Here (gg drive)
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1 year ago

The fletching table doesn’t open the UI

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