Slendytubbies Addon Minecraft and Remastered Alpha

There are many favorite horror characters in the Slendytub game and Teletubbies have been added to this Slendytubbies Addon. They only work in Minecraft version +1.13 because it allows us to add new identities.

Cre: ArathNidoGamer, (Twitter)(Youtube)

Slendytubbies Addon

Teletubbies (Passive Mobs):

Teletubbies will not attack players unless they attack first. You can give a Teletubbies tubby custards (Mushroom stew) or tubby toast (cookies) to tame them and they will follow the owner. It’s great that Tubby can protect you from many monsters

  • Tinky Winky
  • Dipsy
  • Laa Laa
  • Po
  • Santikun
  • Santikun BanMaster
  • Ron
  • Blue Worker (With a knife)
  • Claw
  • Yeti
  • Arrow
  • White Tubbie
  • White Tubbie With Chainsaw
  • Kermit
  • Sean

Features: Wild

  • Health: 8
  • Attack damage: 3
  • Loot: Teletubbie skin and Antenna


  • Health: 50
  • Attack damage: 8
  • Loot: Teletubbie skin

Teletubbie Armor

There are some Teletubbies will shed their skin and altennae. It is used to make teletubbies armor

Minecraft Gun Mod

Tubby Custards Slendytubbies Addon

Hitting the tubby custards will release the tubby custard item. You can use it as a food or tame a Teletubbies. With White tubby is tamed, they will follow and protect their owner from enemies

Features: Wild

  • Health: 45
  • Attack damage: 6
  • Eat tubby custards or tubby toast.
  • Drop tubby toast when they are killed.


  • Health: 75
  • Attack damage: 9
  • Eat tubby custards or tubby toast.
  • Drop tubby toast when they are killed.

Military teletubbies:

The Military is passive Teletubbies equipped with weapons, allowing them to defend against monsters. They don’t attack the player unless the player attacks them first


  • Health: 20
  • Shoot arrows.
  • Attack the monsters.


  • Sergeant Miles.
  • Anne
  • Conor
  • Dutch

Military with missile launchers:

Allowing shoot fire missiles at the enemy.

  • Health: 20
  • Shoot Missiles.
  • Attack the monsters.

Slendytubbies Addon Monsters (Hostile)

All Monsters are aggressive creatures. They attack the player and even dare to attack the Teletubbie, so you must be very careful. All enemies will appear at the night.

TinkyWinky (Infected / Classic)

  • Health: 25
  • Damage: 9
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Po (phase 1)

  • Health: 15
  • Damage: 4
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Po (phase 2)

  • Health: 25
  • Damage: 5
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Po (phase 3)

  • Health: 350
  • Damage: 20
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Dipsy Chainsaw

  • Health: 15
  • Damage: 4
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Laa Laa (Monster)

  • Health: 14
  • Damage: 4
  • Loot: Gold ingot

Crawling Tubby

  • Health: 20
  • Damage: 4.5


  • Health: 20
  • Damage: 4.5
  • Loot: Leather

NewBorn 2.0

  • Health: 30
  • Damage: 8.5
  • Loot: Leather

TinkyTank (Boss)

  • Health: 750
  • Damage: 18
  • Loot: 9 – 20 Diamonds and 3 totems.

Brute Tubbies

  • Health: 35
  • Damage: 12
  • Loot: Iron axe

Blue Workers (Infected)

  • Health: 35
  • Damage: 14


  • Health: 80
  • Damage: 12
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Cyborg Born

  • Health: 40
  • Shoot fireballs.
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Dipsy Lake

  • Health: 55
  • Damage: 14
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Yeti & Claw Tubbie:

  • Health: 100
  • Damage: 10
  • Loot: Leather

Phantom New Born

  • Health: 50
  • Damage: 12
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Berserker New Born

  • Health: 250
  • Damage: 23
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Arrow Tubbie

  • Health: 150
  • Damage: 15
  • Loot: Iron ingot

Crawler Bot (Spider Bot) & Unit 437

  • Health: 20
  • Damage: 4.5
  • Loot: Iron Ingot

Ghost Girl & Noo Noo & White Tubby (Infected)

  • Health: 25
  • Damage: 6

Shadow Tubby (Boss)

  • Health: 1500
  • Invoke: TNT, NewBorns, NewBorns 2.0, Cyborg Born, Tinky Winky (Infected), Dipsy Chainsaw and evocation fang
  • Loot: Enchanted Golden Apple.

Slendytubbies Addon New Items

Tubby Custard

  • Item: Food.
  • Nutrition: 10

Tubby Toast

  • Item: Food.
  • Nutrition: 5



Tubbie custard machine: Give coal to get tubbie custards

Toasted tubbie machine: Give coal to get toasted tubbie


– Added:
+ Shadow Tubbie’s armor
+ Shadow Tubbie’s sword
+ TinkyWinky (TubbyCraft)
+ Teletubbies bodies: Dipsy, Dipsy’s head, LaaLaa, Po
– Upgraded: TinkyTank, Shadow Tubbie and TinkyWinky Classic.


Slendytubbies behavior

Slendytubbies texture

👉 If you like Slendytubbies Addon at, you can also check Ben 10 Addon V4.0, Portal Gun Add-on

Minecraft Gun Mod

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[…] Slendytubbies Add-on […]

Neizan Azurdia Rodas
Neizan Azurdia Rodas
11 months ago


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