Biomes, blocks, items, creatures, and other additional elements will be added to the overworld dimension. With more things to explore and find, HIDWOODS 2 provides a more challenging survival experience
Cre: tomaxed44 (Twitter)

Biomes, blocks, items, entities, and other new features in Hidwoods 2 replace the overworld dimension.
With more things to explore and find, this expansion provides a more challenging survival experience.
- The overworld is unique, with new biomes and things to discover.
- Custom blocks, objects, entities, and armors are all available.
- Villagers have a unique trading system and economy.
- Robot that can be customized and has unique abilities
- Achievements and instructions for the game
Check more addons Minecraft PE is available in
Other Information
- Older versions of Hidwoods are available on
- Check the “how to play” menu to find guides, recipes, etc
- This addon may not be compatible with other addons.
- The addon is multiplayer compatible.
- If you redistribute the addon, please don’t put ads on the download links
- License:
- This update focus on stability, visuals, and gameplay balancing.
- Phy’s xray ability can now detect diamond ores
- New block: Algaes, appear and grow on rivers
- The water is now more green
- New sections added to the in-game guide
- Derosa biomes features got small updates
- Ned Doko energy and Phy energy balancing
- Fixed small bugs
- Enable all Experimental Gameplay Features
- Play in Minecraft 1.18. Some features may not work with 1.17