Happy Family Addon for Minecraft 1.0.5

Family Roleplay is a cool idea that makes you get more feeling interesting when playing Minecraft. If you don’t have friends to play with, don’t be sad. Happy Family Addon will bring to you an addon that looks like “Comes Alive Mod” on PC

Cre: YeskyTan2, Youtube, Twitter, Website

It does not change any Default Entities Behavior and Resources in Minecraft. It only adds new entities with unique features (such as a girlfriend/boyfriend, marry, have a kid, and even a new pet ( Dog ) with various skins.

Boys And Girls

There have 3 skins available for boys and 4 skins available for girls.

Relationship Status

To check your relation with the entities, you need to press the Shift or Sneak button.

Nothing – Friend – Girlfriend / Boyfriend – Wife / Husband

Friend status

To make friend with another entities:

  • Hold an items Phone Number
  • Stand near your target, then you become their friends

Health bar of your target will appear on top right screen since you became a friend of them

To make them become your girlfriend or boyfriend, even married to them. You give them Tolol Chip or Ring Diamond, then tame them

Minecraft Furniture Mod

Cooking Skill

You can ask your wife to cook: raw meat into cooked meat with 5 type of meat

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Mutton
  • Rabbit
  • Porkchop

To speed up your wife to get pregnant, you have to make sure she has finished the task to cook. If you ask her when she pregnant, you will able to not cook again until you find a new wife

Pregnant And Have A Kid

You will get pregnant after 1 hour since you successfully married with a boy or girl that you like. Then you will spawn a baby after another 1 hour.

To speed up this process, you can get an item called “Clomiphene” by using the command below

/give @s entity:clomiphene

A baby will become a toddler after 1 hour since they are spawned. To speed up this process, you can get an item called “Booneto” by using the command below

/give @s entity:booneto

New Animal

Happy Family Addon added a new animal. That is a Dog with various skins

  • Beagle
  • Dalmation
  • Pug
  • Poodle


The custom idle sounds are added to the girls. This will make the gameplay Minecraft more interesting


Use this type below to get all items in Happy Family Addon

/function hf


Ask your wife or husband for doing one of 5 tasks to get various items

Important: To ask them to do 5 tasks, you need to reach Married Status with the Boys/Girls

1. Hunting

You will get Raw Meat, Animal Skin, Wool, etc from animals. The task button will appear when you equip “Bow” in your hand

2. Farming

You will get Seed, Fruits, Wheat, etc from the farm. The task button will appear when you equip “Diamond Hoe” in your hand

3. Mining

You will get a lot of items like Ores, Ingots, Stones, etc. The task button will appear when you equip “Diamond Pickaxe” in your hand

4. Fishing

You will get a lot of items like Ores, Ingots, Stones, etc from Fishing. The task button will appear when you equip “Fishing Rod” in your hand

5. Logging

You will get a lot of items like Planks, Log wood, etc from Logging. The task button will appear when you equip “Diamond Axe” in your hand

The tasks have some delay around 1 minute before your Wife/Husband does another task and unable to move when the delaying time activates.

Furniture / Decoration

Furniture and decoration have been added to Happy Family Addon in version 1.0.5


You can use an Oven for cooking. It’s not like Cooking tasks on Boys & Girls section. You only get cooked meat from the oven for each meat. While in the task of cooking with Boys & Girls, it will give you 2 cooked meat for each meat.

Coffee Maker

This furniture can’t be used yet. Coffee Maker just only for decoration for now.


There are 2 Trees added in Happy Family Addon but only can be used for decoration.

The player will get their own feature like Collecting fruits that you can do farming fruits in the future. To spawn the tree, you can use this command

/summon entity:bananatree

/summon entity:coconuttree

You can use “fertilizer” to speed up the progress


The feature of the toilet is not added yet

Bath Tube

The feature of the Bath Tube is not added yet. To rotate it, you can use this command:

/function oven

/function toilet

/function bathtube

/function coffeemaker

New Update May 2020


Hungry Condition: Babies and Toddlers will feel hungry, then they will cry. To notice this, let look at their faces, or press sneak to see their status.

  • Get Milk from command “function /hf” to feed them
  • If you don’t feed them, they will turn into “Sick Condition” in 30 minutes

Sick Condition: Babies and toddlers need more care than hungry conditions. You need to feed milk many times until their status back to normal.


Future Update Plan

  • Add some furniture
  • Add new pet skin
  • Add new boys & girls skin
  • Add the job system to the boys & girls


Add new Teenager Skin
Add new Humanoid Walking Animation
Add new Condition System for Babies & Toddler
Fix Item “Cleaner”; Command “function”; Baby Holder

Downloads Happy Family Addon

👉 If you like our Happy Family Addon , you can also check our Boyfriend AddonGirlfriends Addon created by Fallen Gotham

Minecraft Furniture Mod

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[…] Happy Family Addon for Minecraft 1.0.5 […]

3 years ago

yo bro

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