Escape From Pocong Horror Map

Pocong is an Indonesian ghost who emerges in banana fields since his pocong rope was forgotten to be removed when he was buried. You must assist Pocong in removing the Pocong rope so you can return home!! Subscribe to YouTube to support the creator: Entertainment by Bowo

You’re stranded in the woods one day and come across a building, which you enter without understanding is haunted. You’re imprisoned in the house, and the only way out is through a secret tunnel you learned about from a book you found in the house. The adventure has begun!!!

Cre: Bowo entertainmentt

Escape From Pocong Horror Map


There are stages in this game:

Haunted house


By searching for it, you must figure out how to escape out of the house.

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Strangeness awaits you in this village. It’s up to you to find out!!


You committed a blunder in this location, and now you’re trapped in a haunting house.

Haunted house

You have to be able to get away from Pocong!!

-Forbidden to add textures!!

-Playable for Multiplayer

-Can use shaders

-Sorry if there are similarities in names and places

Some others Map Minecraft PE you can check in our site –

What happens next? Play now!


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Escape From Pocong Horror Map

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