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Tag: mcpe addon

More Craft Addon

More Craft Addon | Minecraft PE Addons

More craft addon adds spawn eggs, command blocks, bedrock, and golden apple craft. Hasn’t texture only behavior setting. (Adderall)   You can craft on craftables,...

5×5 Parkour [Minigame] | Minecraft PE

If you only have a 5x5 area of space, what do you do? It’s time for 5x5 Parkour! It has a little segment of...

Giant Player items | Minecraft PE Texture Packs

Giant Player items make all items bigger than the original version. You can use it for multiplayer and it won't lag while you're playing. Cre:...

Muskets Add-on | Minecraft PE Addons

Muskets Add-on adds something more than bows and crossbows! It adds a new ranged weapon called muskets! Totally 5 different materials and work perfectly...

The Flash Addon for Minecraft PE (v7)

Superhero themes have never been hot for a part of fans. But what about superheroes in Minecraft? I will tell you about Flash Addon...

SpongeBob Addon for Minecraft Pe

Let explore the city of Bikini Bottom, meet SpongeBob and all of his friends. SpongeBob Addon includes 13 mobs which turn into...

Road Stuff Add-on | Minecraft PE Addon | mcpeaddon.com

Road Stuff Add-on is used in city projects when added with many decorations. This addon adds the signs and 3 traffic cones Cre: CodanRaigenXXI (Youtube) Entities How...