Jurassic Craft World [Creation] | Minecraft PE Map

Let explore Jurassic Craft World in Minecraft Pocket Edition. This map is amazingly created with a detailed and huge map. There are have a lot of interesting things waiting for you in Jurassic Park.

Cre: Gona, Daniel Martinez

You should get familiar with this map, it will show you all of the locations in-game (‘H’ = Spawn)

That is a Visitor Center with a very big hotel. And special, when referring to Jurassic, that place certainly cannot lack prehistoric dinosaurs! With more than 18 different dinosaur types and much more. It’s really cool place for everyone who loves dinosaur

How to get Jurassic Craft World?

The first thing you see when you enter the Jurassic Craft world is that you are on the edge of a hotel. That’s is a huge park, but don’t worry. Let use the jeeps outside the hotel to go around the park. Hold a key (carrot on a stick) and drive the car.

Visitor Center


With 18 different dinosaur types and more, it will make you feel so awesome and you will most likely take hours to explore.

The Brachiosaurus

All of them are placed in a 10,000-volt electric fence to separate them with you

Jurassic Craft World minecraft map

You will find lots of separated fenced areas in the park. The purpose is to separate their species to avoid deadly fighting

Aquatic reptiles:

They can be found in parks or under a lake. Because these Aquatic reptiles have survival for a long time on land, so they are placed in huge aquariums.

Use the tunnels to examine the reptiles, you will be safe behind this strong glass


There are some of the bigger dinosaurs and they are also the most vicious ones



You can get really close to them, even ride them if you’re enough crazy to break the glass!

Please keep yourself safe when standing in front of the dinosaurs, they look very attractive. But the dinosaurs are also looking at you as an equally attractive dish!!

Let explore Jurrassic Map by yourseft


  • Fixed world files

Download Jurassic Craft World Minecraft map

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Gremlin Gaming YT
Gremlin Gaming YT
4 years ago

Bruh its a ben 10 addon

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