Azure Lake (Themepark)

Azure Lake is the work of ImmersionCraft. This world is an amusement park with water. With many novel structures and extremely adventurous games, this will give you new feelings. This will be one of the worlds that you cannot ignore in creative games in Minecraft.

Creator: ImmersionCraft (Youtube, Twitter)

Azure Lake is the work of ImmersionCraft. This world is an amusement park with water. With many novel structures and extremely adventurous games, this will give you new feelings. This will be one of the worlds that you cannot ignore in creative games in Minecraft.


master maps for minecraft
Azure Lake

O-LABS – Explore the scientific testing ground of O-LABS and experience some of their latest creations.

  • Alien Attack
  • Nova

EGYPT – Explore the lands of Ancient Egypt and come face to face with the Egyptian gods.

  • Tomb of the Pharaoh
  • Osiris
Azure Lake

THE JUNGLE – a land filled with spellbinding curses and malicious ancient traps.

  • Turmoil
  • Jungle Curse
  • Temple Trap
Azure Lake
Azure Lake
master maps for minecraft
Azure Lake

Some Minecraft maps you can check more in


Christmas Village Map

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