Ores Plus Addon v5.0.0 | Nether Ores Update! (Compatible with 1.19)

Come to Ores Plus AddOn and check out many cool things in this add-on. There are 8 outfit armors with special powers, 12 new minerals, 10 armors and new tools, plus decorative blocks! That’s a great addon is for you.

Cre: agustinn_, Twitter, Youtube

Ores Plus Addon

If you are facing any problem with the Ores Plus addon, you can report via Discord (2k members)

Nether Ores – New Update

New 4 minerals, palladium, titanium, lead and tane!

Heillish Armor: this armor increases the player’s skills, gives jump effect, speed and strength, apart from granting a few hearts

How is it obtained?

To make the armor you need a Corrupted Crimtane Ingot, for this you need the normal Crimtane Ingot

Material: 4 Infernal Essence, 1 Lead Ingot, 1 Palladium Ingot, 1 Titanium Ingot, and 1 Tane Ingot

Foods Category – Ores Plus Addon

Ores Plus v5.0.0 BP or here (backup link)
Ores Plus v5.0.0 RP or here (backup link)
Ores Plus Mesa Custom UI (Necessary) or here

Minerals Category

12 new minerals

  1. Amber Ore (Rare): Spawning: 48 to 16 – Deepslate Version Spawning: 12 to -16
  2. Cobalt Ore (Common): Spawning: 126 to 36 – Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -24
  3. Jade Ore (Rare): Spawning: 48 to 16 – Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -12
  4. Moonstone Ore (Rare): Spawning: 56 to 32 – Deepslate Version Spawning: -38 to – 64
  5. Mythril Ore (Rare): Spawning: 46 to 12 (only in ice biomes) – Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -12
  6. Platinum Ore (Regular): Spawning: 16 to 1 – Deepslate Version Spawning: 0 to – 52
  7. Rose Quartz Ore (Common): Spawning: 156 to 16 – Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -32
  8. Ruby Ore (Rare): Spawning: 156 to 1 – Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -64
  9. Sapphire Ore (Rare): Spawning: 156 to 1 – Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to -64
  10. Silver Ore (Regular): Spawning: 128 to 16 – Deepslate Version Spawning: 16 to 0
  11. Tungsten Ore (Rare): Spawning: 16 to 1 – Deepslate Version Spawning: -16 to -32
  12. White Diamond Ore (Harder): Spawning: 16 to 1 – Deepslate Version Spawning: -1 to -26

Elemental Armor – Ores Plus Addon

These armors will give you a potion effect as long as you wear it is fully

Amber Armor – Cryo Armor

  • Amber Armor: gives you a regeneration effect, protection of +10 points (protect more than the netherite)
  • Cryo Armor: Provide special ability to create ice, protection of +10 points (protect more than the netherite)

How to craft

The crafting of all elemental armors appears on the elemental table!

Jade ArmorInfernal Armor

  • Jade Armor: Using it will give you a jump effect, protection of +10 points (protect more than the netherite)
  • Infernal Armor: same as jade armor but it will give you a fire protection effect

End Armor – Desert Armor

  • End Armor: it will give you a slow falling effect,  have protection of +10 points (protect more than the netherite).
  • Desert Armor: same as End Armor but it will give you a speed effect.

Ocean Armor – Spinel Armor

  • Ocean Armor: gives you a conduit effect, has a protection of +10 points (protect more than the netherite)
  • Spinel Armor: adds an extra heart bar, these armors have protection of +10 points (protect more than the netherite)

Download Ores Plus Addon V2 (old)

Elemental Totems – Ores Plus addon

The cafting of all elemental totems appears on the elemental table!

  1. Cryo Totem: It will revive when you add an ice protection
  2. Infernal Totem: revive when your protect to the fire much longer
  3. Jade Totem: when you revive will give you a jump boost
  4. Spinel Totem: when reviving you will give you a heart bar for a limited time
  5. Desert Totem: when reviving you will give you speed
  6. Wither Totem: revive will give a wither effect to any entity that surrounds the player

Ores Category

1. Amber Ore: obtained between layers 1 to 64 (quite difficult to find), can use it to create amber gem essence.
2. Cobalt Ore:

  • Obtained between layers 1 to 64, its variant in deepslate between -58 to 16
  • Mineral drops between 1 to 4 cobalt
  • CUtilities: it has no use
    3. Jade Ore: obtained between layers 1 to 64 (quite difficult to find), can use to create jade gem essence.
    4. Moonstone Ore: Obtained between layers 1 to 21 and its variant in deepslate between -58 to 16, can use to create moonstone armor and the mauve armor.
    5. Mythril Ore: obtained between layers 1 to 64 (quite difficult to find), can use to create the essence cryo gem.
    6. Platinum Ore: obtained between layers 1 to 16 and its varian in deepslate between -52 to 16, you can use it to create the elemental table, advanced smithy table and mauve armor.
    7. Rose Quartz Ore:  
  • Obtained between layers 1 to 54 and its variant in deepslate between -32 to 16
  • Mineral drops between 1 to 4 rose quartz
  • Can use to create decorative blocks
    8. Ruby Ore:  obtained between layers 1 to 64 (quite difficult to find it), can use to create ruby armor and tools.
    9. Sapphire Ore: obtained between layers 1 to 64 it is quite difficult to find, can use to create sapphire armor and tools.
    10. Silver Ore: obtained between layers 1 to 64 and its variant in deepslate between -52 to 16, can use to create the rose gold and the silver weapons.
    11. Tungsten Ore: obtained between layers 1 to 16 and its variant in deepslate between -52 to 16, can use to create the pyrite ingot, reinforced ruby armor, elemental table and tungsten armor.
    12. White Diamond Ore: obtained between layers 1 to 16 and its variant in deepslate between -52 to 16, can use it to create the white diamond armor and sword.

Armor Category Ores Plus addon


  • Protection: +21
  • Durability: very high
  • Knockback Resistance: +0.8

Emerald – Ores Plus addon

  • Protection: +10
  • Durability: normal

Mauve armor

  • Protection: +18
  • Durability: very high


  • Protection: +15
  • Durability: high

Pyrite – Ores Plus addon

  • Protection: +20
  • Durability: very high
  • Knockback Resistance: +0.8

Reinforced Ruby

  • Protection: +15
  • Durability: high

Rose Gold

  • Protection: +14
  • Durability: high


  • Protection: +10
  • Durability: normal

Steel Ores Plus addon

  • Protection: +10
  • Durability: very high
  • Knockback Resistance: +0.5


  • Protection: +15
  • Durability: high

Custom pickaxes Ores Plus addon

 These custom pickaxes are necessary for players when mining the addon minerals.

Elemental Swords

To craft it you need yo 1 White diamond and 1 Elemental Gem. (The electro sword is found in the End Cities)

Table’s Category

Elemental Table for creating armor, gems, swords and elemental essences

Advanced Smithing Table: create some armor and tools of the addon

Elemental Armor Category

Elemental Gems:  create armor and elemental sword

Elemental Essences: Amber, cryo, amber, jade and wither essences are crafted


mcpeaddons download

Ores Plus v5.0.0 BP or here (backup link)
Ores Plus v5.0.0 RP or here (backup link)
Ores Plus Mesa Custom UI (Necessary) or here

Old version

Ores Plus Add-On v2.2.0 BP or Here
Ores Plus Add-On v2.2.0 RP or Here
Ores Plus Mesa Custom UI or Here

If you are looking for more cool addons, don’t miss these ones on mcpeaddons.com:

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2 years ago

no work

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien

It does work. Did you ever do it properly. Like getting both packs and activating the experimental tags

2 years ago
Reply to  Sagemufin

The link of rp does not work

2 years ago

Both links are going to the BP, no access to the RP

Mei Mei
2 years ago
Reply to  Cammi

Sorry for this mistake. I will change download link, thanks for reporting to me!

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