Mine-Furniture addon includes 20+ different furniture. This is really a great addon created by MicoLets. Realistic furniture and look really good in the Minecraft world! Such as sitting, some of the furniture can be rotated., some kind of interaction like storage, trading (for ex: the fridge can use for storing food items,…). Mine-Furniture helps us a lot in decorating and build our house in the best way possible.
Cre: MicoLets_MC, Twitter Account
Mine-Furniture Addon
How to get furniture?
Now you can use the trade to get furniture items: Find or spawn a Villager –> Interact it with Bit-Emerald to spawn a Furniture Seller.

How to use the DL Box?
- Put down a DL Box
- Use any furniture items to build the furniture (long press on the box).
- The DL Box replaces the shulker, so you need to get a shulker spawn egg to spawn it (or type: /summon shulker)
Some furniture replaces blocks, so you can find using the create inventory. (A full list of furniture on this page)
Different furniture has different features. For example: The radio can play a song but you’ll need a CD for that.

- iOS / Android: Hold a Rock Song CD, long press on the radio and press Play
- Windows 10: Hold a Rock Song CD and right-click on the radio to play a song

Full list of furniture
- DLBox (Undyed Shulker): Unboxes to get the furniture you want
- Drum (Purple Shulker): Long pressing on Drum with a stick to play
- Computer (Black Shulker):
- Turn it on, you can store your write and enchant books (3 Slots)
- Turn it off: use some Bit-Emerald by interacting to the computer. You can earn emeralds every 5 – 6 minutes.
- Statue (White Shulker): upgrade it into a Statue Guard (long press with Golden Pickaxe and Trophy Statue by long press with Stone Pickaxe)
- Radio (Red Shulker): using the CDs (Pop, Rock, Blues Songs) to play songs
- Table (Orange Shulker): store 2 Food Items
- Drop items on the table
- Long press on it to access the items
- Chair (Yellow Shulker): Sittable, can change the size
- Long press on it with Golden Pickaxe
- Long press with a Chair to change it back
- Fridge (Green Shulker): Store food items
- Coffee Table (Lime Shulker): store 2 Food Items,
- Drop items on the table
- Long press on it to access the items
- You can change the size by long pressing on it with Golden Pickaxe (long pressing with a Coffee Table Item to change it back)
- Stool (Blue Shulker): Sittable, can change size by long pressing on it with Golden Pickaxe (long-pressing a Stool to change it back)
- Blender (Cyan Shulker): Blend apples, melons, potatoes and carrots into potions
- BBQ Grill (Light Blue Shulker): Cook your raw meat and fishes using one Block of Coal
- Safe / Vault (Magenta Shulker): Can be used to hide your important items. Using a Safe Card to lock/unlock
- Bin (Pink Shulker): Drop your items in the bin, collect them by long pressing on it.
- Bathtub (Gray Shulker): You can sit in the bathtub
- Fill it up with water.
- Use a soap (Light Gray Dye) to add some water and then have a seat.
- Long press on it with an empty bucket to empty the bathtub
- Toilet (Brown Shulker): Sittable
- Flat-Screen TV, Telephone, Mailbox, Aircon, Teddy Bear (Heads): Design
- Electric Fan (Dragon Head): You can turn it on by placing a lever on it.
- Improved Beds (Normal Beds)
- Baby Cribs (Brown and Magenta Beds)

This sheep replace an armchair, use a stick to rotate armchair and you can dye them with dyes

Furniture Items
The list of items that interact with furniture includes some wearable items.
- Snorkel (Chain Helmet): Can breathe and see underwater.
- Amulet (Chain Chestplate): unlimited regeneration and strength.
- Magical Diaper (Chain Leggings): turn into a baby size (The skin is custom though)
- Slime Boots (Chain Boots): jump high and no fall damage.
You can only the items to a Furniture Seller (Villager Priest) or using the command “/give @p Item ID 64 Data” (For example: /give @p yellow_flower 64 1) in the Following Items:
- Blues CD (yellow_flower:1): Play Blues Songs using radio
- Pop CD (yellow_flower:2): Play Pop Songs using radio
- Rock CD (yellow_flower:3): Play Blues Songs using radio
- Furniture Remover (yellow_flower:4): remove Furniture instantly
- Safe Card (yellow_flower:5): Lock/Unlock Safe
- Red Gift (yellow_flower:6): obtain Equipment items!
- Blue Gift (yellow_flower:7): obtain Food items!
Tip: If you don’t want to open a gift yet, don’t equip the gifts. It will open them once you equip it. Sometimes, you will get coal inside those gifts
- Furniture Repairer (yellow_flower:8): Repair/Heal Furniture
- Hedge (Nether Reactor Core): Decoration using as a wall.
- Lava Lamp (Glowing Obsidian): use as a Light Source, great for Decoration.
- Barrels (Shulker Box): store items.
Note: If you can’t sit, open, or interact with the furniture. You must unequip dyes or spawn DLBox so you can interact them
Wear Magic Diapers to transform into a baby! (The skin is custom though)

- Remodeled and retextured furniture!
- Use Stone Pickaxe transform into “Trophy Statue”
- Added Particles and Sound Effects while Unboxing or using Furniture
- Tables and Coffee Tables can put Foods in Inventory
- Furniture drops 10 Bit-Emeralds (Shulker Shell)
- Computers can Spawn emeralds (take 5 – 6 Minutes)
- Computers can equip your Written Books and Enchanted Books
- Turn on and off the computer! (But you need to put shulker shell (Bit-Emerald) to turn off)
- Fridge Can Freeze Water Bucket into Ice!
- Spawn Villager Priest using Bit-Emerald to get all these Furniture Items to the Furniture Seller
- Add Furniture Items: Blues CD, Pop CD, Rock CD, Furniture Remover, Safe Card, Red Gift, Blue Gift, Furniture Repairer, Barrels, Hedge, Lava Lamp, Snorkel, Amulet, Magical Diaper, Slime Boots
- Bugs Fixed!
Download Mine-Furniture Addon
You can get Mine-Furniture Addon by use .ZIP file here: Mine-Furniture Addon.zip
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