Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 [HD]

Welcome to the Fnaf Texture Pack Series by Pedrinho1799! This time, we’ll show you the map for Five Nights at Freddy’s 3! This time we’re in the Horror Attraction, where you’ll find the most terrifying scares! Now is the time to download!

Autor:Pedrinho1799 (Youtube, Twitter

Five Nights at Freddy’s 3

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Returns with a brand new Five Nights at Freddy’s texture for Minecraft Bedrock Edition from Pedrinho1799! Attractions can be enjoyable! This one, on the other hand, will stay with you for the rest of your life! Thirty years after the Freddy Fazbears Corporation closed its doors, The Horror Atrraction returns to offer you a genuine fear. Now that the doors to the public are only a week away, your duty is to make sure nothing catches fire and that everything is ready when the doors open!

Some Maps Minecraft PE you can check in

Attention! This map is an older version that has not been updated; however, it will be updated in the future!

Atraction Locations


If you download and are in Zip, rename the file to [FNAF3]ByPedrinho1799.mcworld or just remove the “.zip” from the name.


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