Diminutos 2 Map for MCPE (Survival/Adventure)

Diminutos 2 map – tiny 2 is a survival adventure map that you can venture through the different mobs. They exist within the map such as hulk, bat, creeper, rabbit, block, bookshelf, …

Cre: TEAM CUBITOS MC, Twitter, Youtube

Diminutos 2 Map

The second part of the smallest adventure in all Minecraft bedrock with many new cool things is waiting for you. Will you be able to defeat the bookseller? Thwart all the evil plans that he has in mind

This map includes 12 challenge, try to complete the achievements on the map in order to save this little world

Some captures of Diminutos 2 map

Start exploring 12 different mobs that exist within the Diminutos 2 map

The map at the moment is with instructions in Spanish


If you share this work, please respect the original link to the publication of the website of: Cubitos MC. Do not use direct links. “Thank you!


– Fixed error correction
– Added new item for 1.16
– Updated some commands
– Balance changes in mobs
– This update focuses on improving the game experience of the map


Diminutos 2 Map

👉 If you like this survival map, you can also check our Complete the Labyrinth, End Expansion [BETA]

master maps for minecraft

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